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We can use Indian roads to take over LEH and DBO

Dude you get pounded on loc every now and then by us, so aren't doing anything with impunity. Also our intelligence is replying to your terrorism tactics in kind, just see the situation in Balochistan and wajiristan and other areas. We are doing much better than you in managing our internal security. You people thought that you can bleed us and our economy through terrorism in Kashmir but just opposite happened, your own economy has collapsed and you are bleeding more. If this continues for few more years pakistan will become like Somalia and Afghanistan.
Very nicely skirted, so you agree that a country 7 times smaller is retaliating and killing your soldiers with impunity on the LOC. So it’s ok to attack your parliament and close down Bombay and much much more it’s because your army is impotent!

when will you attack Pakistan and take it over. Why are you such cowards?

well Pakistan has kept india at bay for 73 years. A country 7 times bigger than Pakistan. Seems it’s a very capable military

Pakistan has not kept India at bay, India was only 4 times bigger than Pakistan, but now as you know we are 7 times as big as Pakistan. Don’t blame anyone other than oneself for this misfortune.

As for China, they will get the beating they deserve if they do something counterproductive.
China knows that she is isolated now, it’s just a matter of time when almost the entire world will boycott Chinese products.
Pakistan has not kept India at bay, India was only 4 times bigger than Pakistan, but now as you know we are 7 times as big as Pakistan. Don’t blame anyone other than oneself for this misfortune.

As for China, they will get the beating they deserve if they do something counterproductive.
China knows that she is isolated now, it’s just a matter of time when almost the entire world will boycott Chinese products.

well my frenamie why does India not take over Pakistan why is Indian military so impotent?

we shell you every day on the loc killing Indian soldiers with impunity.India alleges Pakistan attacked her parliament, closed Bombay for.

India can’t do this with China so Pakistani military is brave and a capable that we have kept a massive country like this India at bay and made sure 1.4 billion Indians can’t even become a regional power

well my frenamie why does India not take over Pakistan why is Indian military so impotent?

we shell you every day on the loc killing Indian soldiers with impunity.India alleges Pakistan attacked her parliament, closed Bombay for.

India can’t do this with China so Pakistani military is brave and a capable that we have kept a massive country like this India at bay and made sure 1.4 billion Indians can’t even become a regional power

North Korea is still existing in the world map, they also threaten USA almost every year. But this does not mean North Korea has anything going against USA..! Or that USA is incompetent or US military is weak...!
Pakistan India situation is similar.

In the 21st century you don’t have to invade and occupy a country to exploit it. You just need to control it’s raw materials as well as ports and roads for trade. I guess China has outsmarted everyone else in this regard vis-à-vis Pakistan.

I fully agree with your prime minister that Pakistan’s economic future is now irreversibly linked to China, but I think it’s not just limited to economic sphere.... if you know what I mean.
North Korea is still existing in the world map, they also threaten USA almost every year. But this does not mean North Korea has anything going against USA..! Or that USA is incompetent or US military is weak...!
Pakistan India situation is similar.

In the 21st century you don’t have to invade and occupy a country to exploit it. You just need to control it’s raw materials as well as ports and roads for trade. I guess China has outsmarted everyone else in this regard vis-à-vis Pakistan.

I fully agree with your prime minister that Pakistan’s economic future is now irreversibly linked to China, but I think it’s not just limited to economic sphere.... if you know what I mean.
Hahahahahahahah how impotent is your military, the US went to war with Iraq and Afghanistan over 2000 Americans! They almost went to war with North Korea. Only North Korea did not ever attack America .

Pakistan has killed thousands of Indian troops in Kashmir, we shell you every day . India is alike a bitch to a 1/7 size country and yes you Indians don’t care about Indian life’s but the world and Pakistan measure our size with our population India 1.4 billion Pakistan 200 million. That’s 1/7 ........

why is India so impotent in comparison to Pakistanis manliness. we rape big India every day but they do not retaliate? We on the other hand invaded 10 kms of the Durand line when the Afghans became stupid. Soon you will see our power when Pakistan kicks india and her lost investment out of Afghanistan. As I said we a Bhooka naaga nation dominate India
Chinese Airforce Training with TRANSFORMERS... Pakistan can join the PROPAGANDA campaign...

Truth is... NO WAR...

Hahahahahahahah how impotent is your military, the US went to war with Iraq and Afghanistan over 2000 Americans! They almost went to war with North Korea. Only North Korea did not ever attack America .

Pakistan has killed thousands of Indian troops in Kashmir, we shell you every day . India is alike a bitch to a 1/7 size country and yes you Indians don’t care about Indian life’s but the world and Pakistan measure our size with our population India 1.4 billion Pakistan 200 million. That’s 1/7 ........

why is India so impotent in comparison to Pakistanis manliness. we rape big India every day but they do not retaliate? We on the other hand invaded 10 kms of the Durand line when the Afghans became stupid. Soon you will see our power when Pakistan kicks india and her lost investment out of Afghanistan. As I said we a Bhooka naaga nation dominate India
It seems my post has aggravated your raw nerve for you to use very vile words. Now I can’t control your cursing tongue as it reflects your upbringing. So, I Should have known better before engaging in conversation with you. After 3 posts you showed your true colour.
Enjoy.... bye....:wave:
India can fight the war for at most a week.

After that China gets a walkover.

