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Was partition of India inevitable?

Was Partition of India Inevitable? - Mainstream Weekly

Mainstream, Vol XLVII, No 35, August 15, 2009 (Independence Day Special)

Wednesday 19 August 2009, by R M Pal

This article was sent to us quite sometime back but could not be used earlier for unavoidable reasons. —Editor

On the black Saturday evening my family and I switched on the TV and heard the black and sad news of Pakistan coming under emergency rule, which meant Martial Law. We changed channels but all channels were telecasting the same news. I said, to the great annoyance of my wife, for she does not like my criticism of Gandhi, in Hindi, “Yeh sab Gandhi ki meharbani hai.” What I wanted to say is narrated below.

If Gandhi and the Congress had accepted the Cripps’ offer, the country would not have been partitioned. There are two aspects to this observation: one, that partition could have been prevented; two, whether or not unified India would have been a better place to live in. I am dealing with the first issue. One thing is clear, namely, that if there were no partition, Gandhi would not have been assassinated in 1948 and there would have been no Kashmir war. The main grievance of the few Hindu nationalist militants who had been planning to kill Gandhi was that Gandhi was pro-Pakistan and pro-Muslim. The Kashmir war that has been going on since 1947 in one form or another has cost us a lot of money, which could have been used for social development and welfare. The immediate provocation to give a fresh look at this question was provided by the black and sad news of Pakistan coming under emergency rule (Martial Law). One can be reasonably sure that if India were not partitioned, this situation, and also that Pakistan has been under more or less perpetual military rule, would not have arisen.

Instead Gandhi launched the ‘Quit India’ movement. One fails to understand why Gandhi scholars like Prof Bhikhu Parikh and Raj Mohan Gandhi do not analyse as to why Gandhi resorted to starting the ‘Quit India’ movement in spite of opposition from his colleagues like Maulana Azad. Earlier in 1924 and 1939 Gandhi was rattled in that he lost his position of supreme leadership of the Congress party. In 1924 during the Ahmedabad session of the All India Congress Committee Gandhi was rattled by the Swarajists led by Motilal Nehru and C.R. Das. Gandhi had declared that if his programme and also resolution declaring the members who did not spin for half-an-hour a day and did not observe the five-fold boycott of legislative councils, law courts, government schools, titles and mill made cloth would have to resign from the All India Congress Committee. This resolution, if carried, would have automatically excluded the Swarajists from power. Speaking for the Swarajists Pandit Motilal Nehru said: “We decline to make a fetish of the spinning wheel or to subscribe to the doctrine that only through that wheel can we obtain Swaraj. Discipline is desirable but it is not discipline for the majority to expel the minority. We are unable to forget our manhood and our self-respect and to say that we are willing to submit to Gandhi’s orders. That Congress is as much ours as our opponents and we will return with greater majority to sweep away those who stand for this resolution.” With these words Pandit Nehru and Desh-bandhu Chittaranjan Das left the hall taking with them 55 Swarajists. One hundred and ten members remained when the resolution was put to the vote and was carried against 37 with six per cent abstentions. This apparent victory of Gandhians was not a genuine win. Had the Swarajists remained in the hall, the resolution would have been defeated by about 20 votes. However, Gandhi recognised his defeat and dropped his resolution on compulsory spinning and the five-fold boycott by the workers making it only advisory in nature. And with this and other concessions the Swarajists were persuaded to rejoin the Congress. About the 1939 issue M.N. Roy wrote in an article: “The second defeat came when a much younger man than Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, defeated Gandhi’s nominee, Dr. Pattabhi Sitaramayya, in the Congress Presidential election. Gandhi’s tormented soul made him acknowledge after the election ‘Pattabhi’s defeat is my defeat’. Gandhi and his disciples brought a charge of indiscipline against Subhash Bose. One would fail to understand what act of indiscipline Bose had committed except that he contested the election against Gandhi’s nominee. But for the immoral political practice adopted by Gandhi and his followers in throwing out Subhash Bose from the Congress, things might have been different in the sense that Gandhi might not have remained the absolute leader for a long time.” It would not be wrong to suggest that Gandhi expected to regain the supremacy of his position in the Congress through a movement like the ‘Quit India’ movement.

