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Watch: BJP MLA says Pakistan should also bring CAA, take away India's aggrieved Muslims

Living in your Utopia .... enjoying DeccanNights...doing your LoveJihad... you are beyond repair!

Currently @jamahir, in the tradition of dialectical materialism, is searching for a synthesis between Socialism and LoveJihad.:p:

"Shab ko mae khoob say pee, subah ko tauba kar lee
Rind kay rind rahay, hath say jannat na gayi"
Currently @jamahir, in the tradition of dialectical materialism, is searching for a synthesis between Socialism and LoveJihad.:p:

"Shab ko mae khoob say pee, subah ko tauba kar lee
Rind kay rind rahay, hath say jannat na gayi"

Heh heh.
No, thankyou!

I wish not to engage further on PakKashmiris Plights... and listen to justification of murder, rape and torture!

This ends here!

Sir Jee: Don't be harsh on Indian Muslims. We have to understand their dilemma. It has a long historical perspective, which I would place sometimes, when I am in a mood of writing a long post.
These POS gangoos live in their own fantasy. No single gangoo is coming in Pakistan. Period!!!
F**k gangoos and f**k their POS gangoo bhayyas.
O Pajee... I understand it... however, I was referring only to the SocialistLoveJihadi and his justification for rape, murder and torture of PakKashmiris in IoJK.

That is why I elected to disengage... and not react with raw emtion...

Yes. I understand and appreciate.

By and large, Indian Muslims, except of course those who are being bribed for submission, are grossly disillusioned and this process started, right after 1947, because of certain inadvertent consequential circumstances of those times. But, as I said, a detailed account of that, may be sometimes, later.

Pakistan Zindabad
Tera mera rishta kia?

There is Only One Solution....

Protect OurMothers, OurSisters and OurDaughters with your lives

I have been warning for sometime now.. there is a deep religious motive to antiMuslim drive by GanguFacistRegime/RSS in MaqboozaHindustan!

You know, none of you here online even raised your voice against Genocide of PakKashmiris in IoJK... those 'leaders' or FuzlaGangsters of JUI Hind ... and sarkari muslims...none did anything for PakKashmiris.. all being more nationalists than RSS.... and then Shabana Azmi couldn't get a flat in Bombay...and all made fuss... PakKashmiris have us ONLY!!!

And the Truth is you have only us, Paks,
.....as I told you before... there is a deep empathy within Pakistan towards muslims of MaqboozaHindustan ... it comes on some outlets of MarasiMedia in Pakistan...

Muslims of BritishIndia voted for MuslimLeague and Pakistan...and without your vote we could have not become free from GanguSlavery!

However, you must realise that when those sarkari mullahz or sarkari muslims or this owaisi person... burn OurFlag, utter nonesense/galian against us... We, Paks, young and old, find it painful!

I am 'The Son of The Soil' yet for me Idea of Pakistan is what it really is... The Heartland of OurCivilisation and a Realm of Universal Humanism... as both Allama Iqbal R.A. and Quaid e Azam R.A. have told/showed us.... @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan

I find it extremely painful..nay... offensive and disgusting when none of you have raised your voices for PakKashmiris... where Rape has been and is being used as WeaponOfWar... 7000+ massgraves and more than 100.000+ dead... young PakKashmiriBoys... 14.000+ ...have been kidnapped...by the GanguTerroristArmy...Palletguns victims... now countless PakKashmiris have died since this GanguFacistRegime has imposed its curfew...

Despite all of the above I find compassion for you...muslims of MaqboozaHindustan and your plight and I fear for what awaits you....

Tera mera rishta kia?

We stand with Muslims of MaqboozaHindustan.... simply because we are Pakistan..we have to... The Idea of Pakistan dictates so....

A great fitna has arisen in MaqboozaHindustan and it is only going to get hellish for you and your families... Protect OurMothers, OurSisters and OurDaughters...

Oraganise in your mohullaz and your areas/ghettoz... don't take it lying down... your sarkari muslims, FuzlaGangster of JUI Hind or political leaders will bring Lambs to the Slaughterhouse!

@jamahir is waiting for his SocialistParadise.... not understanding the HumanCondition and happy with his LoveJihad..

As I said before.... you are part of OurCivilisation... keeping it alive in MaqboozaHindustan.... we just wish you can get a safe place there to carve out a place for yourself to call it Home....

