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We can’t lose China, EU leaders say, China-Russia bromance freaking EU leaders out. Now they’re booking flights to Beijing

We can’t lose China, EU leaders say

Xi Jinping’s blooming bromance with Vladimir Putin is freaking EU leaders out. Now they’re booking flights to Beijing.

MARCH 24, 2023 1:36 AM CET


MARCH 24, 2023 1:36 AM CET

BRUSSELS — European leaders are suddenly falling over each other to get to China.

Amid growing concern that Chinese leader Xi Jinping is hardening his support for Russia’s war in Ukraine, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez announced on Thursday he will fly to Beijing for talks next week. Emmanuel Macron, the French president, will follow on a longer-planned trip on April 4.

A succession of European Union leaders used a summit in Brussels to raise the alarm about China’s ostentatious backing for Vladimir Putin this week, warning that they could not stand by while Beijing and Moscow cement an alliance that risks tipping the world deeper into crisis.

Their concerns followed Xi’s high-profile trip to the Russian capital, which shored up the position of his longstanding friend, Putin.

During a private session in Brussels, Macron urged his colleagues to redouble their efforts to stop China from deepening its support for Russia's invasion. “The French president underlined the need to make the utmost efforts to ensure that China does not support Russia and its capacity to move ahead with the war,” an EU official said.

The stakes in the shifting geopolitical dynamics could hardly be higher for Europe, or the wider world. A firmer partnership between China and Russia would risk escalating the Ukraine war into a conflict between NATO governments and Beijing, as well as Moscow.

Then there is the looming threat of a military clash between Beijing and Washington over Taiwan, which Western analysts say is at growing risk of invasion by Chinese forces.

Even without a military escalation, tensions are rising between Beijing and the West over security and trade. In recent weeks, a series of European governments have hit Chinese-owned social media company TikTok with restrictions, amid concern that Beijing’s dominance of technology poses a security risk to the West.

At the same time, EU governments are drawing up plans to limit their reliance on China for critical raw materials such as lithium for electric car batteries.

Speaking to media during the summit in Brussels, Latvian leader Krišjānis Kariņš described the Xi-Putin meeting in Moscow as “eye-opening for Europe.”

The meeting, he said, showed that “China is not taking the role of a broker [but is] moving overtly on the side of Russia and this is a difficulty for all of us.” Kariņš added that Beijing has the driving seat in its relationship with Russia, but it remains unclear where they want to drive this relationship.

Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda and Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson also expressed concerns over the possibility of China providing concrete support to Russia, according to two diplomats involved in the summit in Brussels.

Spain’s Sánchez, meanwhile, confirmed he would be meeting Xi in China next week. Spanish officials said he would discuss China’s position paper on Ukraine. Spain will take over the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU from Sweden later this year.

While EU leaders raised fears over the closer Moscow-Beijing ties, there was no consensus in Brussels on whether the bloc as a whole should adopt a new approach to China.

Luxembourg's Prime Minister Xavier Bettel called for continued engagement with Beijing to try to bring the Chinese closer.

We might need China one day​

"China is not perfect, but we might need it one day," one EU official said. "Several member states share this assessment."

Others, though, are seemingly in support of a tougher line on China given the latest situation.

Macron’s diplomatic adviser, Emmanuel Bonne, talked to top Chinese diplomat Wang Yi on Thursday. “China expects France and other European countries to play a part in … pursuing political resolution,” Wang said.

During his Moscow trip this week, Xi made no public promises of military support for Russia. However, U.S. officials have been warning of Beijing's willingness to give lethal aid to Moscow. POLITICO reported that 1,000 assault rifles and other equipment that could be used for military purposes have been sent to Russia from Chinese companies.

Western hypocrisy at best, while its fine for sending warships into Chinese waters and putting sanctions at the Chinese companies but then China is not even allowed to have friends either.
Western hypocrisy at best, while its fine for sending warships into Chinese waters and putting sanctions at the Chinese companies but then China is not even allowed to have friends either.

It would make sense if they were in a position of supremacy. However, it is absolutely insane considering that in reality, China is now in a superior position and Europe especially, are basically serfs of a waning and declining US empire.
True. China will continue to manufacture the supplies and just transit them through Vietnam, Indonesia and Bangladesh with a "Made in So and So country" stamp on it. It's going to be the Western consumer that is going to be fucked through and through.