LET us give a quick look at what happened to the movement. One heroic figure of the Congress, Aruna Asaf Ali, wrote: “We know ours is the voice of lost souls that championed a lost cause.” Another heroic figure of the Socialist Party, Achyut Patwardhan, told the veteran journalist, Kuldeep Nayar, that it was not necessary to have the ‘Quit India’ movement to attain India’s independence. Patwardhan repeated this in a speech at Gowalia Tank in Mumbai on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the ‘Quit India’ movement. The residents of the nearby residential complex, ‘Nirmal Niwas’, heard his speech in Marathi. Gowalia Tank is the venue from where the ‘Quit India’ movement had started. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad writes in his book India Wins Freedom that from many serious considerations he had tried to dissuade Gandhi from launching the ‘Quit India’ movement. But Gandhi then wrote to him to resign from the Presidentship of the Congress and also withdraw from its Working Committee. It was, however, Patel, having no special love for Azad though, who pressurised Gandhi to withdraw the letter.

The well-known historian, R.C. Majumdar, has written in his book The History of Freedom Movement in India: “That the Movement was crushed within two to three months and that it failed to achieve any tangible result not to speak of the end for which it was launched, admits no doubt.”

On another occasion when Lord Wavell became the Viceroy of India, he met Jinnah. What the British Government wanted to do in India was to install an interim government in Delhi, which would have the support of the Muslim League, that is, Jinnah and the Congress, that is, Gandhi; so that the British could transfer power to this government in Delhi after World War-II (after defeating the Axis powers). So when Lord Wavell met Jinnah, his main demand was that Muslim Ministers in the proposed government would be nominated by the Muslim League and by nobody else. Wavell then met Gandhi and asked him to show statesmanship** and accept Jinnah’s demand for the sake of peace but Gandhi would not. If Gandhi had accepted Wavell’s plea united India would not have suffered any loss except that men like Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Rafi Ahmed Kidwai, who were the Congress’ Muslim candidates for Ministership and would in no case have been nominated for the post by the Muslim League led by Jinnah, would not have become Ministers. But in that case the partition of India would have been avoided and thousands of people would not have become victims of that tragedy. In 1939, the Congress Ministries in the provinces resigned. Instead of resigning if the Congress had invited the Muslim League to join the Congress to form coalition Ministries, the British rulers would have got a clear signal that the Muslim League and the Congress had come together. Neither Gandhi nor Jinnah made any effort in this regard. On the contrary Jinnah announced that the resignation of the Congress Ministries be celebrated as the deliverance day.

A young friend of mine, who was till recently a card-holding member of the CPI-M, one day asked me what has been Jyoti Basu’s contribution to the politics and government of Bengal that he has been the uncrowned king of West Bengal for such a long time. I said that the most important contribution made by him is that he was a party to the decision to partition Bengal. As you know all the Hindu members in the Bengal Assembly, including the Communist members, voted for the partition. The reason was that in the united Bengal a Muslim would almost always have become the Chief Minister, and the bhadralok Hindus did not want to live under a Muslim Chief Minister.

This reminds me of my very kind friend, the late Justice Dorab Patel of Pakistan, making a comment at lunch at my place in Delhi, that the whole tragedy was that we did not have any statesman in pre-partition India and that we had only clever and crafty politicians.

Jinnah did not want India to be partitioned. Let me quote M.N. Roy in this context.

Unfortunately Jinnah’s coming to the front rank of politics synchronised with desecularisation of nationalism, which doubtful development introduced communalism in politics. If distrust and hatred of the British were the hallmark of patriotism, Jinnah was always a strong patriot as any other Indian. In the General Council meeting of the League held in the Imperial Hotel of New Delhi to endorse the plan of partition, Jinnah concluded his speech by declaring, “I have won Pakistan for you. Now do what you can do with it.”

If Jinnah had known that his men would rule Pakistan through emergency and Martial Law he would have perhaps given a second thought to the idea. What I suggest in this brief article is that Partition could have been avoided and undivided India would have been a less unhappy place than what these two countries are today.

