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Was the Falkland War British aggression or was it justifiable?

OK, so stop talking about Tibet, Xinjiang and Taiwan.

But that's not how it works is it? The US is using its military and intelligence agencies to stir up civil unrest in these regions.

A laughable rebuttal.

Poll the people of Tibet and Taiwan, and get back to me.
This is exactly what is bothering me. We as Pakistani nation do not why we went into the 48' conflict, 65' war, the 71' debacle the Great Afghan Jihad, or the Kargil adventure. We need a truth and reconcilliation commission on these conflicts before we start looking into another one.

I for one think that there was no immedate threat of a Russian invasion from Afghanistan when beat the drums of war back in 79'.

A simple and honest truth and reconcialition policy may not always help. It has to reach the masses. Or these wars have to be a distant fact with little more than academic relevance now.

In India the we at present do not remember our former affinity towards LTTE. Also IPKF is distant. We are also more open to understanding our faults in these matters.

Further one must also be in control of what our actions can precipitate. One does not fight a 50% war; one tries to be 80-90% in control of it.
so many "butthurt" people whining about britain, your clearly biased and clearly affected, your taking in account actions of what a country did hundreds of years ago in a different age, get over it already, its like moaning at the italy for what the romans did, things have totally changed, get over it. times was totally different, countries dont act like barbarians any more and dont have slavery etc. if anything with countrys like india we actually helped you advance quicker as a country to what you are now.

Back to the point

british citizans live on them islands and want to be part of britain.
argentina wasnt even a country when we had people on the islands and controled them.
is 1% of the population of the islands even argentine?

the dutch, the french and others have passed through the islands yet they dont claim them because they havent been there for hundreds of years and dont have a population there, argentina is hungry and ruthless when it comes to getting land they think they own, look at what happened with chile and argentina in the "beagle conflict"

chile actually supported us when the war happened and they are south american, end of the day, oil/gas have been found so argentina is crying again. its a joke that britain can support america through all there save the world, fight terrorism bullshit and they wont even support britain on this, america would never let hawaii be taken of them.
so many ... people ........

Welcome to the forum. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Welcome to the forum. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

its my pleasure, as i find some of the stuff here totally biased and offensive and to your previous post

But what sense does it make for Britain to hold on to faraway territories like Gibraltar and Falklands (among few). The population their can be easily resettled. The only exports of the Falklands are sheep and kelp. Little economical value

i have personally friends who live on gibraltar and who have lived there, i find the term "easily resettled" hilarious for example, considering generations of british people have lived there for hundreds of years. doesnt matter though in the 21st century i guess they can take there sheep with them back to england.

Well one solution would be to move the British Falklanders to the English Channel Islands or any of the uninhabited islands around Britain

thats like me saying something stupid like why didnt the pakistan leave india alone and form its self at the north pole or the moon.

Falkland war was another case of British imperialism

In that era America had overshadowed them and they just wanted to prove that yes we can won war too. Just symbolic value.

wtf seriously... and this is why i used the words "butthurt" and "biased"
i doesnt matter though in the 21st century i guess they can take there sheep with them back to england.

That would make the Argentinians very happy

thats like me saying something stupid like why didnt the pakistan leave india alone and form its self at the north pole or the moon.

Well if the British has not made a mess of the Partition of British India (their so called crown Jewel) things would have been a lot better but that is OFF topic
That would make the Argentinians very happy

Id like to win the lottery tommorow as well.

They will never get the islands after they invaded them, they closed that door when they choose to take that path.

If the prime minister woke up tommorow and for some strange reason said "yes we will give argentina the islands" he would get killed politically and there would most likely be riots/protests at the lack of backbone shown by government, british people have died to defend the islands, even if it went to the UN and the UN told us we should give them back i doubt we would in all honestly, out of principle.

Gibraltar and the falklands islands for example arent exactly paradises resource wise etc, if a gold mine was found at gibraltar tommorow, someone would be crying at britain even though we have owned it for nearly 300 years and have british citizens living there, which alot longer then some of the worlds countries have even existed, yours for example.

Good luck on them taking it by force though, theres nothing which gets britain motivated then a good war.
Id like to win the lottery tommorow as well.

Good luck :cheers:

They will never get the islands after they invaded them, they closed that door when they choose to take that path.

What makes you think they wont attack again? I think the whole of Latin America is behind them this time. Why does the UK have such a strong military presence there ?

theres nothing which gets Britain motivated then a good war.

You mean like the Iraq and Afghan wars
Good luck :cheers:

What makes you think they wont attack again? I think the whole of Latin America is behind them this time. Why does the UK have such a strong military presence there ?

