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Wasted youth: Reflections on the British Council report

Dont you think Omar that you are agitated with me for some reason? I am agnostic and so I don't believe in religion.

I have yet to meet an indian who is not an atheist or agnostic........just wondering how the BJP came into power if all you indians are not into hindusim.
They might not be in power now but there the oppostion.
if that is so then why they feel aliens and unwanted and feared and scared whenever there is any bomb blast in India?

It is not only Muslims in India - but muslims in every non muslim country(read it as secular) - and I blame it on those people who believe religion gives them the right to kill others...

Question yourself guys - why the world has become so much anti Muslim after 9/11... The only answer I hear in this forum is it is as an American-Israel-Indian conspiracy to crush Pakistan - the only Muslim country with nuclear weapons which can start another Caliphate movement... lol grow up guys before the Taliban burns your house and blows up your people just coz they dont like your version of Islam
I have yet to meet an indian who is not an atheist or agnostic........just wondering how the BJP came into power if all you indians are not into hindusim.
They might not be in power now but there the oppostion.
:) i know many who claim so due to their confusion about their own faith.

Most of them are NRIs
The british anthem has the verse "god save the queen".

"In God We Trust" is the official motto of the United States.
It is not only Muslims in India - but muslims in every non muslim country(read it as secular) - and I blame it on those people who believe religion gives them the right to kill others...

So the first world war and second world war where for reasons of faith?
What about the majority of wars fought during the last 60 odd years...all fought for reasons of democracy,capitalism,communism or some other "ism"......millions and millions dies.
It is not only Muslims in India - but muslims in every non muslim country(read it as secular) - and I blame it on those people who believe religion gives them the right to kill others...

Question yourself guys - why the world has become so much anti Muslim after 9/11... The only answer I hear in this forum is it is as an American-Israel-Indian conspiracy to crush Pakistan - the only Muslim country with nuclear weapons which can start another Caliphate movement... lol grow up guys before the Taliban burns your house and blows up your people just coz they dont like your version of Islam

No religion gives the right to kill. So do not try to mislead readers.

Secondly Pakistan is only one component of Muslim world, therefore saying that all anti-Islam wars are aimed at destroying Pakistan is wrong.

But to say that India, US, Israel or other non-Muslim hostile country is in love with Islam is also wrong.

Somehow the interests of US, Israel, India meet up at one or other point.

we can understand the case of Israel as it was created in the name of religion.

The Indian case is also somewhat understandable against Muslims as Muslims have invaded and ruled India for many hundred years.

We had defied the idol worship and craved another religion which had hurt idol worshipers.

The Christian crusade are also not forgotten its another matter now these are being kept running through new modern methods.

why 9/11 happened in the first place??

You should ask this question from yourself.
Not at all. NO bomb blast here in Pakistan is blamed on non-Muslim Pakistanis

Unlike India where Hindu organisations plan bombs and Indian Muslims pay the price

LOL looks like Jana has inside info about everything :P And the blame game continues :cheers:
It is better for the Indian members to not talk about Islam when they don't know the ABC of Islam, its teachings & concepts. we being in Pakistan have no Idea about Hinduism or any other religion except for the things we hear on media, if there are extremists in Islam who have given a wrong turning to its teachings, same kind of people can be seen in Hinduism & other religions also.

And those who have this logic that we are Pakistani first and then should look after being Muslims, well ignorance about Islam leads to such logic being thought about. Better to first know about Islam, if anyone is interested in discussing about it, or else keep it shut. As people with no knowledge about something and discussing it as if they are experts don't look experts but idiots.

And as for Indian members who advice us to correct our backyard, would be better that they look at their own and correct it before advising others.

And we all also know how much India is Indian and what happens to Muslims, Christians, Sikhs etc etc over there, rather whole world knows. So no need to bring that discussion in this thread as others are there also.

Keep the discussion to the article posted in the thread. People who are not in Pakistan have no right to question what our youth thinks especially with no knowledge of our society, culture, traditions & especially Religion.
Thats no differance between that and what is happeing to Non Muslims in Pakistan.

there is a hell of a difference between what happens to non-muslims over there and over here. it would be better that you study the facts and incidents rather then typing one liners with no meaning.
LOL looks like Jana has inside info about everything

Whats funnier is the nearly every pakistani memeber said after the mumbai attack and the killing of the main police officer incharge of hunting down hindu terrorist ,that all the cases will be dropped and no right wing hindu military-police-politcial connection will be found.......and guess what? Thats what happened.
:) i know many who claim so due to their confusion about their own faith.

