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We do not even match up Pakistan as far defence goes: IAF Vice Chief

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Jun 18, 2009
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We do not even match up Pakistan as far defence goes: IAF Vice Chief

NEW DELHI, Nov. 19 (APP) Indian Air Force Vice Chief Air Marshal P K Barbora while complaining against Indian political class for playing politics on military requirements said “as far as defence goes, we don’t even match up with Pakistan.”Playing politics over defence purchases impinged “very badly” on the country’s military requirements,” he told a CII seminar on energising aviation sector in India.

P K Barbora while expressing dissatisfaction also about India’s Defence exports said, “as far as defence goes, we don’t even match up with Pakistan.”“The internal politics over the years is such that whatever defence requirements are cleared by the government, they are opposed by the opposition parties and the same happens when roles change and opposition sits in government, “ he said.

Barbora’s observations on Tuesday about recruitment of women pilots in IAF also generated heated debate in the media.

He had said “they may be recruited as fighter pilots provided they do not become mother till a certain age.” He also suggested that having woman pilots in IAF may be a bad investment for the government.

Today, he said he did not mean that what had been debated in the media over his remarks saying those were his personal views and not the policy of the Ministry of Defence.:pakistan:

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - We do not even match up Pakistan as far defence goes: IAF Vice Chief

I think he was giving a very realistic and true opinion, he specifically mentioned pakistan leading this context, and by that he meant both the indiginization and export of "Made in Pakistan" arms, amunition and equipment.
We do not even match up Pakistan as far defence goes: IAF Vice Chief
Not true. It's a ploy to get the Indian political leadership to pay attention to the IAF's demands. The VCAS realizes that unless he throws the P word in their, his demands won't be met. Most defence organizations in the wrold engage in such propaganda, the Iaf is no different. How do you think the USAF tried to justify the aquisition demand for 700+ F-22s? By exaggerating the Soviet, later Russian, threats.

There is absolutely no reason for Pakistanis to feel any differently because of this report. Indian war fighting potential, particularly in the air, is miles ahead. PAF is well aware of this, let's not fool ourslves.
2-3 threads are opened about the same news ..Mods please merge it..
what BS....

India has the 4th largest Air Force in the world and it will soon get 126-200 Advanced Fighters.

Pakistani Air Force is no match for Indian Air Force.

Even with our skilled pilots...Indian Air Force will just saturate our defences.
He is right , Pakistani Airforce is best this qoute should be used with every reference in future :pakistan:
Even in 1971, a war Pakistan lost, Pakistani Air Force inflicted heavy damage on Indian military, according to celebrated American pilot Chuck Yeager who was the first to break the sound barrier.

"This airforce(the PAF), is second to none"
"The air war lasted two weeks and the Pakistanis scored a
three-to-one kill ratio, knocking out 102 Russian-made Indian jets and losing thirty-four airplanes of their own. I'm certain about the figures because I went out several times a day in a chopper and counted the wrecks below." "They were really good, aggressive dogfighters and proficient in gunnery and air combat tactics. I was damned impressed. Those guys just lived and breathed flying. "

(General (Retd.) Chuck Yeager (USAF) , Book: Yeager, the

Haq's Musings: Demolishing Indian War Myths about Pakistan
Even in 1971, a war Pakistan lost, Pakistani Air Force inflicted heavy damage on Indian military, according to celebrated American pilot Chuck Yeager who was the first to break the sound barrier.

"This airforce(the PAF), is second to none"
"The air war lasted two weeks and the Pakistanis scored a
three-to-one kill ratio, knocking out 102 Russian-made Indian jets and losing thirty-four airplanes of their own. I'm certain about the figures because I went out several times a day in a chopper and counted the wrecks below." "They were really good, aggressive dogfighters and proficient in gunnery and air combat tactics. I was damned impressed. Those guys just lived and breathed flying. "

(General (Retd.) Chuck Yeager (USAF) , Book: Yeager, the

Haq's Musings: Demolishing Indian War Myths about Pakistan

Buddy Chuck Yeager was a notable Anti Indian Pro Pakistani man and if I am not mistaken he trained Pakistani Air force personal too..How can he say that his students performed low than that of his enemies??
Buddy Chuck Yeager was a notable Anti Indian Pro Pakistani man and if I am not mistaken he trained Pakistani Air force personal too..How can he say that his students performed low than that of his enemies??
Don't be so judgmental. Take criticism in stride, learn from expert opinion, and there is little doubting that Chuck Yeager is an expert. Facts and figures of the 1971 air war have been discussed many times, and there is little disagreeing with what RiazHaq has posted. However, we are not discussing that war here, this news is about today. Let's leave that discussion at that.

For Pakistanis foolish enough to believe this has any real meaning, please know that the above statement, by the IAF VCAS, is nothing more than an attempt to exaggerate the threat and blackmail the political leadership into giving into the IAFs immense demands. Regardless of what side of the border you are on, when it comes to wheeling in public support, one sure shot way of doing so is to exaggerate the threat from the other country. Politics and defence go hand in hand. I say it again, Indian air war fighting potential is very impressive, and the first step towards countering it is acknowledging it. Living in fantasies won't help us one bit.

