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‘We hoped for peace but war is declared against us from Pakistani territory’: President Ghani

As long as the pakistanis were talking good to the Afghans, there was a lull in violence in pakistan. Ghani was wishing good relations with pakistan. But pakistanis...who are masters is shooting their own foot messed and missed this olive branch. I'm afraid there will again be a hike in violence in pak. If India plays it wisely, she can make things interesting especially in CPEC.
If India plays it wisely, she can make things interesting especially in CPEC.

You should try, just don't cry foul when the same is returned.
The problem with your strategic dreams is that you folks have little reach in the region. Bangladesh was different for obvious reasons.
Ironically you are scolding Pakistan for terrorism but advocating it yourself.
I don't understand on one hand the new leader is described as an ISI stooge, who is calling for peace. The Taliban is splitting into different factions, some of these want continued war and they have control over large swathes of land. They have the ability to plan, prepare and execute attacks of this magnitude within Afghanistan.

The ANA is in its infancy and it will take time to for them to clean up their own country, like Pakistan did in South and North Waziristan and other agencies.

The main issue is there is no proper equipment available to ANA. That is why they are only able to move in in very small numbers and if they do some how manage to increase the numbers then they can not continue to hold the area gained. The resistance knows this and retake the lost area knowing that this time the ANA would not enter the area that they have previously cleared. US surveillance and drone strikes are also limited to high profile targets.
As long as the pakistanis were talking good to the Afghans, there was a lull in violence in pakistan. Ghani was wishing good relations with pakistan. But pakistanis...who are masters is shooting their own foot messed and missed this olive branch. I'm afraid there will again be a hike in violence in pak. If India plays it wisely, she can make things interesting especially in CPEC.

Right now the only country that should be talking of experiencing a hike of violence is India, and that is what is exactly happening right now in that country. Your wet dreams don't change reality
You should try, just don't cry foul when the same is returned.
The problem with your strategic dreams is that you folks have little reach in the region. Bangladesh was different for obvious reasons.
Ironically you are scolding Pakistan for terrorism but advocating it yourself.
See...I'm in no way "advocating" terrorism but lets be open. Crying foul and returning the favor have been happening for decades between both the nations. I'm not at all talking about Bangladesh here. Regarding the reach India has, I'm not going to elaborate on that. You can link the dots and see the events unfolding. CPEC has been on India's radar for obvious reasons. It's only naive of you to think India wont act in this regard. The development China has been doing in Pak Admn Kashmir which is claimed by India have seriously ruffled India's feathers...and despite repeated requests, there has been no effort from your side to address our concerns. Hence, India is only forced to retaliate.

Right now the only country that should be talking of experiencing a hike of violence is India, and that is what is exactly happening right now in that country. Your wet dreams don't change reality
In the present scenario, India dosent need to dream...it can simply get things done at her will. The recent kidnapping and immediate release of Indians by ISIS speaks volumes about the reach Indian intel agencies have far away in the middle east. What makes you think we dont have that capacity in our backyard. ? ;)
If India plays it wisely, she can make things interesting especially in CPEC.

We should stay away from this. There is no winner in this fight. Provide, whatever, support is requested by the Afghans. Provide them with facilities and training for their citizens. But, only what is requested.
We should stay away from this. There is no winner in this fight. Provide, whatever, support is requested by the Afghans. Provide them with facilities and training for their citizens. But, only what is requested.
Not so simple...The infrastructure development works taken up by the chinese in places claimed by us and sending soldiers in guise of workers has not gone down well with our establishment. Our repeated requests have fallen on deaf ears. Our interests will be protected.
We should stay away from this. There is no winner in this fight. Provide, whatever, support is requested by the Afghans. Provide them with facilities and training for their citizens. But, only what is requested.
Bro. The thing with Afghanistan - India relation ship is that when Afghans wanted equipment India refused. What ever the reasons may be for the refusal maybe are not the issue here. The issue is will India be able to deliver the required numbers in time when the Indian Army and Indian Air Force require x amount for their own use.
Weren't there some peace talks recently? What happened now?
See...I'm in no way "advocating" terrorism but lets be open. Crying foul and returning the favor have been happening for decades between both the nations. I'm not at all talking about Bangladesh here. Regarding the reach India has, I'm not going to elaborate on that. You can link the dots and see the events unfolding. CPEC has been on India's radar for obvious reasons. It's only naive of you to think India wont act in this regard. The development China has been doing in Pak Admn Kashmir which is claimed by India have seriously ruffled India's feathers...and despite repeated requests, there has been no effort from your side to address our concerns. Hence, India is only forced to retaliate.

If you want to be "open" , then please have the decency to not sugar coat what you said above. It is terrorism. As for unfolding events, Pakistan and China are both watching very carefully, and to pursue an aggressive line, over projects that are purely economic nature is both unfair and absurd. Going down this road will get your fingers burnt.
India do not need to intervene directly in afghan affairs with pakistan. we are doing what we can for the people of Afghanistan in economical way and keeping surveillance over which way talks with talibans goes

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