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Wasted many years on Ind-Pak Tussle. We should now move forward : PM MODI

Great after loosing hundreds of soldiers and military assets Modi has finally realized that peace is the way forward and Pakistan can't be bullied or ignored but we can't trust this low IQ chai wala he could be onto something evil again !
He is just trying to fool ... basically it means, they are gearing up for something new.. may be another false flag attack and then another attack or just a surprise attack but in any case ... Pakistan is ready :)
Is there a change of heart and minds, highly unlikely, yes a change of posturing and strategy.

Now he realises that sabre-rattling and war mongering/war hysteria started by him is actually going against him.

Indian Army and establishment is not happy with the extra pressure put on them by the political parties and Modi now realises it. Modi cannot antagonize them, the Indian establishment.

Indian people in general cannot be supporting any war, save the Andhbhats, Bania class won't.

Everyone from India, the IA chief, the IAF chief, and now Modi is quite and not talking about badla and revenge which is not possible. Bipin Rawat has in fact gone hiding...earlier use to utter political nonsense like a BJP handpicked minister( he need to be apolitical ).

The blow back and the spanking from Pakistan has taken some toll, served them right, power flows from the barrel of a gun, more relevant for the Indians.
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Have been saying this since long time. India should move away from looking at anything with Pakistan lens. Kashmir loc should be made international border. Win Kashmiri hearts by empowering them rather than subjugating them. Should improve infrastructure and employment in Kashmir nd north east. Make them a tourism heaven.
Unless he comes clean what PAF did to Indian forces both in the air and on the ground, I am not trusting him a tiny bit.
It took him a lot to say that if Rafale were there the story would have been different.
It means he is only waiting for the right time to attack again.
I promise you that if he is or will in next few days realise he may loses the elections he would attack Pakistan, mark my words.
He is a snake, we should have crushed the head of the snake on 27th February.
Modi: We hate Pakistan, vote for me!
India: Yeeeaaaahhhh!

(secret meeting)

Modi: Actually, we are neutral, vote for me!
India: Yeeaaaahhhhh!
sour grapes...

You can't be more wrong?

How is Kashmir to be blamed? What did Kashmir do?

It's India to be blamed which wrongfully occupied Kashmir and has been oppressing and systematically cleansing the valley of it Muslim inhabitants. It's Indian state terrorism against innocent Kashmiri people that is the issue.

It is the kashmir, the root of every Indo Pak tussle. Think about that also.
Leave Kashmir and we can be even NATO like allies.

Lekin ye phir meeta ho rha ha. Kuch garh barh ha.
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