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We have good, historic relations with Turkey but their current occupation must end: Taliban Spokesperson

You again started about the nobodies SPA like a broken record?

They are irrelevant. You have to link their Wikipedia page every time you talk about them just to let people know who they are…

Irrelevant ? What constitutes "relevant" in your mind ? 30,000 SPA members are "irrelevant" but armed Taliban criminals in somewhat more numbers are "relevant" ?

If Afghan women and the sensible men are given a choice between Taliban rule and SPA-guided governance which do you think they will they choose ?
When did Russia and Turkey become opponents? Was that before or after Russia delivered the S-400 missile defence system to Turkey?

You make the most dumbest claims on this forum like some crazy Indian.

Turkiye is buying S-400 from Russia to pass on the classified S-400 details to the US just like China is buying S-400 to reverse engineer.

Turkiye is building Istanbul Canal to allow US military into Black sea and to undermine and weaken Russia.

Currently, Turkiye is prevented to allow US military into the Black sea using Bosporus strait by Montreux Convention.
Turkish involvement makes no strategic sense
Actually it makes lot of sense. The fact is Turkey is a Muslim heart grafted in a Western body. It is in all intents and purposes a Western country as much as Bosnia, Kosova or even Greece or Italy are. This contradiction can be seen in Turkish presence in Afghanistan.

Turkey arrived in Afghanistan as the Taliban spokesman wryly notes as part of the crusaders America/NATO in 2001. However it did desist from joining active combat operations but let there be no mistake Turkish soldiers arrived in Kabul with other crusaders as one team to topple the Taliban and support the illigitmate regime of Karzai. The Turks have continued to be part of that team to date.

Now they want to stay behind to guard the airport which in fact amounts to helping Kabul regime and America/West as that airport would be used to supply and support ANA and if needed give chance to Amrulah Saleh etc to escape justice.

I hope Turks understand that they can't stay their as custodians of the crusaders. And I think the Taliban spokesman made that very, very clear. Of course he says as Turks are welcome as guests etc but not while in uniform holding guns on behalf of the crusaders.

This point really hit me hard when Erdogan even asked Presiden Biden to pay Turkey to hold the airport. This amounts to being aid contractors of the crusaders.
No one controls the Taliban and no one can. I think that's what 20-years of failed occupation of Afghanistan has taught the world.

Taliban is part of ISI which is part of Pakistan's military.

Yes. I agree no power on earth can control and confront Taliban / ISI / PA
Irrelevant ? What constitutes "relevant" in your mind ? 30,000 SPA members are "irrelevant" but armed Taliban criminals in somewhat more numbers are "relevant" ?

If Afghan women and the sensible men are given a choice between Taliban rule and SPA-guided governance which do you think they will they choose ?
Yes. Irrelevant. As you literally have to link their Wikipedia page every time you mention them. That’s the level of their irrelevance.

Reality on ground is they are no where relevant for any western or eastern media to be talking about the joke SPA. You can claim 30 million membership if you want.

You are completely removed from reality. Now go and worship the beacons of humanity communists like Dostum, Stalin and Pol Pot.
Yes. Irrelevant. As you literally have to link their Wikipedia page every time you mention them. That’s the level of their irrelevance.

Reality on ground is they are no where relevant for any western or eastern media to be talking about the joke SPA. You can claim 30 million membership if you want.

You seem to me to be in a hurry to legitimize the Taliban. Why ?

You are completely removed from reality.

Tell that to the ghost of the Afghan woman Farkhunda who was lynched by a mob incited by a mullah in a Kabul bazaar in 2015. Here, read this Wiki page about it in case you don't know of it. I think the lynching's vid is still available on the net. This incident happened because progressives like SPA are not in governance. Or will you as casually sidestep this incident too ? Whether Farkhunda in Afg or Mashal Khan in Pak they all are victims of Talibani mindset.
You seem to me to be in a hurry to legitimize the Taliban. Why ?
What legitimization? Thats the facts on the ground which can’t be wished away. You sound like NKVD. What next you will wish me to gulag for saying what is really the ground reality?

