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We Are 'Not Interested' in US F-35 Fighters - Indian Air Force Chief


Gripen JAS 39.
The best example.

Ring the bell?
Yes. Saab was very forward thinking. Also, Sweden was the wall against Soviets in cold war and Germans in WW2, although officially neutral. So they got generous help.
But I'll give them the credit.

Yes. Saab was very forward thinking. Also, Sweden was the wall against Soviets in cold war and Germans in WW2, although officially neutral. So they got generous help.
But I'll give them the credit.

Why are you derailing the thread with off topic engagements.
It wasn't supposed to be a longer discussion. It was a rhetorical question towards one post.

I'm out now.

You running away when your ridiculous argument makes no sense.

Pak can do a better job than Indians :D
Ya let's just leave it to SAAB

Buddy in case you didn't notice we were talking about SAAB 5 the generation fighter program
In case You didn’t notice, we are talking about a study phase for a fifth generation fighter.
That means that they are evaluating the requirements for the fighter, and what alternatives will be available within the right timeframe.
In case You didn’t notice, we are talking about a study phase for a fifth generation fighter.
That means that they are evaluating the requirements for the fighter, and what alternatives will be available within the right timeframe.
Actually I did notice ,I was just trying to explain it to the other guy
India is not buying F35 cause we cant get them before 2030 at best cause its production till then is all sold out already untill some mirackle production tech happens & speeds up the production in the mean while we have to make till then with what ever we can get and that means rafales , F16 BLK70/72 & FGFA orAMCA
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