More I think about it, China really only has much to gain from the West sanctioning it and nearly nothing to lose. They probably made this calculation and that's why they no longer give a **** about even trying to accommodate any US concerns or interests. They have made it clear they are going to kill the dollar and they give no fucks anymore.

Unfortunately, I am inclined to agree with you. Things can be very very expensive in America and I wouldn't like that.

For the longest I have been telling my family in Pakistan that things are so cheap in America. Incredibly cheap. Petrol/gasoline may have hit around $4/Gallon (about 3.75 liters) max briefly once or twice in my area in DECADES that I have known historically but I filled my small car a few days ago at $2.90 a gallon. I drive without ever worrying about costs. I hate to admit it but true. Imagine those with gas-guzzlers doing it. Mine is a tiny vehicle which does 40+ mpg on highway.

The post-pandemic inflation has been hurting a large part of America but not me with my 6 figure salary and no kids and living in the rural South. But when extreme punitive sanctions are applied against China then, I am afraid, my own standard of living is going to go down, albeit not as drastically as most Americans I know in my circle. And about 99% of my circle is WASP. I fear chaos around me and perhaps even personal safety at risk.
Unfortunately, I am inclined to agree with you. Things can be very very expensive in America and I wouldn't like that.

For the longest I have been telling my family in Pakistan that things are so cheap in America. Incredibly cheap. Petrol/gasoline may have hit around $4/Gallon (about 3.75 liters) max briefly once or twice in my area in DECADES that I have known historically but I filled my small car a few days ago at $2.90 a gallon. I drive without ever worrying about costs. I hate to admit it but true. Imagine those with gas-guzzlers doing it. Mine is a tiny vehicle which does 40+ mpg on highway.

The post-pandemic inflation has been hurting a large part of America but not me with my 6 figure salary and no kids and living in the rural South. But when extreme punitive sanctions are applied against China then, I am afraid, my own standard of living is going to go down, albeit not as drastically as most Americans I know in my circle. And about 99% of my circle is WASP. I fear chaos around me and perhaps even personal safety at risk.
American savings, which are already pitiful, are collapsing at an accelerated rate because of the astronomical rise of inflation which are eating into the purchasing power and living standards of average Americans. If sanctions are applied to China, the cost of everything, everywhere will soar at once.

And we are not even talking about the coming de-dollarization that is now being accelerated. That will expose the rotten foundations that current US prosperity is built on, essentially money printing and debt building. When the circulation and demand for the USD declines by even 20-30%, the ability of the Fed to stimulate the economy and grow wealth will be severely destroyed and any attempts at quantitative easing to relieve the economy will be met by hyperinflation.

Again, Americans are DEEPLY, GROSSLY IGNORANT about this reality and instead they are deluded by hubris thinking that America in invincible, although in just the past few weeks, we are already seeing seismic shifts indicating that the balance of power has already irreversibly changed and will only ACCELERATE moving forward.
American savings, which are already pitiful, are collapsing at an accelerated rate because of the astronomical rise of inflation which are eating into the purchasing power and living standards of average Americans. If sanctions are applied to China, the cost of everything, everywhere will soar at once.

And we are not even talking about the coming de-dollarization that is now being accelerated. That will expose the rotten foundations that current US prosperity is built on, essentially money printing and debt building. When the circulation and demand for the USD declines by even 20-30%, the ability of the Fed to stimulate the economy and grow wealth will be severely destroyed and any attempts at quantitative easing to relieve the economy will be met by hyperinflation.

Again, Americans are DEEPLY, GROSSLY IGNORANT about this reality and instead they are deluded by hubris thinking that America in invincible, although in just the past few weeks, we are already seeing seismic shifts indicating that the balance of power has already irreversibly changed and will only ACCELERATE moving forward.

What you are saying is a very sad and scaring scenario. I live a good life in America. I did in Pakistan too. On a purely selfish level, I wouldn't want to disturb that.

But my hope is that America, which is absolutely capable of being a totally isolationist nation while still totally self sufficient will find its bearings. But firstly the 'foreign entanglements' for the war-machine would have to be let go of. Donald Trump in 2016 was NOT an aberration. To me he was an expression of a deeply isolationist American sentiment which was suppressed by the war machine for decades and decades before. That sentiment still exists and perhaps is growing stronger and stronger
What you are saying is a very sad and scaring scenario. I live a good life in America. I did in Pakistan too. On a purely selfish level, I wouldn't want to disturb that.