It was not Jinnah but the Hindutvavadi leader Sarvarkar who first propounded the two-nation theory. Veer Sarvarkar, while presiding over the 1937 session of the Hindu Mahasabha, said in plain and simple words, advocating the two-nation theory:

I warn the Hindus that the Mohammedans are likely to prove dangerous to our Hindu nation. India cannot be assumed today to be a Unitarian and homogeneous nation. On the contrary there are two nations in the main, the Hindus and the Muslims in India. (Source—Mohandas by Raj
Mohan Gandhi, p. 411)

Another important thing, which has prompted me to give a fresh look at this question, is to explore the possibility of bringing about peace between India and Pakistan. (In fact, the matter came up in a short discussion at a meeting organised by the Jamia Millia Islamia University under the aegis of the Academy of Third World Studies recently.) I don’t believe, like some Gandhian and RSS ideologues, that there can be peace between India and Pakistan only if Pakistan joins India in a confederation. What a well-known Gandhian and others like him want to say is that the partition should be undone, then only there would be peace and there is nobody to question him as to why Gandhi did not prevent partition when he was in a position to do so as I have argued in this article. Also there is nobody to question him: is India truly a federation? That Gandhian intellectual wrote an article in a national daily, wherein he pleaded for Pakistan to join India in a confederation. Subsequently, while presiding over one session of an annual conference of the Indian Radical Humanist Association he advanced the same argument. I questioned him and wanted his permission to speak on the subject. Later in the course of private discussion I asked him why was it that Gandhi did not accept Jinnah’s demand? What harm would have befallen if Jinnah’s demand had been accepted except that people like Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Rafi Ahmed Kidwai would have found no place in the Council of Ministers of the Government of India? This intellectual dismissed the question saying that these are all old issues mixed up with the question beginning with the two-nation theory. I, therefore, add some information which is not generally known even to the Gandhivadis.

IT is for intellectuals like the one I have referred to above to enlighten us on how Gandhi reacted to one ruler of a Muslim majority state signing the treaty of accession with India, and also when Jinnah wanted to go to Kashmir for a holiday, why the Maharaja said that he would not allow Jinnah to enter Kashmir. It was only after this that Pakistani leaders had a meeting and decided to send infiltrators as secret agents to Kashmir to evaluate the situation and determine the Maharaja’s real intentions.

This was one of the greatest tragedies in Indian history and I have to say with the deepest regret that a large part of the responsibility for this development rests on Jawaharlal Nehru.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was India’s quin-tessential politician. He ran the machinery of the Congress party. I was surprised when Patel said that whether we like it or not there were two nations in India. He was now convinced that Muslims and Hindus could not be united into one nation. It was better to have one clean fight and then separate than have bickerings. It was surprising that Patel was now an even greater supporter of the two-nation theory than Jinnah. Jinnah may have raised the flag of partition but now the real flag-bearer was Patel. Jawaharlal Nehru, the firm opponent of partition, had become, if not a supporter, at least acquiescent to the idea. (Source – Crisis in the Indian Subcontinent: Can it be Undone by Lal Khan, Aakar Books, New Delhi- 91) So far as Gandhi was concerned, Mountbatten told Gandhi that the Congress was not with him, it was with Mountbatten to which Gandhi replied that the Congress might not be with him, but the country was with him.

In fact those in India who advocate directly or indirectly that the partition be undone may read this book. It is a well-researched and scholarly book. The book has relevant quotations, for example, Trotsky’s critical comments on Gandhi and relevant quotations from Abul Kalam Azad’s book India Wins Freedom. One such important quotation, which relates to Sardar Patel and his advocacy of the two-nation theory, has been referred to above.

My article may be read in the context of recently published book The Great Partition: the Making of India and Pakistan by Yasmeen Khan, a book backed by massive scholarship and massive research. The main thesis of the book is that the partition of India in 1947 promised its people both political freedom and a future free of religious strife. Instead, the geographical divide brought about an even greater schism exposing huge numbers of the population to devastating consequences. Thousands of women were raped. At least one million people were killed and 10 to 15 million were forced to leave their homes, to live as refugees. It was the bloodiest event of decolo-nisation in the 20th century. My thesis is that Gandhi could have stopped this devastation.


