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Wasted youth: Reflections on the British Council report

Pakistan was founded on religious basis , thats the whole idea if muslims have felt secured with majority Hindu population than India was never divided !?

Past is past. We cannot change it. It happened. I was not born during that time and so I cannot contemplate why it happened when I see the India I know.

Islam is no concept its the reality we practice it day in and out and are very firm beleivers do not compare christanity with Islam as there is a big difference btw practice.

I am not comparing any religion with any other!

Its also not the case of 6/7 pakistanis majority of us think of religion first and than is the rest.

I hope so!

No one will as if u read what you said Estabilisment or the dictatorships in some cases wont let that happen ...!

That is one that should be hoped.

This sucide bomber and the whole paranoia of terrorism are our own mistakes see we just lack democracy . Unfortunatly pak was soon hijacked by these thugs in estabilishment who will do any thing to stay in power. These flipin dictators mainly and added with a mix of thugs in politics have done wonders its not that they meant bad its just they were plain stupid they rent our land to foriegnors to do their tug of war and settle their scores ,, Islam has nothing to do with this. The reality in ground is very different than what one may think.

I think democracy has no legs considering the polls and given the past history. I think Pakistan should consider rewriting its constitution based on Turkish model that gives enough power to the army. A stable government is required so that government can carry out its day-to-day activities and promote growth and FDI.

they are too worried to do anything ... we dont have to look any where but to just read and practice what the Quaid said. I hope this region including India get rid of this moron rubbish and we all get back to normal soon.

I hope you guys follow what Jinnah says! I dont think we can get rid of the extremists atleast in our part of the world where they are aggressive in design and regular people don't want to indulge with forces that are dangerous to deal with in person.

I wish atleast my India does have some laws to move these extremists to prison. The current state of Judicial branch cannot help reinforce anything. A serious reform might be required!
I have yet to meet an indian who is not an atheist or agnostic........just wondering how the BJP came into power if all you indians are not into hindusim.
They might not be in power now but there the oppostion.

India has a literacy rate of 65% and youth literacy rate of 87%. Also, UP(uttar pradesh) has most population in India. Along with Bihar, Chattisgarh, MP, Andhra (northern part), Orrisa all constitute huge population with no education and only motivation being religion for the dogmatic politicians to run its course.

If you look at political map, you will find that is exactly where BJP gets most of its seats.
I respect that Bro, but the same applies to Pakistani's questioning India :cheers:

My emphasis is on religion and other values which are not common between us, not on whats done to non-muslims here or there. We have bad people among us too who do bad things, same case on your side, but what we have to see is the barbarity, frequency & scale
of such incidents.

Same advice goes to Pakistani or any other country members to not involve religion when you don't know about it. But since the time I have joined this forum the attacks on Islam from Indian members and some members from other non-muslim countries are way over the line & in large numbers and all of them try to give one color to all based on the actions of few extremists who are way in minority, and such every action has an equal but opposite reaction. Which can be seen on this thread now happening & happens on the forum also.
Let me understand this clearly, the opening article states that only one out of 6 Pakistanis think of themselves as Pakistani first and then Muslim, and all of you (except Developereo) are okay with this? Your religious identity supersedes your national identity? What?!!!

I thought it was an exaggeration/propaganda on the part of the opening article, clearly i was wrong.

As Rajeev as pointed out, this is pretty much a medieval attitude. Citizens of a nation state cannot think like this and expect to stay united.

From Developereo -

Far more troubling is this statistic:
with just one in seven identifying themselves as Pakistani

How can we have a unified nation if only 1 in 7 considers themselves a part of it?
Let me understand this clearly, the opening article states that only one out of 6 Pakistanis think of themselves as Pakistani first and then Muslim, and all of you (except Developereo) are okay with this? Your religious identity supersedes your national identity? What?!!!

I thought it was an exaggeration/propaganda on the part of the opening article, clearly i was wrong.

As Rajeev as pointed out, this is pretty much a medieval attitude. Citizens of a nation state cannot think like this and expect to stay united.

From Developereo -

We are talking about PAKISTAN here, which has 97% Muslim population so how can we not be united if we say we are Muslims first, ALMOST ALL OF PAKISTANIS ARE MUSLIMS and non-muslims dont make a majority in any place in Pakistan.
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there is a hell of a difference between what happens to non-muslims over there and over here. it would be better that you study the facts and incidents rather then typing one liners with no meaning.

God have mercy on any Non Muslims living in Pakistan because Muslims dont.

Rising Intolerance Towards The Religious Minorities Of Pakistan
Prepared by:
710 Shadman-I, Lahore, Pakistan
Ph: 0092-42-7560041, Fax: 0092-42-7530204 Email: clf@isb.comsats.net.pk

Pakistan, an Islamic country is situated in South Asia. With ever increasing religious intolerance against the non-Muslim religious minorities, Pakistan remains one of the most glaring examples of religious intolerance in the world.


If you have any doubt do a search "Pakistan treatment of Non Muslims"

How would you feel if Muslims were treated in NonMuslim Countries like Non Muslims are treated in Pakistan,, Thank God most of the rest of the world is more civilized.
God have mercy on any Non Muslims living in Pakistan because Muslims dont.

Rising Intolerance Towards The Religious Minorities Of Pakistan
Prepared by:
710 Shadman-I, Lahore, Pakistan
Ph: 0092-42-7560041, Fax: 0092-42-7530204 Email: clf@isb.comsats.net.pk

Pakistan, an Islamic country is situated in South Asia. With ever increasing religious intolerance against the non-Muslim religious minorities, Pakistan remains one of the most glaring examples of religious intolerance in the world.


