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‘We hoped for peace but war is declared against us from Pakistani territory’: President Ghani

Bengalis to get a stable eastern border which was pouring in with fleeing Bengalis

A lot of Kashmiris also poured into AJK too from IOK. But then you would start whining if we apply the same logic to you.
You said: "We dont Supply arms to insurgent groups"
True or False: False -- whatever the reason.

1. Out of the 90K ~50k were civilians -- people who worked as civil servants -- I'm still trying to find out if you held them at prisoner.
2. No parallel in history -- have your forgotten WWII, WWI -- where do you read history?
where did some hand over 90 POW'S of enemy with full honor , No Trial ... read the history and point one out to me

A lot of Kashmiris also poured into AJK too from IOK. But then you would start whining if we apply the same logic to you.
Yeah to get training and become militants ... Thanks for ur kind rehabilitation of Kashmiris...
where did some hand over 90 POW'S of enemy with full honor , No Trial ... read the history and point one out to me

Are you fucking kidding me -- hundreds of thousands were taken prisoner -- would someone want to be taken prisoner by Indian Army or say US Army -- there is no comparison.
Thread has gone off-topic. No more Pakistan v india stuff please.
A nation than has the rape capital of the world cannot be expected to treat POWs better than they treat their own daughters.
our state doesnt discriminate between citizens Gender, religion... infact the law get tougher when it comes to women protection ,,,

And MIND you India comes no where near the world top sexual crime statistics considering the population ... for India its just ....2.0 per 100,000 people while its 24.1 per 100,000 in United Kingdome, 28.6 per 100,000 in US , 66.5 per 100,000 in Sweden , its just that every rape in our country gets media coverage and gets reported ...
our state doesnt discriminate between citizens Gender, religion... infact the law get tougher when it comes to women protection ,,,

And MIND you India comes no where near the world top sexual crime statistics considering the population ... for India its just ....2.0 per 100,000 people while its 24.1 per 100,000 in United Kingdome, 28.6 per 100,000 in US , 66.5 per 100,000 in Sweden , its just that every rape in our country gets media coverage and gets reported ...

That is because crimes are not reported (by the women due to shame) in India just like other developing and conservative countries you moron!

How do they brainwash you -- I'd like to know.

Yeah the law is one thing enforcement another -- Isn't India also the female genocide capital of the world where female fetuses are aborted?

indians can be our friend but never trust these afghans they are biggest enemy of Pakistan


That is so true---I will trust an Indian over an afghan.

Let me put it this way---I will trust 7 out of 10 Indians.

I will trust 2 out of 10 afghans and even them not completely.
Afghanistan’s Ghani: Pakistan Needs to Do Something About the Taliban | The Diplomat

It seems the Afghan-Pakistan rapprochement was, indeed, a mirage.


After a bloody weekend in Kabul and a Monday morning suicide bombing at the airport, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani addressed the nation. His statement was firmly directed at Pakistan. One of the most-remarked-upon aspects of Ghani’s presidency has been his willingness to work with Pakistan–a country his predecessor, Hamid Karzai, had a noticeably antagonistic relationship with. But the rapprochement may indeed have been a mirage.

Ghani said, “Pakistan still remains a venue and ground for gatherings from which mercenaries send us messages of war.” He called out Pakistan’s relative silence with regard to the skyrocketing civilian toll of Taliban attacks. The Afghan president urged Pakistan to imagine that the spate of attacks rocking Kabul over the weekend had occurred in Islamabad, carried out by groups with bases in Afghanistan: “Will you have looked at us as friends or enemies?”

The latest iteration of the peace process in Afghanistan was born and died in less than a month. An early July meeting between a delegation from the Afghan High Peace Council and members of the Taliban in Islamabad, facilitated by the Pakistanis, was heralded as an extraordinary (though at the same time minute) step forward. I wrote at the time:

The Taliban, ostensibly still led by Mullah Omar (who no one seems to be sure is still alive), has fractured between field commanders carrying on the fight in Afghanistan and political leadership based outside of the country, mostly in Pakistan. While Ghani’s strategy in wooing Pakistan into helping press the Taliban leadership to the table might, one day, turn into a peace process–the Afghan government will still need to deal with the fighters in the field.

Turns out, Mullah Omar is dead and has been for two years. The fracturing of the Taliban seems to have accelerated after the news broke–conveniently right before the second round of peace talks was to take place.

Ghani, in his Monday address, said that future moves toward peace talks would be done by Afghanistan alone. “We don’t want Pakistan to bring the Taliban to peace talks, but to stop the Taliban’s activities on their soil,” he said.

Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has said in the past that the enemies of Afghanistan are the enemies of Pakistan. Ghani is unwilling to take him solely at his word: “now the time has come for him to prove it.” Ghani said that the Taliban was operating bomb-making factories and suicide training centers in Pakistan and that Islamabad needs to do more to cut the Taliban off. “We know they have sanctuaries there, we know they are active there. We need all those activities to be stopped,” he said, as reported by the AP.