Since, Mushy times we have become Woodstock Hippiez... current GoP being no different... so the support is only going to come from ordinary Paks... @newb3e

Have a look at @SIPRA @PakSword and many others including myself...we all are PakPositiveNationalists... even then we support you...

@The_Showstopper don't trust anyone outside of your own ... always study their bodylanguage... even those socalled seculars have no love for you!!! Stay safe and stay out of trouble!!!

Quaid e Azam R.A. , Allam Iqbal R.A. .... OurMadreMillet and OurFoundingFathers are not up for discussion...and we Shall NOT accept any slight towards them... Somethings are Sacred!

we cant protect our own i dont think we will go and protect our sisters and mothers in kashmir! i am a big fan of afghan taliban and i think the brave talibs will go and liberate kashmir from safroni turds!
we cant protect our own i dont think we will go and protect our sisters and mothers in kashmir! i am a big fan of afghan taliban and i think the brave talibs will go and liberate kashmir from safroni turds!
do not worry, Modi started to like Muslim feets like a good little boy to save India. lets see if Zakir Naik will kick his backside or do kori ki bheek de de ga.
As you have pointed out that the track record of the international community has not been good; hence, in my opinion, it won't do any practical good if there is outside pressure at this moment. That needs to come from the Indian civic society and her own citizens who have proven to be a vocal and staunch opponent when it comes to it. Unless they rise up, no one will and that's why I am interested in knowing what they think about such statements because at one hand we're suppose to deny that this was discriminatory on the other when the party in place speaks so openly, how can we? That's why I think that such a process should start from the ground up because this practice never ends well for anyone.

My apologies, I've been dealing with a lot of vitriol here.


Amit Shah is a misguided missile.

No, sir. No sarcasm was intended.

I actually accept @The_Showstopper's assertion that the UNO won't be of help to India's Muslims currently, if we go by the track-record of UNO about Iraq, Libya, Syria and now Venezuela.

Maybe some other world body has to raise its voice and force the UNO to give out a statement. Maybe this world body can be the OIC.

I also think that presently it is the Muslims who are victims in the current atmosphere. The moment the Christians here become victims, then the Western countries will awaken.

Kings son is ambassador of Pakistan in Saudi Arabia.

Believe me, I am not disconnected and removed from the goings-on in the country. You can refer to the conversation between me and @The_Showstopper.

As for me and the Kashmir issue, I have been suggesting the below to whoever lent me his ear :

1. Let the same Progressive political system ( Direct Democracy ) govern both India and Pakistan, much like how pre-2003 Iraq and Syria were governed by the Baath movement and yet remained two independent republics.

2. Convert the LOC into an international border which can be crossed for trade, tourism and familial visits.

3. This would remove the need among the Kashmiris on the Indian side, of any feeling for Independence. They will proceed to further their own individual lives, having been removed of the burden of an independence struggle and life under military occupation.

At this rate you are likely to get lynched by both parties.
@The_Showstopper, what are your thoughts on Owaisi Senior ??
I believe he is a good orator and debater, sometimes I disagree with his election strategies but overall I think, we need leaders like him at least the orthodox muslims will find him palatable.

You know, none of you here online even raised your voice against Genocide of PakKashmiris in IoJK... those 'leaders' or FuzlaGangsters of JUI Hind ... and sarkari muslims...none did anything for PakKashmiris..
Maybe you never noted it but many Indian muslims are sympathetic to Kashmiris and infact many of those Kashmiris and even Rohingyas find shelter in my city. They are welcomed and taken care of by the local muslim populace here.

Poor Kashmiri families arrive in Hyderabad, seek help - Siasat

On Rohingya Muslims question, Asaduddin Owaisi slams BJP

Kashmiris' woes dampen celebrative mood in Hyderabad

Anyways I was unaware of Jammu massacre until I joined this forum. All the massacres against muslims are systematically suppressed in India as we only get to see the usual r@ndi rona over Khilji, Aurangzeb, Kashmiri pandits etc. They never speak about Hyderabad massacre, Jammu massacre, Nellie massacre etc...

The killing fields of Jammu: How Muslims become a minority in the region

Hyderabad 1948: India's hidden massacre - BBC News

Nellie massacre: The victims and their pains
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