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Wasted many years on Ind-Pak Tussle. We should now move forward : PM MODI

I have lovely indian friends and their friendship has made me a strong proponent of peace between the two countries.

But this guy makes me sick :bad:
Great after loosing hundreds of soldiers and military assets Modi has finally realized that peace is the way forward and Pakistan can't be bullied or ignored but we can't trust this low IQ chai wala he could be onto something evil again !
Before he can justify another attack on a sovereign state RAW must be planning another false-flag. Recent shooting in Christchurch proves that Modi doesn't have the morals or the spine to condemn attacks on Muslims. Poor sob must be feeling alienated while the entire world comes together against Islamophobia.

The world's losing sympathy fast for hindu-nationalists. Modi will try his best to salvage international attention by any means necessary. Stay wary!
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