You mean like the Iraq and Afghan wars

we have nuclear weapons, nuclear subs, miltary drones, the eurofighter one of the best jets in the world, list goes on, i mean look at some of the equipment available to us, i think the top spending miltary countries in the world are america, china, france and britain.

1 nuclear sub alone with sink tons of ships and kills thousands. you really think the whole of south america is going to attack britain and risk there countrymens lives for greedy argentina so they can own a island none of there people even live on.

you think britain is afraid?

we have been fighting for hundreds and hundreds of years, thousands of years, we took part in the 2 biggest wars the world has seen, many would like to see us get flat out destroyed, good luck in any country or force tempting to achieve that.

iraq and afghan off topic but you brought it up lets talk about it, thats due to supporting america after 9/11 and terrorism (britain has been victim too) with other factors such as getting rid of the scumbags in the world lol.

i dont really support the war on a personal level but to be honest at the end of the day though it might be playing world police but its doing that area a huge favour in the long term, its not like removing saddam was negative for iraq, he was a tyrant ledding a dictatorship, lets not even speak about the taliban how backward and unhealthly they are. i mean stoning and beheading, totally 21st century.

terrorism, dicatorships such as gaddafi and saddam, extremist goverments or parties such as the nazis or the taliban, arent good for anyone. the west has fought them. but on a off topic, your country was apparently supporting the taliban and harbouring bin laden, its even said your countrys shady ISI supported terrorist attacks such as the attacks in mumbai in 2008 in india.

i mean id imagine you would agree terrorism etc was out of order and you wouldnt criticize us for it, but you never know the views of some people in the 21st century.
Not if they bomb UK kill the head of snake , and the body will just die off sorta speak , why chase sub in water just go for the main head

But Argentina has taken its revenge
This is a tricky thing, and I am mixed. Here's the deal... at some point, every single nation, every chunk of desirable land, has had indigenous (or "first") peoples displaced by an aggressor. In some cases, you have to go back into the dim history of thousands of years ago. In others, it's more recent.

For the falklands, it happened about 175 years ago. Yes it was sad for the settlers of South American descent, but the fact remains that right now, the people living there are Britishers and want to stay part of GB. So do we focus on the wishes of the citizens, or not? Do two wrongs (removal of the British subjects) make a right? Does the USA give California, New Mexico, Arizona, back to Mexico, since they were a part of Mexico in 1848? Even though the people themselves want to remain USA citizens and part of the USA?

How far back do we go in history? Do we evict everyone from Australia who is not aboriginal? How about Hawaii?

My position towards the people living on the Falkland Islands is the same as towards those living in Northern Ireland or Israel. Argentina (or Ireland or Arab countries) is the rightful ruler of your lands and you're free to stay if you are willing to accept that rule but if you don't like it, gtfo.

On the other hand USA giving lands back to Mexico is harder to implement because these lands have a population greater than that of Mexico (similar to the settler population in Australia being larger than the aboriginal population). However, I do support unlimited latino immigration to these lands, and if people there keep bitching about illegal immigration I think we should hand it back to Mexico.
My position towards the people living on the Falkland Islands is the same as towards those living in Northern Ireland or Israel. Argentina (or Ireland or Arab countries) is the rightful ruler of your lands and you're free to stay if you are willing to accept that rule but if you don't like it, gtfo.

On the other hand USA giving lands back to Mexico is harder to implement because these lands have a population greater than that of Mexico (similar to the settler population in Australia being larger than the aboriginal population). However, I do support unlimited latino immigration to these lands, and if people there keep bitching about illegal immigration I think we should hand it back to Mexico.

i think the original population of south america was native american indian so... like it was with the US, so i mean, if people want to get politically correct then we should kick all the united states out of america. lol.... which would NEVER happen.

there is no pure argentine race, they wasnt even a country till after the british settled on the islands, it was uninhabited, until the old world powers visited the islands.

end of the day with nuclear weapons, organizations like the UN, NATO, americans policy and being the super power of the world you cannot just invade countries like they did hundreds of years ago, yet i think their will be wars for resources in the future by even big powers but it could be hundreds of years yet, i think that will be the next cause of a world war, back on topic argentina not very long ago (30 years) still invaded those islands which have no argentine citizens on there, i mean who truely is the aggressors? they are at it again.
imo british should honourably cease their imperial rule in falkland and hand it back to argentina.......sooner or later Scotts will demand independence too along with Welsh.........pretty soon England will be very small.
imo british should honourably cease their imperial rule in falkland and hand it back to argentina.......sooner or later Scotts will demand independence too along with Welsh.........pretty soon England will be very small.

You forgot northern Ireland
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