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'We are not going to amend' blasphemy laws, Pakistani PM says

This law has no place in a modern society. Pathetic, backward and outdated.

Hello Pakistan, the 21st Century is calling... It's saying the dark ages are over. For the love of all that is good, bomb these mullah's and stop bending over to the whimsical fantasies of these perverted dogs.

Blasphemy, what Blasphemy... Where will this end?

Our flag and constitution grants protection to minorities and Pakistani should speak up for their brothers and sisters regardless of religion.

If successive governments keep paying heed to the rants of these retards Pakistan will eventually become a non entity. Alas we all knew this government did not have the gonads to go toe to toe with the turbanators.

Frankly i have begun to hate these religious bigots.
Toh bhugto :)

English: Good, then pay the price :)

Kia bhugtain??? Don't tell me taliban are going to get control of Pakistan's nukes because of this law. :D


Sensible decision. It is law of the land people and whether you like it or not citizens of the land also don't want to change it. So accept and respect what the majority wants and believes.

@Road runner

Well said.:tup:
If successive governments keep paying heed to the rants of these retards Pakistan will eventually become a non entity. Alas we all knew this government did not have the gonads to go toe to toe with the turbanators.

Frankly i have begun to hate these religious bigots.

Who do you think would have them to take on the turbantors? Even Mush kept his hands off!

I sympathize with the likes of you. Recent events have been really depressing, more so with the support to the dastardly act from surprising quarters of Pakistani society!

ps: Long time RR. How have you been?
A nation such as Pakistan should not worry about abstract topics such as what the nation's ideology should be, as much as they should worry about the issues that affect the common man, such as food, education, health, jobs. However, this is an issue that affects common people, it is constantly abused and does not protect the common man. This is very much a main issue for Pakistani society right now, and Salman Taseer's murder has brought this right into the spotlight. The time is ideal to overturn this draconian law.
However, understandably, no one wants to remove the law in the current environment, however, an amendment is surely in order. The Prime Minister says the law will not be amended, but it should not be misused. What kind of statement is that? The law in its current form has been greatly misused to persecute others, so without an amendment, how can it be stopped from being misused? This is utter garbage from the Prime Minister, and I thought maybe he would be in support of amending the law, seeing as it was a man of his own party who was murdered for going against this law. But once again, the government has been a let-down.
Realistically speaking nothing can be done about blasphemy law coz of popular support it has got among masses.Repealing blasphemy law in today's pakistan is akin to removal of slavery during Abraham lincon days.And todays Pakistan dont have strong leader of the stature of Abraham lincon,who can take risk with his life to repeal blasphmey law.Even mushy has backtracked on it now.

It has gotten popular support to not be removed altogether, it has not gotten popular support against an amendment. Only the religious parties have been against any amendments.
This law has no place in a modern society. Pathetic, backward and outdated.

Hello Pakistan, the 21st Century is calling... It's saying the dark ages are over. For the love of all that is good, bomb these mullah's and stop bending over to the whimsical fantasies of these perverted dogs.

Blasphemy, what Blasphemy... Where will this end?

Our flag and constitution grants protection to minorities and Pakistani should speak up for their brothers and sisters regardless of religion.

If successive governments keep paying heed to the rants of these retards Pakistan will eventually become a non entity. Alas we all knew this government did not have the gonads to go toe to toe with the turbanators.

Frankly i have begun to hate these religious bigots.

All I got out of that is Turbanators........awesome......:tup:

You gave me a good name for my Sikh buddy. :tup:
Who do you think would have them to take on the turbantors? Even Mush kept his hands off!

I sympathize with the likes of you. Recent events have been really depressing, more so with the support to the dastardly act from surprising quarters of Pakistani society!

ps: Long time RR. How have you been?

Hi indeed it has been a long time, sadly work has been very hectic if one can call it that. Anyway, i agree with you. Personally i think mullah's and this so called "Islamic Republic" is what is holding Pakistan back.

There is no denying it, something needs to be done and done soon, people are just sitting idle twiddling their thumbs. The common Pakistani finds it increasingly hard to put bread on the table, what with a shortage of wheat, sugar, gas, fuel, water, electricity...Whilst the elite are living it up in their fortified mansions.

What a paradox...

I am reminded of the time i spent in Zimbabwe, tears me up inside seeing our glorious motherland in this state. Yet i am still clinging to hope, after all there is always hope.

