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Washington latest: Let Americans teach English in Indian madarsas


May 27, 2010
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Washington latest: Let Americans teach English in Indian madarsas

New Delhi:

The United States wants American teachers to impart English lessons in madarsas across India. A proposal in this regard was sent by Washington to the Ministry of External Affairs recently.

The MEA has sought the opinion of the Union Human Resource Development (HRD) Ministry.

Highly placed sources said the proposal, which comes about a month after US President Barack Obama’s visit to India, was under examination and would undergo scrutiny of the security agencies.

This is the first such proposal from any foreign country. There are about 7,000 registered madarsas across India, which have over 3.5 lakh students.

The US proposal is reported to have its origins in the visit of Rashad Hussain, US Special Envoy to the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC).

The son of Indian migrants, Hussain made a nine-day trip to India this August during which he visited universities and colleges in Aligarh, Mumbai, Hyderabad, New Delhi and Patna.

Besides university faculty and students, Hussain also met Muslim leaders and government officials to discuss the US administration’s initiatives on education, global health, entrepreneurship and on countering extremism. Hussain’s role, in fact, is said to be critical to Obama’s agenda to engage with the Muslim world, and his mandate includes helping Washington bridge the cultural divide with Muslims within the US and outside. With India having the second largest Muslim population in the world, engagement with the country’s Muslims figures high on the US agenda.

However, madarsas in India are protected under Section 30 of the Constitution as minority institutions which are free to impart religious education without any interference from the government. The government’s interface with madarsas is largely limited to the centrally-sponsored schemes for providing quality education. The attempt to modernise madarsas through a central madarsa board has not found much support from the Muslim community.

The need to bring madarsa education into the mainstream can be understood from the low enrolment rate of Muslims in higher education. According to a University Grants Commission (UGC) report on socio-religious enrolment in higher education, the Gross Enrolment Ratio is the highest for Christians at 19.85 per cent, with Hindus second at 13.13 per cent. Muslims come way down in the list at just 7.7 per cent.

Washington latest: Let Americans teach English in Indian madarsas
lol Teaching toh bahana hai. They actually want to keep an eye on what goes on in these madrassas.

BTW, it's for the madrassas to decide. Might as well help the intelligence agencies sniff out some sleeper cell or something.
lol Teaching toh bahana hai. They actually want to keep an eye on what goes on in these madrassas.

BTW, it's for the madrassas to decide. Might as well help the intelligence agencies sniff out some sleeper cell or something.

Considering English is an official language and that fact that most of the forum member from India speak pretty good English, I doubt that the Indian system need American teachers teaching it to say "y'all"

(a word that I used and got made fun of for using here in Canada because I learned my English from North Carolina, USA)
lol Teaching toh bahana hai. They actually want to keep an eye on what goes on in these madrassas.

BTW, it's for the madrassas to decide. Might as well help the intelligence agencies sniff out some sleeper cell or something.

Indian Madrasahs have nothing to hide.

Lets get a good deal out of it.

Also,Its upto the Madrasahs heads to decide.
lol first the English ruled us for 400 years now the Americans want to teach us English :lol:
Washington latest: Let Americans teach English in Indian madarsas

New Delhi:

The United States wants American teachers to impart English lessons in madarsas across India. A proposal in this regard was sent by Washington to the Ministry of External Affairs recently.

The MEA has sought the opinion of the Union Human Resource Development (HRD) Ministry.

Highly placed sources said the proposal, which comes about a month after US President Barack Obama’s visit to India, was under examination and would undergo scrutiny of the security agencies.

This is the first such proposal from any foreign country. There are about 7,000 registered madarsas across India, which have over 3.5 lakh students.

The US proposal is reported to have its origins in the visit of Rashad Hussain, US Special Envoy to the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC).

The son of Indian migrants, Hussain made a nine-day trip to India this August during which he visited universities and colleges in Aligarh, Mumbai, Hyderabad, New Delhi and Patna.

Besides university faculty and students, Hussain also met Muslim leaders and government officials to discuss the US administration’s initiatives on education, global health, entrepreneurship and on countering extremism. Hussain’s role, in fact, is said to be critical to Obama’s agenda to engage with the Muslim world, and his mandate includes helping Washington bridge the cultural divide with Muslims within the US and outside. With India having the second largest Muslim population in the world, engagement with the country’s Muslims figures high on the US agenda.

However, madarsas in India are protected under Section 30 of the Constitution as minority institutions which are free to impart religious education without any interference from the government. The government’s interface with madarsas is largely limited to the centrally-sponsored schemes for providing quality education. The attempt to modernise madarsas through a central madarsa board has not found much support from the Muslim community.

The need to bring madarsa education into the mainstream can be understood from the low enrolment rate of Muslims in higher education. According to a University Grants Commission (UGC) report on socio-religious enrolment in higher education, the Gross Enrolment Ratio is the highest for Christians at 19.85 per cent, with Hindus second at 13.13 per cent. Muslims come way down in the list at just 7.7 per cent.

Washington latest: Let Americans teach English in Indian madarsas

its a recipe for disaster. i dont think indian govt gonna allow this.
Considering English is an official language and that fact that most of the forum member from India speak pretty good English, I doubt that the Indian system need American teachers teaching it to say "y'all"

(a word that I used and got made fun of for using here in Canada because I learned my English from North Carolina, USA)

Yeah, I would rather that Indians learn English the British way. American English is nothing to be excited about. Btw, where in NC did you live?
Ok agreed..but we will send our Lalu ji to teach the Americans in MIT
Strictly speaking, from a puritan's POV, I'd never like my kids to learn English from an American.

The Americans have literally destroyed English language and its beauty.
Considering English is an official language and that fact that most of the forum member from India speak pretty good English, I doubt that the Indian system need American teachers teaching it to say "y'all"

(a word that I used and got made fun of for using here in Canada because I learned my English from North Carolina, USA)

Do you have any clue how many Indians are learning the American English language ? Many Indians go to special school to learn American English so that they can get jobs at Call Centers in India. Americans get fooled thinking that they are speaking to fellow Americans when they make calls to those Call Centers.
Do you have any clue how many Indians are learning the American English language ? Many Indians go to special school to learn American English so that they can get jobs at Call Centers in India. Americans get fooled thinking that they are speaking to fellow Americans when they make calls to those Call Centers.

Whats wrong in learning American English, if it provides job for thousands. Many South East Asian countries learn Mandarin, Japanese to project their countries as a outsourcing destination.
While they bring the teachers, why leave the cheerleaders behind !!!

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