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We know how to deal with you, India warns Pakistan

It is precisely this attitude of looking at Indian concerns as bullying that will take Pakistan further deeper into the clutches of extremists. The explosions n Lahore and the explosives recovery is a clear indication that arms and ammunitions is in no short supply in Pakistan and with the hate between India and Pakistan, several disgruntled elements can take up violence or influence others into taking up violence.

Now can anyone disagree that their is a growing animosity between India and Pakistan and large sections of Pakistan echo this sentiment? The reasons could be several including perception, media and least of all Hafiz Saeed and team. Given you would agree with this statement, is it impossible to imagine that influencial people with a degree of motivation cannot arrange funds and raise a militant outfit that targets India? It is very much a possibility in India and I don't ignore that fact. However, no concrete evidence is provided by Pakistan yet.

Several people have ignored terror attacks like the Mumbai and forget that atleast 10 people are being tried in the courts of Pakistan. If Pakistan has high moral, why would you do it a secret trial ? Why not show to the world that Pakistan has an independent judiciary instead of dealing with it behind closed doors.

Another thing that has surfaced is the arrest of more than 10 top Taliban top brass in cities far away from Afghanistan. This is an indication that the movement of explosives, training and funding of terrorism is not something impossible in Pakistan and people with a radical mindset can and are attempting to cause trouble in various places inside and outside Pakistan.
Yes and WE HAVE ALWAYS KNOWN HOW TO DEAL WITH YOU india..... actions speak louder then words no wonder there never is any peace between the 2 countires but i must say silly and cowardly words always come out from some joker in a high seat from the indian gov or from someone high ranking in there armed forces unreal and a joke grow up india no one is scared of you specially Pakistan & Chine so choose your words wisely Furthermore , i must tell you all that threats from india are also on the way to China just yesterday i was watching indian news as i have many channels on dish and the topic was india's China killer missle lolz they are now calling there new missle China killer so as you can see never anything postive or good comes out of the indian gov and there media ... the indian gov is like a bad kid just asking for a really bad a$$ wipping . I would like to see peace in the region and would want to see india to talk about such things not war and war figitng words it will not solve anything rather cause more tension's in the region a thought to think about.
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Yes and WE HAVE ALWAYS KNOWN HOW TO DEAL WITH YOU india..... actions speak louder then words no wonder there never is any peace between the 2 countires but i must say silly and cowardly words always come out from some joker in a high seat from the indian gov or from someone high ranking in there aremed forces unreal and a joke. Furthermore , i must tell you all that threats from india are also on the way to China just yesterday i was watching indian news as i have many channels on dish and the topic was india's China killer missle lolz they are now calling there new missle China killer so as you can see never anything postive or comes out of the indian gov ... the indian gov is like a bad kid just asking for a really bad a$$ wipping . I would like to see peace in the region and would want to see india to talk about such things not war and war figitng words .

TOPGUN, an immature post and I was expecting something better. Forget about Indian media, we have 200 channels and the department of information broadcasting does not have that many people working for it. So your correlation between Indian channels and GoI is nothing but a good bedtime story. I dont have to answer the rest as your reasoning falls flat.

BTW, care to answer my previous post and that will be much appreciated. Thanks.
It is precisely this attitude of looking at Indian concerns as bullying that will take Pakistan further deeper into the clutches of extremists.

that makes no sense at all. What is the relation?

The explosions n Lahore and the explosives recovery is a clear indication that arms and ammunitions is in no short supply in Pakistan

indian meddling never helped either

and with the hate between India and Pakistan, several disgruntled elements can take up violence or influence others into taking up violence.

have you heard of Pakistanis celebrating after mumbai attacks??

I have heard of indians celebrating and making a mockery out of the terrorism affecting Pakistan.

So spare us your bullshit.

Now can anyone disagree that their is a growing animosity between India and Pakistan and large sections of Pakistan echo this sentiment?

blame your sensationalist corporate media which feeds off the frenzy

The reasons could be several including perception, media and least of all Hafiz Saeed and team.

indians have a habit of thinking Mr. Saeed, Mr. Hamid and Lt. Gen (retd.) Gul represent all Pakistan sentiment.

I personally have no problem with any of these 3 gentlemen. Some do. Same way Mr. Thakeray or Modi are liked by some, hated by some.

Set aside your emotions; emotions get you killed.

Given you would agree with this statement, is it impossible to imagine that influencial people with a degree of motivation cannot arrange funds and raise a militant outfit that targets India? It is very much a possibility in India and I don't ignore that fact. However, no concrete evidence is provided by Pakistan yet.

when hindoostanys fail to provide sufficient evidence, the courts cannot take action. We wont please or placate the indians just for the sake of it. No Pakistani wants that. It wont be allowed.

Several people have ignored terror attacks like the Mumbai and forget that atleast 10 people are being tried in the courts of Pakistan.

We are sick and tired about hearing about Mumbai attacks. It's old news. People die every day, is india some special exception? We have our own problems with terrorism, which has killed 3000 civilians in the past 2-3 years.

Those tried in Pakistan court will receive the justice they deserved -- in their favour or not in their favour --based on concrete EVIDENCE

not marathi prose and pictures of Yamaha engines

If Pakistan has high moral, why would you do it a secret trial ? Why not show to the world that Pakistan has an independent judiciary instead of dealing with it behind closed doors.


What about Kasab's trial?! You spent hundreds of thousands of dollars (could have gone to india's desperately poor) just to build a tunnel from his prison cell to the court room!!!