** I can’t define statesmanship but I would refer to two instances of great statesmanship.

1. When Hitler attacked the Soviet Union, Churchill announced on the BBC that he would fight with Stalin in the air, on the sea and on land and destroy the common enemy of human culture, civili-sation and democracy. Some of his friends asked him how he could do so for he had been opposed to the Soviet Union and Communism all his life. Churchill replied that if Hitler attacked Hell, his friend should not be surprised if he were in alliance with the Devil to destroy the evil.

2. A few months before Abraham Lincoln was tragically assassinated in a theatre hall, some of his friends asked him about his views on the system of slavery to which his reply was that his first concern was the Union, and to keep it steady and if to that effect he was required to support slavery he would do that and if he was required to oppose it he would do that.

Editor of PUCL Bulletin, Dr R.M. Pal is a former editor of The Radical Humanist and former President of Delhi State PUCL. He has co-edited with G.S. Bhargava the volume Human Rights of Dalits, proceedings of a conference held in Chennai organised by the National Human Rights Commission in collaboration with the Dalit Liberation Trust, Chennai. The initiative for this conference was taken by Dr Pal. Dr Pal has also co-edited with Mrs. Meera Verma the volume Power to the People, the Political Thought of Gandhi, M.N. Roy and Jaiprakash Narayan, published by Gyan Books, New Delhi (in two volumes).
Yes it was inevitable nothing could have stopped it. It was reality which had to happen
Read my post above yours and then answer this
1905- Indians united against partition of Bengal.
1947- India is partitioned.
What changed in these 42 years???

Please make no mistake of a difference between freedom struggle a country and when it was apparent it will be achieved then the aftermath of sharing and settlement of disputes.

+I'm failing to understand why do you think there was religious harmony or ideological similarity between two opposing sides ever?
Even today, a number of West Asian states like Egypt, Syria, Turkey maintained good record in keeping religious harmony like any liberal democracy of the West Europe with enviable consistency.

Yes & no. Each of those places have an overwhelming Muslim majority, where there is no real threat from any minority in terms of the actual power. See what happened with the Coptic Christians in Egypt in the last few years. The tolerance was almost like it remains skin deep alone. There remains a well that can be tapped, what is needed is just a spark. See the conflict everywhere in the arab world, driven by theological differences.You are talking ruling classes, India had plenty of enlightened Muslim rulers who had to actually displease the ulema to maintain that tolerant outlook. My point is that theological ideas haven't evolved, probably can't evolve because of the nature of monotheistic religions. Either you believe them only in name , as many Christians do or go by the book & remain locked in an earlier time. Hinduism is a completely different kettle of fish which was why that inspite of horrendous theological behaviour, it could still jettison parts of its history & move on.
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Partition would have been avoided IF Cabinet mission plan had been accepted

But then what NEXT
IF the Cripps Mission or the Cabinet Mission plan had been accepted
Hindus would have been the looser

Muslim LEAGUE needed TIME to completely occupy Punjab and Bengal and Assam
Once this task would have been accomplished they would have DECLARED Independence

Partition was INEVITABLE ; IF NOT in 1947 ; then it would have happened in 1957

By an immediate partition ; we check mated Muslim League's larger game plan
of getting WHOLE of Punjab Bengal and Assam
You're talking of the present, while I was talking of the past. In the past there were no such issues in this region. So had there been no partition then ppl would 've carried on with their lives sans any communal violence.
And lets not pull a blanket statement on everyone in Pakistan or a muslim. Misinterpretation of religious scriptures is prevalent in every part of the world. And the reason why Islam sounds stricter than other religions is because its inception happened at a place which was known for barbarism.

Yes, I know about it too.
From Iqbal's case it is clearly evident that hatred towards hindus was not inherent in ppl of Pakistan unless somebody decided to take advantage of the hindu-muslim divide.