If you have any doubt do a search "Pakistan treatment of Non Muslims"

How would you feel if Muslims were treated in NonMuslim Countries like Non Muslims are treated in Pakistan,, Thank God most of the rest of the world is more civilized.

Got to think and see things out of the box, which can't be done by sitting in US and especially when coming here with a biased anti-pakistan mindset, without knowing anything about Pakistan except what media feeds you.
Got to think and see things out of the box, which can't be done by sitting in US and especially when coming here with a biased anti-pakistan mindset, without knowing anything about Pakistan except what media feeds you.

Care to show the same consideration when discussing Indians/Hindus/Americans/Israelis/Jews.

I keep repeating the same statement every time I read comments made by members parroting often repeated lines on issues on which they are biased and have no idea about.
Care to show the same consideration when discussing Indians/Hindus/Americans/Israelis/Jews.

I keep repeating the same statement every time I read comments made by members parroting often repeated lines on issues on which they are biased and have no idea about.

Would be better to first read the posts before this one, as this one is in continuation to the others and especially for the member who was replied.
Pakistan's choice is clear: Globalization or Talibanization.

With Pakistan's growing population and rising expectations of its young people, it appears to me that the radical Islam is now spreading beyond its traditional home in NWFP and FATA to Pakistan's heartland of Punjab. It is also clear that the new generation of Pakistanis do not want to accept life under a feudal or tribal system that denies them basic human dignity. In the absence of significant economic growth (even the phenomenal 8% growth roughly equals 2.5m jobs), not enough jobs are being created for 3 million young people ready to join the work force each year, resulting in growing availability of recruits for terror outfits who pay them fairly well by local standards. According to Rand corporation estimates, the Taliban pay about $150 a month to each fighter, much higher than the $100 a month paid by the governments in the region. This fact has been amply illustrated by recent growth of the Punjabi Taliban who have been found recruited by terrorist groups for suicide bombings and violence within and outside Pakistan.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan's Choice: Talibanization Versus Globalization
Pakistan's choice is clear: Globalization or Talibanization.

Refreshingly different opinion to what I have been reading all day. Thank you.

One question about the feudal setup in Pakistan. The army has been ruling the country for a considerable amount of time and I guess in some respects immune to public pressures. Is the army too influenced by these Feudal lords ? If land reforms are being recolonised as something which is urgently needed, why wasn't this done earlier by the army?
nicely said

Pakistan's choice is clear: Globalization or Talibanization.

With Pakistan's growing population and rising expectations of its young people, it appears to me that the radical Islam is now spreading beyond its traditional home in NWFP and FATA to Pakistan's heartland of Punjab. It is also clear that the new generation of Pakistanis do not want to accept life under a feudal or tribal system that denies them basic human dignity. In the absence of significant economic growth (even the phenomenal 8% growth roughly equals 2.5m jobs), not enough jobs are being created for 3 million young people ready to join the work force each year, resulting in growing availability of recruits for terror outfits who pay them fairly well by local standards. According to Rand corporation estimates, the Taliban pay about $150 a month to each fighter, much higher than the $100 a month paid by the governments in the region. This fact has been amply illustrated by recent growth of the Punjabi Taliban who have been found recruited by terrorist groups for suicide bombings and violence within and outside Pakistan.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan's Choice: Talibanization Versus Globalization
No pakistan is also facing problems of militancy that is not taking things into account. We have a border with Afghanistan which has been in a state of perpetual civil war for the last 30 years. India does not have that. The problem that pakistan is basically facing is that of infrastructure. Their was no investment in our energy infrastructure for the past 8 years even though the economy was growing by 8% there was no significant investments made in exploiting our gas fields and oil fields in the last 8 years. What pakistan is facing for the most part is a surge in price of electricity. The government is working on it. It will take time but that is temporary thing which will eventually be solved. As far as the security situation is concerned the army is also making significant progress in that front.

As far as Militancy growing i find it highly doubt full. the growing unrest in the youth is going to lead to a sea shift i think in the next election. Once the politicians are actually kicked out of power by the people and not by the army i think they will understand and will start working as any other government does in the world.

Things look bad right now but i think that the future is bright. i am one of those people who believe if democracy is allowed to continue uninterrupted for a while things will start getting better.
No pakistan is also facing problems of militancy that is not taking things into account. We have a border with Afghanistan which has been in a state of perpetual civil war for the last 30 years. India does not have that. The problem that pakistan is basically facing is that of infrastructure. Their was no investment in our energy infrastructure for the past 8 years even though the economy was growing by 8% there was no significant investments made in exploiting our gas fields and oil fields in the last 8 years. What pakistan is facing for the most part is a surge in price of electricity. The government is working on it. It will take time but that is temporary thing which will eventually be solved. As far as the security situation is concerned the army is also making significant progress in that front.

As far as Militancy growing i find it highly doubt full. the growing unrest in the youth is going to lead to a sea shift i think in the next election. Once the politicians are actually kicked out of power by the people and not by the army i think they will understand and will start working as any other government does in the world.

Things look bad right now but i think that the future is bright. i am one of those people who believe if democracy is allowed to continue uninterrupted for a while things will start getting better.

I really hope so...but it is going to be very very hard.
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