Tell that to the ghost of the Afghan woman Farkhunda who was lynched by a mob incited by a mullah in a Kabul bazaar in 2015. Here, read this Wiki page about it in case you don't know of it. I think the lynching's vid is still available on the net. This incident happened because progressives like SPA are not in governance. Or will you as casually sidestep this incident too ? Whether Farkhunda in Afg or Mashal Khan in Pak they all are victims of Talibani mindset.
Will not change the reality on the ground.

You are pissed that people are not interviewing SPA. Let me tell you again, they are irrelevant. No one will interview them. Drill that into you mind.
Yeah, I had forgotten about that. So what is the current status of this deal ? Those S-400s are fully operational ? What about the question of Syria ?
Your response is daft.

How does the operational status of S-400 confirms/denies whether Russia and Turkey are friends or foe?

Putin, Erdogan discuss connection of Turkish banks to Russian financial messaging system

Turkish Space Agency chief says interested in cooperation with Russia

What legitimization? Thats the facts on the ground which can’t be wished away. You sound like NKVD. What next you will wish me to gulag for saying what is really the ground reality?

You are a difficult person.

Your response is daft.

How does the operational status of S-400 confirms/denies whether Russia and Turkey are friends or foe?

Putin, Erdogan discuss connection of Turkish banks to Russian financial messaging system

Turkish Space Agency chief says interested in cooperation with Russia

I will take time to read your links.

Now go and worship the beacons of humanity communists like Dostum

Dostum betrayed the last progressive president Najibullah and got him into the hands of the Taliban. I think I have told you this before.
Dostum betrayed the last progressive president Najibullah and got him into the hands of the Taliban. I think I have told you this before.
And who betrayed first progressive presidents Tarakai and Amin? The later being murdered in his underwear while running towards his saviors for having to come to his rescue.
from talian official

Everyone is aware that all foreign forces are to withdraw from our beloved homeland on the basis of the Doha agreement – a decision endorsed by the United Nations and the international community as well as welcomed and endorsed by majority of countries including the foreign minister of Turkey who was present at the signing ceremony.

Now as the leadership of Turkey has announced maintaining troops and extending the occupation of our country at the behest and in agreement with America, the following points are worth considering:

1 – The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and the Afghan people maintain historic, cultural and religious bonds with the Muslim people of Turkey. The extension of occupation will arouse emotions of resentment and hostility inside our country towards Turkish officials and will damage bilateral ties.

2 – The decision of Turkish leadership is ill-advised, a violation of our sovereignty and territorial integrity and against our national interests. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan condemns this reprehensible decision in the strongest terms as it will induce problems between Turkish and Afghan nations. And we strongly urge Turkish officials to reverse their decision due to it being detrimental for both countries.

3 – We consider stay of foreign forces in our homeland by any country under whatever pretext as occupation, and invaders will be dealt with on the basis of the fatwa of fifteen hundred distinguished scholars issued in the year 1422 Hijri Lunar (2001) – a fatwa under which the past twenty-year Jihad has been waged.

4 – We urge the Muslim Turkish people and its astute politicians to raise their voices against this decision because it is neither beneficial for Turkey nor Afghanistan, rather it only creates problems and issues between both Muslim nations.

5 – Our policy remains that we seek good and positive relations with all countries based on reciprocal conduct. We neither interfere in the affairs of others nor allow others to interfere in our own affairs.

6 – We remind Turkish officials that it is better we maintain positive and good relations in light of accepted principles instead of making such ill-advised decisions, to extend hands of cooperation to one another and to adopt common understanding and positions for common challenges and interests.

7 – We had been in contact with Turkish officials for some time and held multiple meetings where they assured us that they would not make such a unilateral decision without our approval. The current decision they have made is a breach of their own covenant.

8 – If Turkish officials fail to reconsider their decision and continue the occupation of our country, the Islamic Emirate and the Afghan nation – in line with their religious, conscientious and patriotic duty – will take a stand against them as they have stood against the two-decade occupation, in which case the responsibility for all consequences shall fall on shoulders of those who interfere in the affairs of others and make such ill-advised decisions.

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

03/12/1442 Hijri Lunar

22/04/1400 Hijri Solar 13/07/2021 Gregorian

The statement seems very clear cut in the matter and it could prove to be problematic for our Turkish brothers.

I certainly hope the issue is resolved sooner than later.

I don't know how the Turkish forces would be able maintain their supply lines if they are faced with a hostile government (which the Taliban would likely form soon enough).

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