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We have good, historic relations with Turkey but their current occupation must end: Taliban Spokesperson

Pakistan Space Agency

Apr 22, 2019
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United Kingdom
The Taliban Spokesperson Suhail Shaheen talking to TRT World said that Afghanistan has always had good relations with Turkey historically but they are currently part of the occupying force despite they played only a non-combatant role since the occupation began.

If Turkey wants to protect the airport and/or other buildings in Afghanistan, they will need to end the current occupation phase. When the Taliban are in power, Turkey and the Afghan Emirate can then negotiate new agreements but not during this occupying phase.

The spokesperson further clarified, if Turkish troops don't leave by the 11 September 2021, they will be treated as occupiers.

Not sure what the Turks think they'll achieve by agitating the Taliban when all other occupying forces have left peacefully as per the agreement.
The Taliban Spokesperson Suhail Shaheen talking to TRT World said that Afghanistan has always had good relations with Turkey historically but they are currently part of the occupying force despite they played only a non-combatant role since the occupation began.

If Turkey wants to protect the airport and/or other buildings in Afghanistan, they will need to end the current occupation phase. When the Taliban are in power, Turkey and the Afghan Emirate can then negotiate new agreements but not during this occupying phase.

The spokesperson further clarified, if Turkish troops don't leave by the 11 September 2021, they will be treated as occupiers.

Not sure what the Turks think they'll achieve by agitating the Taliban when all other occupying forces have left peacefully as per the agreement.
I think the taliban offer is very sensible.
Turkey wants to protect the airport then it must work with taliban fighters. They will have no choice
Turkiye is part of NATO forces in Afghanistan to gather intelligence on NATO plans and pass on the same to ISI and Taliban.
But NATO has pretty much left Afghanistan and they don't ever want to return to Afghanistan ever again.
I am not surprised that Erdogan's TV channel is talking to the Taliban. Will TRT channel talk in a non-hostile manner, in fact talk at all, with Bashar al Assad or the leftist Afghan movement, the SPA ?


Taliban is controlled by ISI/Pakistan.

SPA is controlled by Syria/Iran

Turkiye is a friend of Pakistan not Syria or Iran.

Taliban is controlled by ISI/Pakistan.

I think that is in the past. Now the Taliban is just a nationalist force who wants to be left alone to rule the country in the depraved way it desires.

SPA is controlled by Syria/Iran

I don't think so. Yes, the SPA supports Syria against the Turkish government but from whatever I could read from its website it is against all movements and governments that use religion to impose anti-human values.

As for Iran, this is its article from 2011 :
The brutal regime of Islamic Republic of Iran is far ahead of all despotic regimes in torture and killing of different-thinkers and freedom-lovers.

SPA's statement on International Day to Defend Political Prisoners of Iran
In the recent months, the regime has started a wave of execution of warriors and from the start of the year, on average one prisoner is killed in every eight hours. To uncover these crimes of walayat faqih (“government of the theologian”), 29th January has been announced as International Day to Defend Political Prisoners of Iran. Solidarity Party of Afghanistan (SPA) is proud to say that we will have demonstrations in many cities and if we didn’t have financial constraints and difficulties, we would have taken action approximately in all over Afghanistan.

In parallel to public uprisings of warrior people of Iran, the Hitleristic regime of Khamenei / Ahmadinejad is relying on execution of imprisoned freedom-fighters to try to frighten them. But the regime has turned a blind eye to the last year when Farzad Kamangar was executed along with his four comrades, Dr. Saeed Masori wrote from the prison: “Don’t make us afraid of chopped head… Woe is we, if the execution of our friends and compatriots make us frightened instead of more provocation… To show how much I am afraid of these executions, I am ready to be the sixth one executed after these five people.” This dominion and great answer which is indeed current words of majority of imprisoned freedom-lovers and people of Iran that the knife has reached to their bone marrow, undoubtedly has shaken the criminal regime and has made the regime more crazy and lunatic.

The nonstop insult, torture and shoot down of freedom fighters of Iran by executors of regime, makes our people remember the bitter days of criminals of Jehadies, Taliban, Russian invaders and their Khalqi and Parchami when they hanged thousands of aware and patriot human beings or sent them to slaughter-field of Pul-e-Charkhi prison without any trial, but the so called free world were not more than a neutral viewer. But on its own turn, SPA can’t view the massacre of the bravest and most reflective children of Iran from today’s world blind eyes and so considers her solidarity with revolutionary forces of Iran as her non-missing duty. Those organizations, press and intellectuals who eludes to show their decisive and explicit support with freedom fighters of Iran and don’t condemn and decry bloody regime of walayat faqih ("government of the theologian") , will carry a shameful face with them in the history.


Our people are passing harsh moments under the claws of various enemies. The endless corruption of mafia government, unemployment, poverty and covered shameful deals with “Jehadi Brothers” and “Talib Jan – Beloved Taliban” has tormented the tolerant shoulders of people. The invader American and allies in collusion with regional countries are busy all day and night in civilians’ bombardments, humiliation and their cruel house-search of our poor and innocent people, and calls all of these crimes and oppressions as “War Against Terrorism”, “Reconstruction” and “Development”. Similarly, the disastrous Islamic Regime of Iran which is converted into the regional cancer has hunted, killed, displaced our refugee people in masses, and uses such bad words against our people which only their own heads deserve.

In coordination with International Committee against Executions, SPA strongly condemns the secret and visible executions by bloody and traitor regime of Iran and expresses her heartedly solidarity with the relatives and followers of these victims.

We are empowered by the resistance warrior women and men of Iran who have even changed the slaughterhouse of walayat faqih into combating ground. Their inspiring letter and songs; and hopeful, energetic and stimulating cry all mournful mothers makes our party members more resolute in struggle for independence and democracy against religious and non-religious despotism. We fully believe that people of Iran having such mothers and youths who are honor of freedom-lover humanity, will reach to victory. We consider the victory of people of Iran over regime of scourge and gallows as victory of our own afflicted and injured people. Today Tunisia, tomorrow Iran and Afghanistan!

Long live and keep roaring the freedom-loving movement of people of Iran!
Shame and down with bloody and traitor regime of Khamenei /Ahmadinejad!
Keep up the solidarity of freedom-loving forces of Iran and Afghanistan!

Solidarity Parity of Afghanistan
January 29, 2011

Turkiye is a friend of Pakistan not Syria or Iran.

Isn't Pakistan wanting to work with Russia which is an opponent of Turkey ?
Leaving and coming back under a new agreement is the best thing.
The Taliban are in no mood for keeping on how things ran.
The fact they said they have historic links shows they respect Turkey.
I am not surprised that Erdogan's TV channel is talking to the Taliban. Will TRT channel talk in a non-hostile manner, in fact talk at all, with Bashar al Assad or the leftist Afghan movement, the ?
You again started about the nobodies SPA like a broken record?

They are irrelevant. You have to link their Wikipedia page every time you talk about them just to let people know who they are…

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