The divide is there from the beginning, some may have exploited it. The two countries finding it hard to co exist and here you are talking about unifying them !
My argument is not that it could not have been overcome but to believe that it was a completely new idea introduced by the Muslim league would be naive.
Yes, putting the blame entirely on muslim league's shoulders would be wrong because as early as 1870 Britishers had started inciting the hindus and the muslims to form their own political parties to establish their distinct religious identities, and that led to communalisation of politics in India. The collective thinking of hindus and muslims were manipulated, and they were forced to think that their religious identity was at peril. And that is what led to partition of Bengal in 1905. Agree???
Since the partition was made along communal lines, partition of Bengal provided an impetus to the religious divide. This culminated in the formation of Muslim League and Hindu Mahasabha.
Our leaders were naif (to an extent) and also egomaniacs (be it Gandhi/Nehru or Jinnah), in their own ways all of 'em have directly and indirectly contributed to deepening the communal divide.
If we could fight for a united Bengal in 1905 then why not united India in 1947????
You still haven't answered this question.

Please make no mistake of a difference between freedom struggle a country and when it was apparent it will be achieved then the aftermath of sharing and settlement of disputes.
That was definitely not the answer to my question Dashyy, you've circumvented it.

+I'm failing to understand why do you think there was religious harmony or ideological similarity between two opposing sides ever?
There was no religious harmony, infact there was no harmony at all. We had a lot differences but despite that we managed to unite and fight for freedom. Had Britishers not tried to instigate religious violence* then achieving united India would not 've sounded like a quixotic idea.

Partition would have been avoided IF Cabinet mission plan had been accepted

But then what NEXT
IF the Cripps Mission or the Cabinet Mission plan had been accepted
Hindus would have been the looser

Muslim LEAGUE needed TIME to completely occupy Punjab and Bengal and Assam
Once this task would have been accomplished they would have DECLARED Independence

Partition was INEVITABLE ; IF NOT in 1947 ; then it would have happened in 1957

By an immediate partition ; we check mated Muslim League's larger game plan
of getting WHOLE of Punjab Bengal and Assam
Think beyond muslim league!
Muslim league came into existence because muslims felt they needed a party to represent themselves in front of the Britishers. I didnot support Jinnah's idea of having a weak central government. I'm saying, had Britishers not tried to divide and rule Indians, then there was hardly a need for partition.

The divide is there from the beginning, some may have exploited it. The two countries finding it hard to co exist and here you are talking about unifying them !
No, its been 68 years, its too late to unite India and Pakistan.
The divide definitely existed but it was exploited well by the Britishers, and the situation was exacerbated by our egomaniac leaders.
. I'm saying, had Britishers not tried to divide and rule Indians, then there was hardly a need for partition.


The British did not do anything to divide Indians

This division already existed

Have you read of Syed Ahmed Khan's SPEECH in 1888


{7} After this long preface I wish to explain what method my nation — nay, rather the whole people of this country — ought to pursue in political matters. I will treat in regular sequence of the political questions of India, in order that you may have full opportunity of giving your attention to them.

The first of all is this — In whose hands shall the administration and the Empire of India rest? Now, suppose that all English, and the whole English army, were to leave India, taking with them all their cannon and their splendid weapons and everything, then who would be rulers of India? Is it possible that under these circumstances two nations — the Mahomedans and the Hindus — could sit on the same throne and remain equal in power? Most certainly not. It is necessary that one of them should conquer the other and thrust it down.

To hope that both could remain equal is to desire the impossible and the inconceivable. At the same time you must remember that although the number of Mahomedans is less than that of the Hindus, and although they contain far fewer people who have received a high English education, yet they must not be thought insignificant or weak. Probably they would be by themselves enough to maintain their own position. But suppose they were not. [[38]]

Then our Mussalman brothers, the Pathans, would come out as a swarm of locusts from their mountain valleys, and make rivers of blood to flow from their frontier in the north to the extreme end of Bengal. This thing — who, after the departure of the English, would be conquerors — would rest on the will of God. But until one nation had conquered the other and made it obedient, peace could not reign in the land. This conclusion is based on proofs so absolute that no one can deny it.

Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan's speech at Meerut, 16 March 1888
No, its been 68 years, its too late to unite India and Pakistan.
The divide definitely existed but it was exploited well by the Britishers, and the situation was exacerbated by our egomaniac leaders.

One ideology believes in expansion, domination, intolerance and subjugation and the other is liberal, believes in many types of worship, tolerant and believes in peaceful co existence.

