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We can use Indian roads to take over LEH and DBO

Ever checked where Saltoro ridge and Siachin is?

yes, your argument was Pakistan can not quickly reinforce its position with heavy reinforcements all along Kashmir I.e.GB and the jammu side covering Kashmir from3 sides with the Chinese on the 4 th side.

when China and Pakistan launch their attack on DBO and LEH ..... Indian forces will be outgunned and cut off resulting in the loss of DBO and Kashmir being cut off. The forces inside Kashmir half of the Indian army 600k are an occupation force sent to quell the freedoms movement. These forces would be no longer half freedoms of maneuvering as their communication lines and logistical support within Kashmir due to the freedom movement. We will be doing to you what you did to us in Bangladesh.

The question for the India army would be to give up Punjab and Delhi or Kashmir
yes, your argument was Pakistan can not quickly reinforce its position with heavy reinforcements all along Kashmir I.e.GB and the jammu side covering Kashmir from3 sides with the Chinese on the 4 th side.
No, my argument is India overlooks the KKH from Saltoro ridge and the valley from Siachin. To repel any attempt at incursion do not even need a direct gun fight, remember how Pakistan's base camp in Gayari got swept away by avalanche killing around 140 men, many conspiracy theories still goes around that particular 'accident'.

when China and Pakistan launch their attack on DBO and LEH ..... Indian forces will be outgunned and cut off resulting in the loss of DBO and Kashmir being cut off. The forces inside Kashmir half of the Indian army 600k are an occupation force sent to quell the freedoms movement. These forces would be no longer half freedoms of maneuvering as their communication lines and logistical support within Kashmir due to the freedom movement. We will be doing to you what you did to us in Bangladesh.

The question for the India army would be to give up Punjab and Delhi or Kashmir
Any invading force will require at least 1:4 troop strength for a successful invasion in those mountainous terrain. Especially with the Chinese who I'm not so sure about their capability in sustaining a conflict. Not to mention if Chinese will actually invade at all. I'm not even going to talk about Navy and Air force. This whole thread is a joke, somebody should make this stupidity a featured thread.

Also, forces in Kashmir are not even 1/4th of total strength of our forces. IA has around 1.6 lakh men manning the border and 1 Lakh Central Police on ground assisting JKP, Don't make stupid claims like Imran Khan.
No, my argument is India overlooks the KKH from Saltoro ridge and the valley from Siachin. To repel any attempt at incursion do not even need a direct gun fight, remember how Pakistan's base camp in Gayari got swept away by avalanche killing around 140 men, many conspiracy theories still goes around that particular 'accident'.

Any invading force will require at least 1:4 troop strength for a successful invasion in those mountainous terrain. Especially with the Chinese who I'm not so sure about their capability in sustaining a conflict. Not to mention if Chinese will actually invade at all. I'm not even going to talk about Navy and Air force. This whole thread is a joke, somebody should make this stupidity a featured thread.

Also, forces in Kashmir are not even 1/4th of total strength of our forces. IA has around 1.6 lakh men manning the border and 1 Lakh Central Police on ground assisting JKP, Don't make stupid claims like Imran Khan.

for so called defense forum , no body bothers to read and or tries to know about geography and logistic involving any trans himalayan adventure. For most people here, two -three sorties by latest PLAAF planes or long range artilerey (that too across himalayan range) means defeat for Indian forces:crazy:. Pages after pages of opinions and rhetoric, all becoming funnier with each pages. Specially the comments by Pak members.
People need to watch videos like this

For that Pak should be ready to wage war with India... Even China is tappering off.. We keyboard warriors can wage nuclear and space war... So don't dream too much... Use this innovative dreaming in developing a pUBG like game all the best.

To planning beyond the capability is speciality of some people. China too wanted to reach Delhi in 24 Hours. It is a different matter that it is unable to move in inch since confronted by Indian army. However, people keep talking about taking over of Indian territory without capability to take an inch.
You do know we were machine gunning IA Sikhs and Gurkhas for fun on Tiger Hill, until Nawaz Chacha bottled it and forced us to give up our gains and pull back without air support. It's truly laughable that Indians still think they somehow militarily won at Kargil. Political intrigues were all that stopped it from becoming a Himalayan Sommes.

So you truly think you won Kargil? Maybe go read the history from an independent source than what your army and generals tell you. Also, look into Youtube videos of the captured Pakistani soldiers with wounds and how we treated them.
So you truly think you won Kargil? Maybe go read the history from an independent source than what your army and generals tell you. Also, look into Youtube videos of the captured Pakistani soldiers with wounds and how we treated them.
Who are these independent sources...... would love to meet them
After DBO falls to PLA, we will again hear

"Neither is anyone inside our territory nor is any of our post captured" - Indian PM Narender Modi (aka Surrender Modi)

There are more chances your grandma will beget a new uncle for you than DBO falling to the Chinese.
There are more chances your grandma will beget a new uncle for you than DBO falling to the Chinese.
DBO is done in a war with the Chinese ... have you even checked the geography surrounding it? The whole area is much superior for the Chinese geographically than the Indians. It is basic knowledge that India has extremely few supply (and therefore retreat routes) leading into DBO, thus making it an extremely vulnerable forward position. @HalfMoon is definitely correct here.
Pakistan can not only use Indian roads to take over India, but also Indian soldier, airforce, and navy as well.

All that needs to be done is simply join Akand Bharat
At the time of Dokalam, Chinese said that they can reach Delhi in 24 hours but couldn't cross Dokalam in 70 days. Similarly, Pakistani generals had planned evening dinner in Delhi after lunch in Jodhpur. People can plan and believe anything. There is no restriction on it.

You got beaten up with sticks. What world are you living in?

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