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We Are 'Not Interested' in US F-35 Fighters - Indian Air Force Chief

Like those 6 LCA ? :omghaha:
sweety pie they are now 10 as we speak and LCA even in MK1 (FOC) format have HOBS & LDP & LGBs & PGMs & all kinds or SDBs & Dumb Bombs & advance WVRs & BVRs firring capabilty and it also has OBOGS and $ channell digitil Fly By Fore Tevchnology the kind of techs your supre dupr joint fighter wants to have in its BLK III versions ;) :D :haha:
What country other than the U.S., Russia, and China is building their own?

Russians and Chinese are working together on the Fifth Generation Fighter plane such as engines and mainframes, radars, software etc. Russian Airforce have showed latest fighter jet Su-57 in Syria some months back.

United States of America and certain trustworthy allies are together in F-35 and both Airforce and Naval versions are being deployed.

Republic of India's fifth Generation Fighter Jet has gone through test trials and these days landings are going on the floating canteens of Indian Navy.

Japanese are having thier fifth generation fighter plane.

Ukrainians are even having fifth Generation fighter plane programme which the Russian forces tried to stopped by attacking the industrial defense industries of Ukrainian Nation but in some days Ukrainian Airforce might have disclose it.


French and Germans are lagging behind and seems to be co operating more with Russians and Chinese because the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian forces have showed the real policy of the French and Germans.
Russians and Chinese are working together on the Fifth Generation Fighter plane such as engines and mainframes, radars, software etc. Russian Airforce have showed latest fighter jet Su-57 in Syria some months back.

United States of America and certain trustworthy allies are together in F-35 and both Airforce and Naval versions are being deployed.

Republic of India's fifth Generation Fighter Jet has gone through test trials and these days landings are going on the floating canteens of Indian Navy.

Japanese are having thier fifth generation fighter plane.

Ukrainians are even having fifth Generation fighter plane programme which the Russian forces tried to stopped by attacking the industrial defense industries of Ukrainian Nation but in some days Ukrainian Airforce might have disclose it.


French and Germans are lagging behind and seems to be co operating more with Russians and Chinese because the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian forces have showed the real policy of the French and Germans.
Very misleading indeed.
Am no military aviation pro but this is baseless.

Since when japan have fifth gen jet? It is still on paper n drawing board.

Since when russia works with china on Su-57?

Most of all since when india ias 5th gen fighter jet? Or do u mean tejas is a 5th gen?
Very misleading indeed.
Am no military aviation pro but this is baseless.

Since when japan have fifth gen jet? It is still on paper n drawing board.

Since when russia works with china on Su-57?

Most of all since when india ias 5th gen fighter jet? Or do u mean tejas is a 5th gen?

You are too much outdated to understand what really happening all over the defense industries.

Japanese do have fifth Generation fighter jet and even South Koreans are working with them.

Russian Federation and Chinese are having military co operation and they are working together on supersonic fighter jet planes and heavy transport planes engines which they are doing to damage Boeing market.

Tejas are 4.5 ++ Generation Fighter Planes and Indian fifth Generation Fighter Jets are different and there have been both Airforce and Naval Version prototypes and test trials have been already successful from Indian Airforce runways on to the Indian Navy Floating canteens.

A file photo of a Chinese H-6K bomber patrolling the islands and reefs in the South China Sea. | Photo Credit: AP

China’s air force said that its fighter jets, including an H-6K bomber, had recently conducted take-off and landing training on an island reef in the resource-rich SCS.

The training had elevated the air force’s abilities of “reaching its full territory, assaulting in full time and space, and striking in full scope”, the Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post quoted the People’s Liberation Air Force (PLAF) as saying.

A spokesman at the Pentagon, Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Logan, called the exercise an act of “China’s continued militarisation of disputed features in the South China Sea,” the Post report said.

Bonnie Glaser, a China security expert at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, said the location of the H-6K landing was believed to be Woody Island — Yongxing island in Chinese — on which China’s Sansha city government is located.

China had established Sansha City, a prefecture-level city of Hainan Province, in 2012 to administer the SCS islands identified by China as Xisha, Zhongsha and Nansha island groups and their surrounding waters.

“I believe this is the first time a bomber has landed in the South China Sea. No doubt the H-6K will soon land on an island in Spratly [Islands] since hangers there are built to accommodate bombers,” the Post quoted Ms. Glaser as saying.


The Xian H-6 became essentially nothing more than a Chinese licensed production copy of the Soviet-era Tupolev Tu-16 medium strategic bomber series - fewer than 200 have been produced.

The Tu-16 was introduced with Soviet air power in 1954 and operated until 1993 before being retired. Key operators of the type went on to include Egypt, Indonesia and Iraq with some 1,500 produced in all.

the People's Liberation Army Air Force currently manages a healthy stock of some 120 H-6 bombers as of this writing (2013). Egypt and Iraq became the only foreign operators of the H-6 and these have all been either retired (Egypt, 2000) or destroyed (Iraq, in the 1991 Gulf War). China fields the H-6 in both its air force (approx. 80 units) and navy (approx. 30 units) inventories.

This allowed for a maximum speed of 656 miles per hour with a cruise speed nearing 480mph. Range was approximately 3,700 miles with a combat radius of 1,100 miles being listed. The airframe could manage a service ceiling of 42,000 feet. Internal ordnance could total up to 20,000lbs of conventional drop ordnance.
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