But my hope is that America, which is absolutely capable of being a totally isolationist nation while still totally self sufficient will find its bearings. But firstly the 'foreign entanglements' for the war-machine would have to be let go of. Donald Trump in 2016 was NOT an aberration. To me he was an expression of a deeply isolationist American sentiment which was suppressed by the war machine for decades and decades before. That sentiment still exists and perhaps is growing stronger and stronger
It’s not like I want the impending collapse in prosperity to come but it was obvious when you saw the psychopathy in Americas ruling class and the destructive policies they pursued.

I’m trying to figure out my next move just like you are as we have to adapt to these fast changing realities.
People have the misconception that China value its relations with US and EU major powers such as UK, France and Germany so much. The following chart of relations of many countries says all, the horizontal scale to the right indicates increasing importance while the vertical scale going upward indicates increasing closeness. As can be seen, Russia is the most collaborated and important country, the US has the highest importance and Japan is least trusted and not so important country for China.

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Western hypocrisy at best, while its fine for sending warships into Chinese waters and putting sanctions at the Chinese companies but then China is not even allowed to have friends either.

I hope this is real

And bring that war USA NATO fostering in Ukraine to an end

https://****/thearcangel/36085 💪💪💪🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳👏👏👏👍👍👍



China will officially join Iran to arm Russia,

https://halturnerradioshow.com/inde...icially-arm-russia-if-kiev-refuses-peace-plan. 💪💪💪🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳👏👏👏👏👍👍👍BREAKING NEWS: CHINA TO OFFICIALLY ARM RUSSIA IF KIEV REFUSES PEACE PLAN
21 MARCH 2023
HITS: 30807

China will officially join Iran to arm Russia, "if Kyiv does not accept the Chinese peace plan."

That is the information coming directly from the China delegation accompanying President Xi Jinping during his ongoing state visit to Russia.

Xi is expected to call Ukraine President Zelensky later this week; perhaps FROM MOSCOW during Xi's state visit!

Washington's response was like lightning: The Free World officially rejects China peace plan for Ukraine: "China's ceasefire initiative is an attempt to give Russia time to launch a new offensive." - The White House.


I bet China 24/7 and overtime ramping up production of Firedragons and drones and more in readiness to send to Russia and in preparation for Reunion with Taiwan. 💪💪💪🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳

Putin must get and use this to. Denazified demilitarised Ukraine 😆😆😆🙏🙏p🙏https://eurasiantimes.com/chinas-tb-001-twin-tailed-scorpion-combat-uav-spotted/ 🥁🥁🥁

China’s Tengoen TB-001 drone was photographed recently carrying a full load of air-to-ground munitions of missiles and bombs, indicating the force-multiplier effect the Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) can have on the battlefield. The photo of the drone was shared over multiple social media and Twitter accounts, which showed the drone carrying twelve AGM ordnance – five each on each wing and two air-to-surface missiles on launcher racks on the underside. 🥁🥁🥁Bomber Drone!

The TB-001, often known as the ‘twin-tailed scorpion,’ was developed by the Sichuan-based Tengoen Technology. Distinguished by its twin-tail booms and first launched in September 2017, it has a range of about 6,000-8,000 kilometers and a maximum flight time of 35 hours.


It has a maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of over 3,000 kg and a service ceiling of 32808 feet. It also has an unusually positioned three-propeller configuration, with one on each wing and the other a push-propeller at the end of the main fuselage.

This flight altitude is higher than the effective interception range of the short-range surface-to-air missiles, improving the operational safety of the UCAV. 0000000000000000000000.

Delivery of Firedragons (300km range CEP 1m)


and Chinese suicide drones by the hundreds of boxes

Get thousands and tens of thousands of Chinese FH-901 suicide drones.
Get a hundred boxes to start with

FH-901 carry 10 times the bang of Switchblade, much longer loitering time and can carry out swarming attacks.

That will make Murican Switchblade look like a switchblade brought to a machine gun fight.

Zelensky and rest of NATO gangsters will crawl 3 times around Red Square and beg forgiveness
Especially as after de nazification of Ukraine, Russia move to denazified NATO as well.

China unveils its own 'switchblade' suicide drone
China has launched its own switchblade cruise missile, what's so magical about the Feihong-901? [Time and frequency of strong national defense] Welcome to subscribe to leave a message.

