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‘We hoped for peace but war is declared against us from Pakistani territory’: President Ghani

Helmand and Kandahar are not Pakistani territory , Taliban are operating freely in those provinces

The installed government of Afghanistan has two clear choices

1. Launch large scale military operations in provinces where there are Taliban strongholds , establish writ
2. Agree on some power sharing mechanism with the Taliban

Option 2 also depends if Taliban are willing to listen , they have survived 14 years of war and perhaps now they smell blood.

Blaming Pakistan is age old failed randi rona that india has perfected and it has taught the same to afghan factions allied to india, this is not gonna work

Ghani is being made to bark up the wrong tree by the self proclaimed "king makers" ( Dostum recently boasted of being one ) , like I said , Helmand and Kandahar are not Pakistani territory
Its about time that nadra cancels ashraf ghani's pakistani cnic
Maybe we should also invade afghanistan for protecting ******* Fazlullah and attacking APS.
seriously why we dont invade afghanistan to take out their terrorists' sanctuaries there.

Aps was a major slap on our face and hard blow. We still acted decent towards afghanistan but now time to attack them and ruthlessly slaughter their mercenaries.

Time to rip apart Doval and Modi
the hard work by Indians has worked out eventually
Ghani is badly shaken due to the punitive back to back bombings and firing attacks on Kabul for agreeing to get closer to Pakistan and join the Muree peace negotiations.
taliban were and always unreliable wild card. the timing of the demise of Mullah Omar is also unfortunate that played in the hands of those who were suffering fits over the warming up of Pak -Afghan relationships. if they dont play ball then maybe finally Pakistan will have to join Afghanistan to completely destroy Taliban as an entity to eliminate them from the stage.

it is natural that we will blame all those who stand to benefit from the Pak/ Afghan rift once again. it can be Indians and it can be ISIS. Pakistan's hard work seems to be slipping due to the punishment Kabul has received but this was expected and I hope Pakistani leadership has some contingency planning to counter this situation
Pakistan should understand that she cannot battle three fronts. Iran, Afghanistan and India. Pakistan should allow international forces or Indian Army to launch operations against these militants. They should first allow IA to destroy the terrorists camps inside ***. Once they are destroyed then pakistan will not have any front at Indian side and htey can move some of their forces towards western borders and concentrate better.
Fighting war at three sides will create civil problems and ultimately will be devastating for Pakistan
Who said we were fighting Iran? And who said Afghanistan can harm us?
Edit: Can an afghan member answer these questions. Regards

i don't get what he wants from us. If he wants to get rid of them, why is he not going after them.
Does he want us to go into Afghanistan and get rid of the Taliban?
Is he asking for us to hand over the leadership of the Taliban(who control more than half the Af - Pak border on the Afghanistan side)?. If this is the case then the world should know the exact amount of area controlled by ANA. A press conference should be arranged where it should be highlighted with a map to show exactly how much area do the ANA control and how much area do they not. I think people will then be able to make a clear judgment. right now its just a blame game with no concrete information.
Because if the ANA have no control over those border areas, does it mean that the people are against the ANA and support the Taliban?..or are the Afghan Taliban keeping them hostage like we saw in our tribal areas?

When you get a concise answer please also let the Afghan nation know.

Afghans unfortunately seem to rely on magical realism -- where all fingers point to an evil Pakistan.

Good Luck!
Think how difficult it would be for PA to manage three fronts and then on top of it ISIS..Just image the shithole these terrorist going to create. You need more armies to counter them.

He is not fooling anyone. It your intelligence agencies who are fooling rest of your country men by propagating their own vested agenda. More over its ISI own's assets which are hitting them back.

I guess Pakistanis feel for Indian mothers -- otherwise they would be encouraging India to send troops into Afghanistan.

The main issue is there is no proper equipment available to ANA. That is why they are only able to move in in very small numbers and if they do some how manage to increase the numbers then they can not continue to hold the area gained. The resistance knows this and retake the lost area knowing that this time the ANA would not enter the area that they have previously cleared. US surveillance and drone strikes are also limited to high profile targets.

The world's two most powerful Militaries found operating in Afghanistan challenging -- I doubt it that aircraft are the issue.

Can someone tell me how many aircraft the Taliban have in their Air Force.
Its the indians who are feeding and encouraging these Afghans to act tough towards us.

Yeah and Afghans are stupid that they are blindly following Indians.

Deep seated hatred of Pakistan is embedded in Afghan psyche now -- If Indians fed Pakistanis stuff to hate Afghanistan, would it make a different?
Yeah and Afghans are stupid that they are blindly following Indians.

Deep seated hatred of Pakistan is embedded in Afghan psyche now -- If Indians fed Pakistanis stuff to hate Afghanistan, would it make a different?
No but indians are NOT our friends and can NEVER be our friends as the user who i originally quoted stated in his comment.
I think we should go for something what... completely finish this kutay bila game like ANA and Afghan Govt... and their kutay Indians.... finish once for all... gearup team and lets finish the game .... re-take Afghanistan and hold pro Pakistani govt....
They are same man, same , Those puppet Afghans , even worse

Afghans are much much worse.

I don't remember seeing any India cheering the murder of Pakistani Children during the Peshawar school massacre -- the only ones cheering it were Afghans. I suspect many of the cheering Afghans had lived in Pakistan as refugees.

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