The wave of bombings over the weekend–resulting in over 50 deaths and hundreds of injuries– has been seen by many as the fallout of a leadership struggle following the confirmation of Mullah Omar’s 2013 death (and subsequent revelation of a two-year coverup) and the recent appointment of Mullah Akhtar Muhammad Mansour to replace him as the leader of the Taliban. While the Taliban, in its original form, drew strength from the unity that differentiated the movement from the various mujahideen parties, it finds itself now just as fractious as the mujahideen of the early 1990s. Meanwhile, ISIS has emerged as an alternative, perhaps just in terms of branding if not connection to the original group fighting in Iraq and Syria.
Bro. The thing with Afghanistan - India relation ship is that when Afghans wanted equipment India refused. What ever the reasons may be for the refusal maybe are not the issue here. The issue is will India be able to deliver the required numbers in time when the Indian Army and Indian Air Force require x amount for their own use.

I am against supply of any lethal equipment for the Afghans. Only non lethal aid. Equipment supply which will aid in logistical capabilities, of course, should be forwarded.

Not so simple...The infrastructure development works taken up by the chinese in places claimed by us and sending soldiers in guise of workers has not gone down well with our establishment. Our repeated requests have fallen on deaf ears. Our interests will be protected.

Then, that particular entity needs to be handled.
True or False: False -- whatever the reason.

1. Out of the 90K ~50k were civilians -- people who worked as civil servants -- I'm still trying to find out if you held them at prisoner.
2. No parallel in history -- have your forgotten WWII, WWI -- where do you read history?
3. You mean Bengalis who bayoneted Urdu speaking civilians in streets, boiled Biharis alive -- these people were supported by you? not looking too good eh?

India is about as good or as bad as the rest of South Asia.

You can read about Pakistani aviators who had to eject over India -- most of them tell of being blindfolded for extended periods of time, beaten, deprived of food.

A nation than has the rape capital of the world cannot be expected to treat POWs better than they treat their own daughters.[/QUOTE]

Atleast we are not pedophiles!!!!!!
Its time Pakistan starts ignoring this fool as we did you Karzai.
yeh log kutey ki dun hain, hazar saal se seedhy ne huey to ab kia hon gye..
Picture of the news conference -- full court press -- the guy on the right is the NDS chief who refused to sign the MOU, Rahmatullah Nabil (oh and he was educated at UET Peshawar -- lol) the guy who is second from the left is the Afghan NSA Hanif Atmar (he lost one of his legs fighting as a commando against the Mujahideen in the 1980s -- but considered levelheaded).

Article here, excerpts below:


In the wake of alarmingly deteriorating security situation across the country, President Ashraf Ghani addressed a hurriedly convened press conference in Kabul on Monday afternoon.

Flanked by many senior officials of the national unity government and security agencies, President Ghani looked visibly troubled over what he called “significant developments” over the past few days.

Under fire from the civil society for adopting soft approach towards Pakistan, President Ghani sought to answer many questions regarding relations between Kabul and Islamabad and the ongoing peace process.


“Our enemies had been waiting for a power vacuum so they could take advantage of and see the government collapse. However, none of the gloomy predictions turned to reality,” President Ghani said, recalling how some doomsayers had warned that the government will not sustain beyond few days.


“The enemy who was fighting to gain some territory and to claim a victory has now had its backbone broken. It is so desperate now that it has turned to cowardly attacks against innocent people just to weaken people’s morale,” President Ghani affirmed.


“Just as the incident in Peshawar and the killing of hundreds of innocent children in a school became a turning point in Pakistan, the recent incidents in Kabul and other provinces are no less and we call it a turning point for Afghanistan,” President Ghani said.

The government of Afghanistan, he emphasized, made “all sincere efforts for peace” but the efforts have not been reciprocated in letter and spirit.

“The decisions that Pakistani government will be making in the next few weeks will be significant to affect bilateral relations for the next decades,” President Ghani said.

“The security of our people and the national interests of Afghanistan lay the basis of our relationship with Pakistan. We can no longer tolerate to see our people bleeding in a war exported and imposed on us from outside,” he hastened to add.

Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, during his telephonic conversation with President Ghani on Monday, pledged to direct his government “to chart out an action plan against terrorism” and discuss its implementation during a visit by an Afghan delegation on coming Thursday, he said.

“We hoped for peace, but war is declared against us from Pakistani territory; this in fact puts into display clear hostility against a neighboring country,” President Ghani said.

“I ask the government and people of Pakistan to imagine that a terrorist attack just like the one in Kabul’s Shah Shahid area took place in Islamabad and the groups behind it had sanctuaries in Afghanistan and ran offices and training centers in our big cities, what would have been your reaction? Will you have looked at us as friends or enemies,” he said.


He concluded by saying that the relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan are“based on our national interests”, of which security and safety of Afghans is paramount.

“If our people continue to be killed, relations lose meaning and I hope it will not happen,” President Ghani warned.
As if pakistan is any better than afghanistan.

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