Personally i think we need a total revolution and not just a political one, but a moral and religious one too. I myself whilst still adoring my belief in god and his messenger have become that more distant from the band of Islam propagated in Pakistan.

So where does that leave me i ask at times... I don't know really, i still believe in god and still believe in his messenger (PBUH). So i suppose some would call me a Kafir... Whatever floats their boat. I just don't believe that what these fagots preach remotely resembles the Islam of Mohammad (PBUH).

In many ways i have chosen to consider Political Nihilism as a sort of marcabe penicillin to my political depression, that, my beautiful family and my faith in the divine are the only things that keep me sane these days :lol:

Anyway's what's new with you?
The Prime Minister says the law will not be amended, but it should not be misused. What kind of statement is that? The law in its current form has been greatly misused to persecute others, so without an amendment, how can it be stopped from being misused?

I think Pakistan can keep the Blasphemy Laws unamended. Just make the cases concrete. You see a lot of people falsely accused to settle land disputes. So just raise the evidence. The trouble is a lot of the people who will do these things will be the low class peasanty types who probably will just be relying on witnesses that will agree with their friend. In that case, just don't convict.

If proven, then a fine, perhaps a percentage of their yearly earnings to make them think twice about it should be given.

This will then make some people a bit more carefree about being blasphemous, but so what? If someone blasphemes, it's not going to destroy a well-established religion. The important thing is you convict the right people.

Though I agree, the current Pakistani government is a let down.
So says the most corrupt and vile government in the history of Pakistan.

Hurray for Blasphemy Law supporters! Your law has Gillani and Zardari's support. I have Jinnah on my ring side.

Gilani I don't have an opinion about, but Zardari is one of Pakistan's all time worst leaders. It's compounded by the fact that there's another one waiting to take his place.

Even so I think not everything Zardari does need be bad. Even Stalin would do one or two nice things (though I'm not comparing the two, not everyone considers Stalin to be bad).

I think that being diplomatic is a good thing. You might as well accept the fact that there's a mullahist element in Pakistan society and they do wield some power because Pakistan is still elevating itself educationally.

So by saying we'll keep the blasphemy law, but amend some other area, they're keeping a potentially unstable element of society happy, and keeping everyone else happy by making it almost impossible to convict people on blasphemy charges. it's win win and the right thing to do imo, because it'll generate some more instability if you make too huge a change. Until such a time that Pakistan has lifted itself out of the developing country trap, which it will do eventually.
That part of the Constitution has always been around when blasphemy cases were successfully tried in the US.

For that reason many States probably still have blasphemy laws, such as Massachusetts. It wouldn't surprise me if Bible Belt areas have some way of implementing blasphemy laws.

can you give an example of when the last Blasphemy law was prosecuted in the U.S.?
This law has no place in a modern society. Pathetic, backward and outdated.

Hello Pakistan, the 21st Century is calling... It's saying the dark ages are over. For the love of all that is good, bomb these mullah's and stop bending over to the whimsical fantasies of these perverted dogs.

Blasphemy, what Blasphemy... Where will this end?

Our flag and constitution grants protection to minorities and Pakistani should speak up for their brothers and sisters regardless of religion.

If successive governments keep paying heed to the rants of these retards Pakistan will eventually become a non entity. Alas we all knew this government did not have the gonads to go toe to toe with the turbanators.

Frankly i have begun to hate these religious bigots.

as if we care what the very tiny lil liberal section of our society say or believe in their assumed imaginary world.....:coffee:

hellooo, this law is going to stay and the dreams of repealing it should come to an end now ....:wave:
as if we care what the very tiny lil liberal section of our society say or believe in their assumed imaginary world.....:coffee:

hellooo, this law is going to stay and the dreams of repealing it should come to an end now ....:wave:

Whatever floats your boat. Enjoy your ride into the stone age.
can you give an example of when the last Blasphemy law was prosecuted in the U.S.?

I mean that that part of the Constitution has always been around, even when Blasphemy cases were being prosecuted successfully.

Even in the US some States do not delete the Blasphemy Law in order to appease the Christian Right.

But it's not likely that those laws will be used.

The last blasphemy case to be prosecuted in the US was in 1971 in Pittsburgh Penn, which isn't too long ago.

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