My personal opinion, not that anybody should give a damn about what I think, is that a country where almost half the population lives below the international poverty line, $10 Billion for expensive fighter jets is a bit extreme, especially with something like the Su-30MKI already in the inventory. But its their money, they may wish to spend it the way they want, it's none of our business. If it were my government doing so, I would definitely ask questions. The attitude currently being displayed by Indian military services is the kind of attitude that will accelerate the arms race in South Asia. It's disappointing to say the least.
Don't be so judgmental. Take criticism in stride, learn from expert opinion, and there is little doubting that Chuck Yeager is an expert. Facts and figures of the 1971 air war have been discussed many times, and there is little disagreeing with what RiazHaq has posted. However, we are not discussing that war here, this news is about today. Let's leave that discussion at that.

For Pakistanis foolish enough to believe this has any real meaning, please know that the above statement, by the IAF VCAS, is nothing more than an attempt to exaggerate the threat and blackmail the political leadership into giving into the IAFs immense demands. Regardless of what side of the border you are on, when it comes to wheeling in public support, one sure shot way of doing so is to exaggerate the threat from the other country. Politics and defence go hand in hand. I say it again, Indian air war fighting potential is very impressive, and the first step towards countering it is acknowledging it. Living in fantasies won't help us one bit.

My personal opinion, not that anybody should give a damn about what I think, is that a country where almost half the population lives below the international poverty line, $10 Billion for expensive fighter jets is a bit extreme, especially with something like the Su-30MKI already in the inventory. But its their money, they may wish to spend it the way they want, it's none of our business. If it were my government doing so, I would definitely ask questions. The attitude currently being displayed by Indian military services is the kind of attitude that will accelerate the arms race in South Asia. It's disappointing to say the least.

PAFace i am not saying that he is not a expert infact he is one of the outstanding pilot the world seen..and Pakistan Air Force pilots learned a lot from his expertise but did you happen to read his articles?His hatred for India is clearly visible there..So can you think he is capable of a constructive judgment regarding the performance of Indian Air force pilots??

About MRCA as you know that most of the Aircrafts we have are of soviet origin and due to lack of spare parts and bad quality spare parts..these air crafts are fast become obsolete we need to replace them ASAP and also we also need to counter China too ..They are fastly upgrading their weapons and developing new weapon systems we need to have a minimum credible deterrence against both these countries...
Don't be so judgmental. Take criticism in stride, learn from expert opinion, and there is little doubting that Chuck Yeager is an expert. Facts and figures of the 1971 air war have been discussed many times, and there is little disagreeing with what RiazHaq has posted. However, we are not discussing that war here, this news is about today. Let's leave that discussion at that.

For Pakistanis foolish enough to believe this has any real meaning, please know that the above statement, by the IAF VCAS, is nothing more than an attempt to exaggerate the threat and blackmail the political leadership into giving into the IAFs immense demands. Regardless of what side of the border you are on, when it comes to wheeling in public support, one sure shot way of doing so is to exaggerate the threat from the other country. Politics and defence go hand in hand. I say it again, Indian air war fighting potential is very impressive, and the first step towards countering it is acknowledging it. Living in fantasies won't help us one bit.

My personal opinion, not that anybody should give a damn about what I think, is that a country where almost half the population lives below the international poverty line, $10 Billion for expensive fighter jets is a bit extreme, especially with something like the Su-30MKI already in the inventory. But its their money, they may wish to spend it the way they want, it's none of our business. If it were my government doing so, I would definitely ask questions. The attitude currently being displayed by Indian military services is the kind of attitude that will accelerate the arms race in South Asia. It's disappointing to say the least.
Look… arm race is a type of war that bleeds the economy. What US did to USSR. If India is doing it, I think it has the potential to sustain and win against Pakistan. A smart move by India to win without going to war.
About MRCA as you know that most of the Aircrafts we have are of soviet origin and due to lack of spare parts and bad quality spare parts..these air crafts are fast become obsolete we need to replace them ASAP and also we also need to counter China too ..They are fastly upgrading their weapons and developing new weapon systems we need to have a minimum credible deterrence against both these countries...
That was part of my point above. China has been in a stronger military and economic position for over two decades. Not once did they show any serious intention to get involved in a military conflict with you. Now that you are capable of countering most Pakistani conventional threats, you look to China. Remember, it was India that increased posturing on the Sino-Indian border, not China.

It is a repetitive cycle, and it never ends. One must define where "defence" ends and "offence" begins. My suggestion to you is this, think of what real threats India faces, and then think of what you already have to counter them. You will find that you are in a pretty good situation as it as, even without all the excessive arms build-up, at which point, you might begin to see the MMRCA and such deals as the public theft they really are (at least to me). The reason I am so concerned is this; the more you build your arms, the more we will have to build ours. This will cost us money directly taken away from the common man; the middle class worker, the farmer, the teacher, the mechanic, the truck driver and many other deserving people.
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