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WASHINGTON Woman protests drones drove out of hall

Isn't she great? I live in a great country! I just watched the video and yes, it's the same woman I tried talking to in March. She made her protest peacefully and loudly. She made people think: we should never forget that war has a human cost. That doesn't make her right, of course - I don't think her engine is firing on all cylinders.

The security response was appropriate as well - quietly and calmly lifting her away, without violence. Most admirable. Did you see how she tried spread-eagling herself to the door frame and the guard just turned her slightly so she'd lose her grip?

She was probably just removed from the building. If she grew disorderly yes, she might have gone to jail for a few hours. I'll bet she was back on the streets doing her protesting within a day or two, if not hours.

allah have mercy on her, most probably she will be investigated by CIA whether she is ISI asset or not
What does she need mercy for? And what did she do that calls for an investigation?
Isn't she great? I live in a great country! I just watched the video and yes, it's the same woman I tried talking to in March. She made her protest peacefully and loudly. She made people think: we should never forget that war has a human cost. That doesn't make her right, of course - I don't think her engine is firing on all cylinders.

The security response was appropriate as well - quietly and calmly lifting her away, without violence. Most admirable. Did you see how she tried spread-eagling herself to the door frame and the guard just turned her slightly so she'd lose her grip?

She was probably just removed from the building. If she grew disorderly yes, she might have gone to jail for a few hours. I'll bet she was back on the streets doing her protesting within a day or two, if not hours.

What does she need mercy for? And what did she do that calls for an investigation?

if it was Hosni Mubarak's Egypt, she'd never be seen again...her family would never hear from her

the U.S. is a great country with seemingly well functioning system and organs/pillars of state that are intact. Checks and balance exist by and large, despite some irregularities that would surely exist in any country of that size and of that much economic importance

it's a great country, being run by people - however - who have no vision, and are seemingly on a mission to see how many allies they can lose before election time.

while you were protesting for democracy and change in Egypt (i'd assume you had good intentions) your government was on the sidelines and distanced itself from the Jan. 25th movement only until it realized that Mubarak's fate was sealed. Egyptians do not have a favourable view of the U.S. role in their revolution.

Clearly you wouldn't care that anti-Americanism has risen exponentially throughout the developed and developing world.....

the onus is on you to promote the softer image of the U.S. which everyone grew up knowing about......America made a grave mistake, Solomon, when it over-estimated the utility of raw brute force and military power while under-estimating the utility and usefulness of ''soft power''

Voice of America radio broadcasts are not sufficient
What if it was happnd in INDIA ur country men were killed daily

First of all, none of your government authorities know who these men are. They are not just killed for the heck of killing. Think about it; drone attacks are conducted on the basis of solid intelligence data. The reason why media reports with words like "suspected" and "alleged" is because of the ethics of journalism which says to use neutral language no matter how much a person is right or wrong.

Now two points to counter your question here:

1- It never would have happened here because we don't have a political cocoon here; everything is known to everyone around.

2- We don't have the Taliban in our borders. You should have disbanded them when you had the chance.
First of all, none of your government authorities know who these men are. They are not just killed for the heck of killing. Think about it; drone attacks are conducted on the basis of solid intelligence data. The reason why media reports with words like "suspected" and "alleged" is because of the ethics of journalism which says to use neutral language no matter how much a person is right or wrong.

Now two points to counter your question here:

1- It never would have happened here because we don't have a political cocoon here; everything is known to everyone around.

2- We don't have the Taliban in our borders. You should have disbanded them when you had the chance.

the Taleban are an Afghan phenomenon. They wouldnt exist if they didnt have support in the country.

your (former) soviet buddies (the ones you encouraged to invade and occupy Afghanistan foolishly) mistakenly thought they were invited guests.....history showed that their presence was not welcomed by a sizable % of the country and that is why even as they were WITHDRAWING, they were being pounded by the national resistance - they left totally demoralized.

there are many distinctions between tactics of soviet occupation forces and the 'incumbents' --history however seems to be repeating itself, and it's most unfortunate!

as for drone attacks - by and large many militants are said to have been killed.....but they are not an effective tool at COIN. It's mostly low-level nobodys who get whacked. In some cases, it's not even militants or people even remotely involved in militancy. The psychological impact of drones on current and ''sympathetic'' militants is strong. That may be one reason why some of these stateless militant groups (the ones with global agenda whom we are also fighting) are re-routing towards other theatres like North Africa and Yemen.