Most of them are NRIs

LOL Jana you really have no Idea what your talking about. I am an NRI, a muslim and and an Indian, i have lived outside India for most of my life but still have not given up my Indian citizenship because I am truly proud to be an Indian. You should really stop before your comments get personal. I know many more NRI's than you and I can easily say all of them are hugely proud of India and consider themselves Indian first even now, where on the other hand I have met many Pakistani's living in other countries who dont even want to go back to their country. Again I can do the same thing that your doing but that does not solve the problem that Pakistan has. I can just recommend to you to stop your blame India game because its clearly showing your desperation :cheers:
rajeev;557813]Some Saudis, Kuwaitis, Iraqis and Iranians do! Not 6/7 of their population do!
To remain a unified country for a long, you need to believe in the concept of Pakistan. That you all are one!

Pakistan was founded on religious basis , thats the whole idea if muslims have felt secured with majority Hindu population than India was never divided !?

Being Muslim first concept is a medieval concept used at the time of Caliphate for political reasons, just like Romans did when they embraced Christianity, but you know from history that Christianity did not keep the country united. So if 6/7 people in Pakistanis believe that, there would be political tendency to form another Caliphate. That is good and all, but who else would like to join the group?

Islam is no concept its the reality we practice it day in and out and are very firm beleivers do not compare christanity with Islam as there is a big difference btw practice. Its also not the case of 6/7 pakistanis majority of us think of religion first and than is the rest.

Do you think Saudis will join, Iranians will join, Iraqis will join, UAE will join, Turkey will join, Sudan will join, Egypt will join, Ethiopia will join?? Which country feels that they want to be united with other Muslim country? Another thing is that whether establishments wants the same. Saudi King wants to give away his power? or the Iranian Ayatollah ? or the Kurds? or the Turks?

No one will as if u read what you said Estabilisment or the dictatorships in some cases wont let that happen ...!

So when neither the establishment in other Muslim countries would join to form a Caliphate nor the people in respective countries see themselves culturally similar or connecting to other Muslim country to form Caliphate, what would this evolution of Pakistanis will turn out to be? Pakistan does not have the power to take out rest of Muslim countries by force and if neither are going to join, what would vast amount of unemployed Pakistanis do? They would turn to create suicide bombers for rest of Muslim world to make them forcefully join the so-called Caliphate. The rest of Pakistanis will find their causes with India, US, Israel, China, Europe?

This sucide bomber and the whole paranoia of terrorism are our own mistakes see we just lack democracy . Unfortunatly pak was soon hijacked by these thugs in estabilishment who will do any thing to stay in power. These flipin dictators mainly and added with a mix of thugs in politics have done wonders its not that they meant bad its just they were plain stupid they rent our land to foriegnors to do their tug of war and settle their scores ,, Islam has nothing to do with this. The reality in ground is very different than what one may think.

I think the government should get this identity crisis resolved.

they are too worried to do anything ... we dont have to look any where but to just read and practice what the Quaid said. I hope this region including India get rid of this moron rubbish and we all get back to normal soon.
It is better for the Indian members to not talk about Islam when they don't know the ABC of Islam, its teachings & concepts. we being in Pakistan have no Idea about Hinduism or any other religion except for the things we hear on media, if there are extremists in Islam who have given a wrong turning to its teachings, same kind of people can be seen in Hinduism & other religions also.

And those who have this logic that we are Pakistani first and then should look after being Muslims, well ignorance about Islam leads to such logic being thought about. Better to first know about Islam, if anyone is interested in discussing about it, or else keep it shut. As people with no knowledge about something and discussing it as if they are experts don't look experts but idiots.

And as for Indian members who advice us to correct our backyard, would be better that they look at their own and correct it before advising others.

And we all also know how much India is Indian and what happens to Muslims, Christians, Sikhs etc etc over there, rather whole world knows. So no need to bring that discussion in this thread as others are there also.

Keep the discussion to the article posted in the thread. People who are not in Pakistan have no right to question what our youth thinks especially with no knowledge of our society, culture, traditions & especially Religion.

I respect that Bro, but the same applies to Pakistani's questioning India :cheers:
LOL Jana you really have no Idea what your talking about. I am an NRI, a muslim and and an Indian, i have lived outside India for most of my life but still have not given up my Indian citizenship because I am truly proud to be an Indian. You should really stop before your comments get personal. I know many more NRI's than you and I can easily say all of them are hugely proud of India and consider themselves Indian first even now, where on the other hand I have met many Pakistani's living in other countries who dont even want to go back to their country. Again I can do the same thing that your doing but that does not solve the problem that Pakistan has. I can just recommend to you to stop your blame India game because its clearly showing your desperation :cheers:

We were talking about agnotism not giving up citizenship.

BTW you have good multiple IDs

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