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Arnab Goswami is a traitor to journalism, incites violence against academic community: JNU professor

Arnab Goswami is a traitor to journalism, incites violence against academic community: JNU professor
Taking strong objection over the way Arnab Goswami handled the entire controversy that happened at Jawaharlala Nehru University (JNU), a professor called the Times Now Editor-in-Chief a traitor to journalism.
India.com News DeskonFebruary 17, 2016 at 12:46 PMEmail

Mumbai, Feb 17: Taking strong objection over the way Arnab Goswami handled the entire controversy that happened at Jawaharlala Nehru University (JNU), a professor called the Times Now Editor-in-Chief a traitor to journalism and accused him of inciting violence against the entire academic community. Parnal Chirmuley, Associate Professor at the Center of German Studies, School of Language, Literature, and Culture Studies at the JNU, in his article published in The News Minute, slammed Arnab Goswami for branding students and JNU ‘anti-nationalist’.

“Arnab Goswami of Times Now is on the frontlines of this parallel war against nuanced thought, against honesty, against intellectual freedom, and against truth. Over the past week since ‘news broke’ (yes, the truth is shattered to pieces when presented by Him), he has used a range of careful strategies to achieve the end of the demonization of public education. It is easy to see these if you put aside the sick froth of vitriol,” writes Parnal Chirmuley.(ALSO READ: JNU student Umar Khalid is Jaish-e-Mohammed sympathiser: IB report)

The JNU professor further stated that Arnab Goswami, deliberately, asked misleading question during the debates on the JNU row and completely ignore the most vital question; is the law on sedition (124[A]) applicable in this case? Arnab also used terms like ‘Anti-national’, ‘secessionist’, ‘unpatriotic’ repeatedly, which ultimately incited violence against the students and faculty members of the JNU.

“What he does is not to simply wipe out the possibility of nuance in a discussion, but rather use every weapon – be it language, gesture, or decibel – to brand people in order to feed into the imaginations of fear and anger among the viewers,” wrote Chirmuley. The professor also accused the anchor of ‘double standard’ while allowing the people on his panel to express their views. He said that while Arnab allowed right-wing people to express their views on the controversy, he repeatedly interrupted when the JNU students or leftists were speaking.

“On Monday night, the only time He was quiet on the show was when Sambit Patra of the BJP shouted at Shabnam Lone, Saba Naqvi, and Waris Pathan and challenged the three to chant Bharat Mata Ki Jai after him. This is extremely dangerous intimidation. And he does this on absolutely every show,” writes Chirmuley. It is always people from minority communities, civil rights activists, prominent voices from women’s and people’s movements, everyone from the Left that are subject to this vitriol. He has never levelled these accusations against the organization whose very emblem (the Khaki Shorts) is said to be an import from Italian fascism. Interesting, isn’t it?” he added.

“We must remind ourselves that journalists are also amongst the bravest, ferreting out the truth at great risk to themselves, from the State, from warlords, from disease, bearing a deep commitment to the voice of the oppressed and the dispossessed. Arnab is a traitor to journalism,” expressed the professor.

Arnab Goswami is a traitor to journalism, incites violence against academic community: JNU professor | Latest News & Gossip on Popular Trends at India.com
#IndiaWithArnab was trending last night.
I support that mad man who keeps shouting most of the time, last night he took me by surprise. :)

I do not support Arnab just because he chose an topic every Indian supports. He still rules over others, put words in other mouth's, more than once he has already an view on a topic which he should have been open minded.

Its a sad state leftist scums have taken over University. The Faculty is the main problem. Poisoining the minds of youth's. Such Guru's like JU University professor. Shocking.
:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha: saw that earlier today cant stop but started laughing at that Maj Gen Drama! Damn man if that is the standard of indian army's general ranked officers then that explains why they couldnt over come pakistan in all those years.:lol: such a unprofessional attitude.

And that debate was about their flag on their universities but in just 18 min of debate and name of Pakistan came and still the indians lie that they are not obsessed with Pakistan!:rofl::rofl::rofl:
already taken half pak aka BD, siachin, kargil, can take anyday....your gen is soo much fearfull , always ranting nuke nuke nuke.
JNU / pak ...
already taken half pak aka BD, siachin, kargil, can take anyday....your gen is soo much fearfull , always ranting nuke nuke nuke.