Powerful defense time and frequency, bringing you the latest, most unique and in-depth news information, committed to creating the hottest and most cutting-edge military news! Overview of global military information, inventory of the latest weapons at home and abroad China launches its own "Switchblade" suicide drone, what's so magical about the Feihong 901? == 🥁🥁🥁
I hope this is real

And bring that war USA NATO fostering in Ukraine to an end

https://****/thearcangel/36085 💪💪💪🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳👏👏👏👍👍👍



China will officially join Iran to arm Russia,

https://halturnerradioshow.com/inde...icially-arm-russia-if-kiev-refuses-peace-plan. 💪💪💪🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳👏👏👏👏👍👍👍BREAKING NEWS: CHINA TO OFFICIALLY ARM RUSSIA IF KIEV REFUSES PEACE PLAN
21 MARCH 2023
HITS: 30807

China will officially join Iran to arm Russia, "if Kyiv does not accept the Chinese peace plan."

That is the information coming directly from the China delegation accompanying President Xi Jinping during his ongoing state visit to Russia.

Xi is expected to call Ukraine President Zelensky later this week; perhaps FROM MOSCOW during Xi's state visit!

Washington's response was like lightning: The Free World officially rejects China peace plan for Ukraine: "China's ceasefire initiative is an attempt to give Russia time to launch a new offensive." - The White House.


I bet China 24/7 and overtime ramping up production of Firedragons and drones and more in readiness to send to Russia and in preparation for Reunion with Taiwan. 💪💪💪🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳

Putin must get and use this to. Denazified demilitarised Ukraine 😆😆😆🙏🙏p🙏https://eurasiantimes.com/chinas-tb-001-twin-tailed-scorpion-combat-uav-spotted/ 🥁🥁🥁

China’s Tengoen TB-001 drone was photographed recently carrying a full load of air-to-ground munitions of missiles and bombs, indicating the force-multiplier effect the Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) can have on the battlefield. The photo of the drone was shared over multiple social media and Twitter accounts, which showed the drone carrying twelve AGM ordnance – five each on each wing and two air-to-surface missiles on launcher racks on the underside. 🥁🥁🥁Bomber Drone!

The TB-001, often known as the ‘twin-tailed scorpion,’ was developed by the Sichuan-based Tengoen Technology. Distinguished by its twin-tail booms and first launched in September 2017, it has a range of about 6,000-8,000 kilometers and a maximum flight time of 35 hours.


It has a maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of over 3,000 kg and a service ceiling of 32808 feet. It also has an unusually positioned three-propeller configuration, with one on each wing and the other a push-propeller at the end of the main fuselage.

This flight altitude is higher than the effective interception range of the short-range surface-to-air missiles, improving the operational safety of the UCAV. 0000000000000000000000.

Delivery of Firedragons (300km range CEP 1m)


and Chinese suicide drones by the hundreds of boxes

Get thousands and tens of thousands of Chinese FH-901 suicide drones.
Get a hundred boxes to start with

FH-901 carry 10 times the bang of Switchblade, much longer loitering time and can carry out swarming attacks.

That will make Murican Switchblade look like a switchblade brought to a machine gun fight.

Zelensky and rest of NATO gangsters will crawl 3 times around Red Square and beg forgiveness
Especially as after de nazification of Ukraine, Russia move to denazified NATO as well.

China unveils its own 'switchblade' suicide drone
China has launched its own switchblade cruise missile, what's so magical about the Feihong-901? [Time and frequency of strong national defense] Welcome to subscribe to leave a message.

Powerful defense time and frequency, bringing you the latest, most unique and in-depth news information, committed to creating the hottest and most cutting-edge military news! Overview of global military information, inventory of the latest weapons at home and abroad China launches its own "Switchblade" suicide drone, what's so magical about the Feihong 901? == 🥁🥁🥁
I doubt this is real but I also feel it is inevitable that China will support Russia militarily
I doubt this is real but I also feel it is inevitable that China will support Russia militarily
China already delivers weapons to Russia. However just a small amount probably to test western reactions.

So we know officially, no matter small or big weapons delivery to Russia, China supports Russia war of aggression. The fun game can begin. At best case scenario the war will last longer with more deaths more casualties more destruction by conventional weapons. at worst case scenario a global nuclear exchange billions of people would perish. The planet would be finished for hundreds of years.
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