Get the fack outta here

Another thing that has surfaced is the arrest of more than 10 top Taliban top brass in cities far away from Afghanistan. This is an indication that the movement of explosives, training and funding of terrorism is not something impossible in Pakistan and people with a radical mindset can and are attempting to cause trouble in various places inside and outside Pakistan.

that's why we should take action against indian (diplomatically, as well as other 'channels') for exploiting poor people to do things they wouldnt normally do

dont make the mistake of thinking Pakistanis are overly-patient people.

best advice anybody could have ever given you for today.

this indian statement is hipocracy ... first non stop rant of peace and dialogue and now this provocative statement .. ? wtf !?
this indian statement is hipocracy ... first non stop rant of peace and dialogue and now this provocative statement .. ? wtf !?

these statements come after some very provocative statements by the foreign minister of Pakistan which were very well publicized in India. currently both countries are locked into a bitter war of words which is quite normal and not to be taken seriously.
Yeah sounds good, but dont take a chance yo!!!


Was reading BBC this caught my attention :P

Government rules out all-dog insurance plan

The government has ruled out forcing all dog owners to insure against their pets attacking people - a week after suggesting the idea

The 1991 Dangerous Dogs Act banned ownership of four types: the pit bull terrier, the Japanese tosa, the dogo Argentino and the fila Brasileiro.

It also gave police powers to deal with any dogs, of whatever breed, that became out of control in a public place - with destruction of the animal the ultimate sanction.

BBC News - Government rules out all-dog insurance plan
that makes no sense at all. What is the relation?
Many of the members in PDF call this bullying and I tend to think that Pakistan is too deep in emotion before you understand the content and it is no different with you Mr. Think Tank.

indian meddling never helped either

Proof Mr.Think Tank ? Your minister himself has made a statement about the lack of evidence. Do you want to be the first?

have you heard of Pakistanis celebrating after mumbai attacks??
I have heard of indians celebrating and making a mockery out of the terrorism affecting Pakistan.

Have you heard about Indians celebrating after Pakistan winning the world cup. I can't point out others but I my friends missed going to school that day and celebrated Pakistan's victory after the match. So just cut out the crap. Don't degrade Indians with your peanut sized brain.

blame your sensationalist corporate media which feeds off the frenzy

Providing prime time to Mr. Saeed. Excellent Pakistani media. Let him spread the language of hate and Think Tanks like you have no problems with him.

indians have a habit of thinking Mr. Saeed, Mr. Hamid and Lt. Gen (retd.) Gul represent all Pakistan sentiment.

I personally have no problem with any of these 3 gentlemen. Some do. Same way Mr. Thakeray or Modi are liked by some, hated by some.

Set aside your emotions; emotions get you killed.

The problem with us is the people of Pakistan are very tolerant just like you and don't mind extremists and radicals breathing down their neck or for that matter casting an evil eye on the neighbours. About Mr. Thackeray and Mr. Modi. Both of them are holding political office and play little games to gain popularity. Have they dont anything other than going ahead with their day to day work apart from making noises that have nothing to do with violence in Pakistan?

when hindoostanys fail to provide sufficient evidence, the courts cannot take action. We wont please or placate the indians just for the sake of it. No Pakistani wants that. It wont be allowed.

Is Kasab an Indian ? Is LeT not an organisation in Pakistan that is banned by the UN. Is JuD still not working in Pakistan though it is banned by international bodies. Why are 10 people being tried and have not been granted bail if they were lambs? Their I rest my case.

We are sick and tired about hearing about Mumbai attacks. It's old news. People die every day, is india some special exception? We have our own problems with terrorism, which has killed 3000 civilians in the past 2-3 years.

People die every day in your country as the value of life has diminished so has your currency. That does not mean you be the root cause of proliferating such violence in other countries. People killed in your country is a sorry affair but do not treat it even as you are in the middle of WoT, we are not.

Those tried in Pakistan court will receive the justice they deserved -- in their favour or not in their favour --based on concrete EVIDENCE

India asked for voice samples of People in Pakistan to match the voice samples recorded during the 26/11. Pakistan to this day has refused to provide voice sample. Should I say more about evidence?

not marathi prose and pictures of Yamaha engines
digression Mr. Think Tank

What about Kasab's trial?! You spent hundreds of thousands of dollars (could have gone to india's desperately poor) just to build a tunnel from his prison cell to the court room!!!

Ya we have problems in fine tuning our delivery mechanism but that does not mean you do a secret Santa.

Get the fack outta here
:no: Oh here you go Mr. Think Tank. Who think you are ?

that's why we should take action against indian (diplomatically, as well as other 'channels') for exploiting poor people to do things they wouldnt normally do

dont make the mistake of thinking Pakistanis are overly-patient people.

best advice anybody could have ever given you for today.


Yes sir, now go have wet dreams with Zaid videos.
these statements come after some very provocative statements by the foreign minister of Pakistan which were very well publicized in India. currently both countries are locked into a bitter war of words which is quite normal and not to be taken seriously.

I don't recall the Pakistani FM threatening to attack India or 'deal with it' from an offensive standpoint.

India set herself up for that response by blaming Pakistan every chance she got and setting absurd conditions before restarting dialog - what did you expect after a year+ worth of negative propaganda, anti-Pakistan diplomacy and non-stop allegations and threats against Pakistan?

What is happening is India is reverting back into the anti-Pakistan mentality and global propaganda efforts as Pakistan strengthens its position in the WoT and with NATO by taking some major steps in support of the NATO mission. Interesting coincidence eh ... :lol:
and cease the encouragement of terrorism targeted against India.'
This should be the last time I hear Indians complaining about the lack of evidence from the Pakistani side when alleging Indian involvement in terrorism in Pakistan
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