Aww and yet you still whine about Pakistan capturing Azad Kashmir & Gilgit Baltistan since 70 years thereby denying you access to Central Asia & Karakoram Highway
Soldiers are emotional creatures, who else will sacrifice their life for their country for gratis??

yeah I saw that. He didnt spare any of them. Lol
The most frivolous argument was, the saffron color represents Hinduism. I am wondering what they have to say about Green,white and blue colors in our flag. Lolzz
What will be a watermelon, - Muslim but Hindu inside and comes w seeds of atheism , Guava, - Muslim but atheist inside, Lychee's Hindu but atheist inside?
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I had sent him message on fb that i am his fan from pakistan and he replied that he's surprised to have a fan in Pakistan :D
he posted this recently on his fb page
On Arnab's debate today i suddenly realised the difference between us soldiers and others. it suddenly hit me.it hurt me deeply to see what we have become. we have problems now with flying our national Flag.? I learnt with the greatest shock that so far the national flag has not been flying in our Universities? Why pray? Are they UN enclaves in Free India beyond the pale of our soveriginity? Are we required to sing the Communist internaionale there instead of our National anthem? Are the universities paid for by our taxes required to celebrate every Afzal Guru , every Maoist,celebrate every 76 brave CRPF boys who get killed by the Maoists? celebrate every single soldier who gets killed in J&K? The problem is the sophisticated debate that these bastions of Leftist liberals have created. Every Patriot is a lumpen. the smart set , the real cool intellectulas support Afzal Guru. For that is the fastest way to a Noble peace Prize or even a Magasay Award( Get rich quick guys- who cares for that land called India).Only soldiers like us are stupid enough to become EXTREME NATIONALISTS. Only soldiers make that extreme sacrifice !! and all along we were told it was the SUPREME sacrifice . The Flag my friend is NOT a piece of tattered silk to us soldiers. It is the SYMBOL of who we are. it is for this piece of tattered silk that we have to Fight and DIE- we have NO choice. You DO! thats the differece
Major General G.D. Bakshi
Lets not pull blanket statement on all the Bengalis. @Rain Man is a Bengali too, have you ever seen him support such people?

The person we are discussing about, Major General (Retd.) G D Bakshi, he himself is a Bengali, his brother who was martyred in 1965 war was a Bengali too.

However, JU always was a bastion of leftist and ultra-leftist politics, some of its student groups and teachers have connections with naxals and maoists, it in fact have/had active maoist cells and people were arrested for that. In normal days these political student groups block the main road twice a week for practicing 'protest', and twice a year they lock the VC and non-leftist teachers in their offices for something like 56 hours or 62 hours to practice 'gherao andolon'.

But most of the students there go for studies only and don't involve in politics and student unions. If I start painting all with one big brush, like @ranjeet , then probably all Hariyanvis kill their girl child at birth or before birth, or hack them to death in case they marry in wrong caste, or within the village (as all in a Hariyanvi village are brothers and sisters), and gangrape the sisters of lower caste guys who might have eloped with upper caste girls, after a suitable dictate by their khap panchayet scoundrels.
@Abingdonboy don't miss the video.
I was just watching this video when I logged in here. Whilst it is sad to see such a great man reduced to tears- and not just any man but a combat veteran no less, my overwhelming feeling is anger.

Those "liberal intellectuals" try to claim they have a monopoly on patriotism but they don't. Actions speak louder than words and as the proud General said- every soldier in the Indian Armed forces swears an oath to protect the territory of India, its constiution and its flag. The General has 37 years of service and has seen the the reality of patriotism when sldiers lay down their lives for their nation, for the idea of India which is what its flag represents. An intellectual who has lead a sheltered life and is so used to academia and theoretic arguments clearly cannot compute what true patriotism is, ask them what they have done for their country? Soldiers do not hold the monopoly on patriotism either but by their very nature, by their very service by their very actions they are more qualified to speak on the matter than most.

And when someone claims that raising the flag is breaching the "autonomy of a centrally funded university" I don't even know what to say to such a fool except how dare you smirk when the General is talking of the 100s of men he has seen lay down their lives leaving behind everything they hold dear and of the countless number that have been permently injured as a result- ALL FOR THAT FLAG.

And the blatent polticising by other panalists was too much to swallow, I understand there are parties who oppose the political party in power but I thought there were limits to how far they would go to attack them but that they are willing to attack them on THIS issue leaves me dumbfounded. I must say it is eye opening, these scum aren't interested in anything but their personal gain and they have been exposed.

Chanting " we are Constituional patriots" to an actual patriot who has sent men to their deaths in service of the nation?

The one thing they cling to is "why now?" Questioning the timing is the weakest crutch I can think of, why now? Because of the conceated efforts by certain elements in to create discord, the very same animals who are celebrating Afzul Guru and calling for the break up of India. Every action has an equal an opposite reaction- those scum pushed and they got this in return. After 9/11 were knives not banned on planes? After 26/11 were coastal radars not set up and the NSG modernised? It is the Government's job to fight these elements and to create a counter narrative- this flag policy (which is not even remotely questionable on any level) is a step in that direction.

Why is it such an issue for these scoundrals to hoist the national flag on GOVERNMENT institutions? In the US this is MANDATORY and every morning all school children in America pledge alligence to the flag. I question the timing also- WHY WASN'T THIS ALREADY THE CASE?? I'm glad it has happened now- better late than never.

I honestly can't beleive this was even questioned.
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