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We aren't British, and we aren't Chinese: HongKongese

As usual, due to lack of know-how, little access to information and intellectual deficiency because of being state-ruled for eons the Chinese members are unable to distinguish between the Indian nation and the Indian civilization. Of course the Union of India was created in 1947. Just like the Peoples Republic of China was created in 1949. Of course, both are ancient civilizations although I really think calling China a civilization is pushing the envelope of bit. More like a tribe or clan than a full civilization in my book but hey - to each his own.
LMAO. He specifically described in his journal all the little kingdoms on the Indian subcontinent.

On the Hong Kong issue, I prefer Hong Kong to remain its current status quo. Yes freer election from Beijing is desirable, but it doesn't mean that we want to break away from China. Let's just say we want to remain in the "Greater China" concept, be a part of the Chinese nation but retain our own political independence.

Maybe you should open your eyes a little wider. 天竺 (Tianzhu), meaning "heaven on earth" which described the land beyond the Indus.
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