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Washington latest: Let Americans teach English in Indian madarsas

The British gave the Americans two things . A language and a country . they sure screwed up one. :)

The British gave Indians these two things plus the same government system as Indians were not smart enough to shape its own government. And Indians screwed everything up.
Do you have any clue how many Indians are learning the American English language ? Many Indians go to special school to learn American English so that they can get jobs at Call Centers in India. Americans get fooled thinking that they are speaking to fellow Americans when they make calls to those Call Centers.
Ascent...... nobody is teaching american english and nobody gets fooled when they call any call center staffed by Indians...
The British gave Indians these two things plus the same government system as Indians were not smart enough to shape its own government. And Indians screwed everything up.
&k post and you still feel the need to troll? pathetic!!!!
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