Islam is a complete package directly connected to god as per their book. It is a pact between god and the humans, there is no diversion from that path. YHWH asks for the establishment of his kingdom on earth, do not tolerate infidels, the followers must follow his commands. In return they get paradise and other things said in the book.

A moderate muslim also fears god and also supports what is said in book with out questioning it, because it was god's command.

Islam is some kind of political system first which admits every thing belongs to god, then comes the peaceful religious expression or what ever.

You have very little idea of the Islam. However when they are in minority their prophet commands them to be peaceful and adopt different ways when dealing with infidels.
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One ideology believes in expansion, domination, intolerance and subjugation and the other is liberal, believes in many types of worship, tolerant and believes in peaceful co existence.

Islam is a complete package directly connected to god as per their book. It is a pact between god and the humans, there is no diversion from that path. YHWH asks for the establishment of his kingdom on earth, do not tolerate infidels, the followers must follow is commands. In return they get paradise and other things said in the book.

Islam is some kind of political system first which admits every thing belongs to god, a civilization, a religion and an ideology.

You have very little idea of the Islam. However when they are in minority their prophet commands them to be peaceful and adopt different ways when dealing with infidels.


Please read the speech of Sir Syed Khan given in 1888 which I have posted above

And people blame Jinnah and the British for Partition

The concept of Pakistan was present in The minds of Muslim clergy and leaders
as early as 1888

Please read the speech of Sir Syed Khan given in 1888

And people blame Jinnah and the British for Partition

The concept of Pakistan was present in The minds of Muslim clergy and leaders
as early as 1888

When British came they abolished the Muslim administrative system and started their own system of tahsildars, etc.....etc...,

Hindus started to rise to good positions in the society because they started educating their children in western thought. As years passed Hindus became dominant in British administration, Muslims still stuck in the old ways did not move forward.

When Independence struggle started, Muslims thought that their domination was lost and so they need a separate muslim nation in which they can consolidate and can attack Hindu India like Ghori and Ghaznavi.

They were happy when a new country was formed with Islamic ideology, From then onwards they started their plans of invading India. Pakistanis always kept their tank fleet in ready condition because they know if they get a chance they will roll them on to the outskirts of Delhi, for a country like Pakistan there is no need for parity in military with India Since India never attacked Pakistan nor showed any intention of doing it. If someone looks at Pakistani ideology, it is very clear what they have planned and planning. These guys never felt that they are natives of the current Pakistani land but people who where driven from India and one day they have to return invading it like their Prophet.
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1.Would not be necessary if:

a. Hindu extremist leaders of Congress had not forced CR Das out to form his own Forward Bloc.
b. If Nehru, Gandhi and the other Hindu agents/servants of the British not marginalized Netaji to force him into exile.
c. If Jinnah's approaches for unity were accepted sincerely.

2. Let us NEVER forget that the diabolical Partition occurred as planned by the infamous British Political Deptt. Their reasons:

a. Divide the most prosperous province Bengal out of this mischief.
b. Divide the most industrious people, the Punjabis.
c. Divide and weaken their global adversary the Muslims.
d. Prevent at birth eventual re-emergence of a Mughal Hindustan with all its powers and magnificence.
Given the Hindu hatred towards Muslims, it was bound to happen. United India couldn't have worked. We are thankful that we are not living under Hindu hegemony.
Without the partition, we would have most probably been the ruled. It benefited us more than you. Thank you MAJinnah.
Jinnah asked for autonomy for Muslims majority states.

1.Would not be necessary if:

a. Hindu extremist leaders of Congress had not forced CR Das out to form his own Forward Bloc.
b. If Nehru, Gandhi and the other Hindu agents/servants of the British not marginalized Netaji to force him into exile.
c. If Jinnah's approaches for unity were accepted sincerely.

2. Let us NEVER forget that the diabolical Partition occurred as planned by the infamous British Political Deptt. Their reasons:

a. Divide the most prosperous province Bengal out of this mischief.
b. Divide the most industrious people, the Punjabis.
c. Divide and weaken their global adversary the Muslims.
d. Prevent at birth eventual re-emergence of a Mughal Hindustan with all its powers and magnificence.

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