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We are capable & fully prepared to thwart any misadventure by India: COAS visits LoC

You just contradicted yourself


you need to understand better

In Kargil Indian military performed poorly.

Airforce: It's sub par trained airforce lost Mig 21, Mig 27 to ground fire, two helos shot down and one Jaguar badly mauled limped back to base. for 11 weeks the IAF could not dislodge NLI positions , only fooling it;s own gullible population for its "laser" guided attacks... funny those thermal sensors really didnt work against cold bunkers that too warned in advance by PAF when IAF lined up for attacks

Army: Operation Vijay was a horrible failure , with unimaginable and straight jacket tactics. In end the indian failed in all of it;s attempts to capture the peaks. It was so bad that Pakistani soldiers used to bet with each other on how many indians do they plan to wack each day. Reported and real casualties were higher than the entire 1971 war of course as usual indians fudged the numbers to fool it;s population. NLI on the other hand performed brilliantly to the extent they awarded by being converted into a full regular division and host of gallantry awards. Even the indian military was impressed.

so what did actually indians win?

Political screaming... with it;s military failed it was indian political pressure on Pakistan via USA that caused a withdrawal.. now you will say india threatened to cross LOC.. well that was a bluff and Pakistan military new given the piss poor status of your military you could not do it. Nawaz bucked under US pressure as usual and forced a withdrawal in well known disagreement with Musharaf on this matter.

Keep in mind what Pakistan did in Kargil was right, it our terrority and indians have no business being there for that matter the rest of kashmir. It is a shame we had an asshole like Nawaz at the helm of affairs...

you need to understand better

In Kargil Indian military performed poorly.

Airforce: It's sub par trained airforce lost Mig 21, Mig 27 to ground fire, two helos shot down and one Jaguar badly mauled limped back to base. for 11 weeks the IAF could not dislodge NLI positions , only fooling it;s own gullible population for its "laser" guided attacks... funny those thermal sensors really didnt work against cold bunkers that too warned in advance by PAF when IAF lined up for attacks

Army: Operation Vijay was a horrible failure , with unimaginable and straight jacket tactics. In end the indian failed in all of it;s attempts to capture the peaks. It was so bad that Pakistani soldiers used to bet with each other on how many indians do they plan to wack each day. Reported and real casualties were higher than the entire 1971 war of course as usual indians fudged the numbers to fool it;s population. NLI on the other hand performed brilliantly to the extent they awarded by being converted into a full regular division and host of gallantry awards. Even the indian military was impressed.

so what did actually indians win?

Political screaming... with it;s military failed it was indian political pressure on Pakistan via USA that caused a withdrawal.. now you will say india threatened to cross LOC.. well that was a bluff and Pakistan military new given the piss poor status of your military you could not do it. Nawaz bucked under US pressure as usual and forced a withdrawal in well known disagreement with Musharaf on this matter.

Keep in mind what Pakistan did in Kargil was right, it our terrority and indians have no business being there for that matter the rest of kashmir. It is a shame we had an asshole like Nawaz at the helm of affairs...

You first said that India ran to the US and then you say that Nawaz went to the US. That is the contradiction I was talking of. All the above is totally away from who approached the US.
You first said that India ran to the US and then you say that Nawaz went to the US. That is the contradiction I was talking of. All the above is totally away from who approached the US.

Yes.. india did approach the US - go read Barka Dhatt book

"India’s main effort took place on two fronts – the war on the ground, and a delicately nuanced diplomatic initiative to try and get the Americans to intervene."


and Yes Pig Minister Nawaz did go there for a face saving agreement with Clinton even Musharaf told him there was no need to.

these are historical facts.. you should try that for a change.
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