But I am not talking about global jihadist groups because you can be rest assured that Pakistan has and always will fight them. I am talking about Afghan taleban - and as i said already, they are a purely Afghan phenomenon

The Afghan taleban uses such attacks - and other NATO f*ck ups (including rogue soldiers peeing on dead bodies, Holy Qurans being burnt, shooting sprees etc.) in order to garner nationalist support. The odds seem to be tilting in their favour for this very reason.

when Afghans perceive that the Taleban are a nationalist resistance, they tend to embrace them....economic factors can also not be ignored. They pay better than the Afghan army.
Can the mods seriously ban this troll?

This account is just spamming.
These losers from U.S state department online army even join Arabic forums to try to defend the U.S atrocities in Afghanistan and elsewhere! They are so annoying.
Drone attacks are vital from a US and western point of view in taking out high level targets before they can launch attacks i fully support them.
so you fully support deaths of innocent families, children etc?

At least there is a voice up there.The way of protest could have been in the form of a long question, but it still shows us how desperate the condition has become.

Even the American people with conscience consider it a mass murder.I must say "she's got balls" with all due respect and regards for her.

Americans generally are good people but they get easily manipulated by their zionist controlled media. The zionist lobby is very powerful in the United States, the common American has no idea what the truth is, but intelligent good American people like this woman are now starting to speak up.
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I find it hilarious how some Pakistani members are always insulting Americans, yet when an American does something in their favour they all of a sudden start pretending that they love Americans and they care about Americans.

Most Pakistanis make it clear their objections are to American foreign policy, not American citizens at large. When individual Americans show the courage of their convictions, it is commendable.
Most Pakistanis make it clear their objections are to American foreign policy, not American citizens at large. When individual Americans show the courage of their convictions, it is commendable.

I have talked to many Americans and many are just very uninformed about Pakistan. They are not obsessed about Pakistan and Pakistanis like indian people are.
America doesnt have the balls to do drone attacks in India.:smokin: There is a huge difference between Ind and Pakistan. We protect our sovereignty at any cost unlike Pakistan. Though I do agree we have Maoist menace, but then its a internal problem. U.S cant dare to do a drone attack in India, Would never happen !!:no:
Keep this false sense of pride to yourself.

If terrorists will use Indian territory to attack US interests, then you will witness some major US BALLS.
Keep this false sense of pride to yourself.

If terrorists will use Indian territory to attack US interests, then you will witness some major US BALLS.

He might be ignorant, but possibility of terror attack from India on USA interests seems impossible for now, if ever happens, India will ensure the responsible party is eliminated.
...the common American has no idea what the truth is, but intelligent good American people like this woman are now starting to speak up.
I think it ill-behooves any Pakistani who has been compelled to regurgitate anti-Zionist claptrap in schools and mosques to claim that Americans have "no idea what truth is!" As for this woman, she demonstrates and speaks out but won't engage or reason. Do you think that is a route to good decision-making?
The Illuminati may not have liked that one bit. Truth hurts, what?!

And by the way, why is she being handled so roughly by a MALE policeman? Don't they have women police officers? This sucks! :tdown:
I can't believe Soloman and this clown Vcheng are allowed to propagate dogma on this forum. We don't allow any organizations to spread propaganda, and these individuals that are contributing to spamming the forum should be banned as well. This is a free thinking forum.

I request to all members, that spammers be reported.
well dear i dont agree with them so i dont read them its that simple if you have issues fine atleast dont start persnal comments if u have a right to propagate ur feeelings other people have the same right to do so and there is nothing that can be done about it. THEY are well within there rights
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