China can occupy the entire country of India in a month.

Foolish Indians built roads connect all across the country for them to be used by the Chinese PLA. :rofl:

It seems my post has aggravated your raw nerve for you to use very vile words. Now I can’t control your cursing tongue as it reflects your upbringing. So, I Should have known better before engaging in conversation with you. After 3 posts you showed your true colour.
Enjoy.... bye....:wave:
I see you ran out of arguments ....... lol

its a simple question if Pakistan is as weak as Indians claim it is why are they so afraid of attacking it and taking it over to end the constant nightmare Indians face?

Well all great idea starts somewhere, Pakistan on its own would never execute this but it is clear from our military purchase and deployments that our plan is to support China in a war with India.

The reality is that we plan to go to war against India as our supplies come from our factories or our Nebiour to the north! India’s supplies come from the ocean which we will tinker with,

You said you will tinker our supply line in Ocean... Great.. try doing Naval blockade...
You have a magic wand to do that....

This was an interesting video on Indian force deployments, the most interesting parts at the end.

1) total Indian deployment including the mountain strike corps are dwarfed by Chinese deployments in just Tibet. The scholar on purpose ignored another 60-100k Pakistani deployments across Kashmir and Giligit baltistan. We could increase this force by another 100k if needed! The single Indian core would face. 230k Chinese forces and 100-150k Pakistani forces. Either way DBO including the unpawed airstrip will be taken over.

2) The road network in DBO will allow both Paksitani and Chinese forces to quickly move down into LEH , parts of Kashmir but later will be used as a gateway to Indian planes. Imagine deploying -150k Pakistani forces Behind India’s strike and defensive cores against the Paksitani border! This means that most of the Indian forces in Punjab would be facing opposition on two sides and being flanked by Paksitani forces. This would also mean that our dual purpose cores in Sind will move against an enemy with little or no support! This really means that VT-4 will be deployed in Sind along with alkhalid 1 and alkhalid giving Pakistan about 600 front line tanks covered with 7 odd sh-15 artillery regiments. it seems Pakistan has its own cold start capability in Sind. As many of you know that most of the Sind cores are IFV and tracked mobile!

3) not only will the Chinese take over the chicken neck, cutting most of Indians core in the East the road network there will allow chines larger forces to literillay roll into the plains of Asam.

I can not believe how a nation with thinkers like chankia, known for winning wars by diplomacy rather than forces would build roads to allow their biggest weakness to be exposed again.

India was taken over by the afghans 18 times, and by mouguals from Central Asia / turkey multiple times by Armies crossing the mountains and coming down to slaughter mighty Indian armies emassing at mountains foothills and then moving across the undefended planes!


Pakistan and Imran, can maximum do tweets because they are good on that. They should stick on their strong points and tweets on a daily basis...... Rest, inse na ho paayega.....

By the way, good road development's near by the borders area...
Don't Pakistan or China have roads built so I believe the opposite will be also possible
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This was an interesting video on Indian force deployments, the most interesting parts at the end.

1) total Indian deployment including the mountain strike corps are dwarfed by Chinese deployments in just Tibet. The scholar on purpose ignored another 60-100k Pakistani deployments across Kashmir and Giligit baltistan. We could increase this force by another 100k if needed! The single Indian core would face. 230k Chinese forces and 100-150k Pakistani forces. Either way DBO including the unpawed airstrip will be taken over.

2) The road network in DBO will allow both Paksitani and Chinese forces to quickly move down into LEH , parts of Kashmir but later will be used as a gateway to Indian planes. Imagine deploying -150k Pakistani forces Behind India’s strike and defensive cores against the Paksitani border! This means that most of the Indian forces in Punjab would be facing opposition on two sides and being flanked by Paksitani forces. This would also mean that our dual purpose cores in Sind will move against an enemy with little or no support! This really means that VT-4 will be deployed in Sind along with alkhalid 1 and alkhalid giving Pakistan about 600 front line tanks covered with 7 odd sh-15 artillery regiments. it seems Pakistan has its own cold start capability in Sind. As many of you know that most of the Sind cores are IFV and tracked mobile!

3) not only will the Chinese take over the chicken neck, cutting most of Indians core in the East the road network there will allow chines larger forces to literillay roll into the plains of Asam.

I can not believe how a nation with thinkers like chankia, known for winning wars by diplomacy rather than forces would build roads to allow their biggest weakness to be exposed again.

India was taken over by the afghans 18 times, and by mouguals from Central Asia / turkey multiple times by Armies crossing the mountains and coming down to slaughter mighty Indian armies emassing at mountains foothills and then moving across the undefended planes!

The fall of DBO and Leh are guaranteed in the Western theatre against the Chinese ... adding Pakistani forces in the mix will accelerate this process. But I believe the Indian high command already knows this and as such has not placed too many forces there to avoid being extremely vulnerable to massed Chinese artillery attack and also to prevent them from possibly being encircled and destroyed. If you look at the geography of DBO, you will see there are extremely few avenues of retreat for the Indians as the Tsaka La Road would most likely be attacked at simultaneous points spanning a great length of Aksai Chin by the Chinese. Even if the Chinese are not able to cut off the retreat routes before the Indian Army attempts to flee, long columns of Indian soldiers retreating using these narrow roads will be excellent targets for artillery and airstrikes.
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