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Wary of Offending Japan, India Sits on Chinese Invite to WW II Memorial Parade

Nothing new - During the fiftieth anniversary of Japan’s surrender in the Second World War in Hawai in 1995, Indian government refused to participate as it didn’t wish to be associated with Churchill’s war. To represent the Indian soldiers, Pakistan, which didn’t even exist in 1945, was invited and honoured for its role in Japan’s defeat at the commemoration ceremony.

Though it is only in the recent years that India has started sending its military contingent to foreign parades like the Moscow Victory Day Parade and the Bastille Day celebrations in France.

Prior to 1945, neither did the republic of india exist. Your india does not represent the whole of South Asia, and Pakistanis, Bangladeshis also took part in WW2....If there were any Pakistanis taking part in any comemerations, then they were representing their countries contribution to the war not indias.
Well. I do have an idea why the CCP hasnt hold any parade to mark such an event since it took power in 1949. Was thinking you will shed some honest light into this, but seems you dont want to venture there. :D

I just did...
Are you thick?
List of Victoria Cross recipients of the Indian Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Majority of recipients were Hindus including Rajputs, Jats from Harayana, Himachal, Rajasthan, UP, Bihar. Also loads of Hindu Gurkhas.

Are you imbecile? Exclude the Gurkhas. Last time I checked they are NEPALI. AS regards India you know it has seven times more people than Pakistan.

Now tell me the Indian VC holders ( exclude the NEPALI ) do they number 7 times the ones from present day Pakistan?

Like bollocks they do. Fact is by proportion the Pashtun and Punjabi won far more VC's then you guy's given your massive numbers. In other words the few won more and more won less.
Count all the VC holders from present day India and lets call the figure xyz. Then count all the VC holders from the region that is Pakistan and call the figure abc.

Then get each countries population as follows.

India - 1,270 million ~ with xyz VC holders
Pak --- --195 million ~ with abc VC holders

Now from that you can arrive who won more Victoria Cross adjusted for population. I can't be bothered right now to do the maths but I bet the region that is Pak is going top come out better.

Ps. If you do the calculation don't bother throwing the Nepali Gurkhas.That credit will go to Nepal. Don't be a cheat and pinch their thunder.
Nothing new - During the fiftieth anniversary of Japan’s surrender in the Second World War in Hawai in 1995, Indian government refused to participate as it didn’t wish to be associated with Churchill’s war. To represent the Indian soldiers, Pakistan, which didn’t even exist in 1945, was invited and honoured for its role in Japan’s defeat at the commemoration ceremony.

Though it is only in the recent years that India has started sending its military contingent to foreign parades like the Moscow Victory Day Parade and the Bastille Day celebrations in France.

Nor did india... Modern india was born in 15 AUG 1947..

Pakistani soldiers represent our troops who served in both world wars... Even British consider this soldiers who belonged to modem day Pak a Pakistani WW veterans and the VCs are listed as Pakistani VC reciept's... Pakistani troops also represent our World war vets at Bastille day celebrations in France!

You're a idiot, Gurkhas are found in the Himalayan regions of India like North West Bengal and Sikkim.
Here are Hindus VC recipients from mainland India including Maharastarha, Rajasthan, UP, Uttarakhamd, Himachal etc:
Premindra Singh Bhagat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yeshwant Ghadge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Namdeo Jadav - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lala - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Darwan Singh Negi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gabar Singh Negi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Richhpal Ram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chhelu Ram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is barely half of all Indians and some more Hindu Indians are left, shall I start posting Sikhs as well?
We Pakistanis are descended from Dalit converts who mixed with foreign invaders, we could never create a single empire and now you're deluding yourself with fake praise that I have clearly just busted.

Harami indian strikes again despite repeated reports harami has not been banned for showing his true worth...

P.S; Harami Google Britih VC site... All Gurkhas were from nepal... Or should I do that for you dear harami indian!
Quote From the article:
'This is the first time ever that China is holding a big military parade to mark the victory of Allied powers in 1945. '

Why is it the first time the CCP suddenly decided to hold such an event? o_O
Despite the fact that China suffered more casualties than any other country by far, you will think they would have been marking such a memorable day every year.

Meanwhile all the victors(P5) of WWII have been holding such parades to mark this events for over a century since the end of the war.

@Chinese-Dragon , @ChineseTiger1986 , @XiangLong @cnleio ,@Nihonjin1051 ,@Shotgunner51 et al. Any particular reason for this strange delay?
It's the honor ... 1st for WWII Victory in PRC, the further reason maybe Xi's anti-corruption in PLA and after arrested 2x vice defense ministers + many corrupted PLA generals ... a military parade is good for CCP to condenses the will of Chinese ppl & protect PLA's good image, also show off China muscle.

Folks love the muscle, especially a strong PLA to defense the China. In an extremely great commemorative festival (WWII Victory), such military parade is good for Xi & CCP & Chinese folks.
Prior to 1945, neither did the republic of india exist. Your india does not represent the whole of South Asia, and Pakistanis, Bangladeshis also took part in WW2....If there were any Pakistanis taking part in any comemerations, then they were representing their countries contribution to the war not indias.

Wakeup from your sleeping mind. India was existed even before British raj but never heard of Bangladesh and Pakistan in history book. India has a documented history of more than 5000 years.
Look you ignorent mutt, neither did India. What existed then was British Raj. Just because there was a name hanging around called "India" does not mean the friggin republic you live in existed. The name "Atanz" might have been around 100 years ago but I certainly did not exist.

There was a British colony that was a precursor to Indian Republic, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Can you understand this simple concept. All territory and assets that belonged to British Raj were handed over to the successor states. Pakistan was one of them. Many of those fighting regiments were recruited from people who would go onto constitute Pakistan. Ever heard of Frontier Regiments, Punjab Regiments or Baloch Regiments which actually did most of the fighting for the British Raj in WW2 are now in Pakistan. Have a look at the Victoria Cross winners and see where they came from. Yes, what is now Pakistan.

Ali Haidar (VC) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Khudadad Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mir Dast - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Corps of Guides (India) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Punjab Regiment (Pakistan) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here is a article on the Pashtuns, Punjabis of what is now Pakistan who provided most of men to the British Indian Army who fought in both world wars.


By your logic current China came into existence in 1949 along with Taiwan. World knows China and India existed together for 1000's of years, try convincing them your theory. Your jealousy for India and its history is too much.
Wakeup from your sleeping mind. India was existed even before British raj but never heard of Bangladesh and Pakistan in history book. India has a documented history of more than 5000 years.

The State of Bangladesh officially came into existance in 1971 but Bangladeshis fought durring both the first and second world wars, against germany and japan Just as many pakistanis have. British India that fought in the great wars was divided into 2 countries, the indian republic and pakistan (that latter was divided into pakistan and Bangladesh).

The republic of india does not represent my grandfathers contribution to the wars, and as such we have as much right to participate in commemerations as does india. In short indian republic does not represent south asia, it ONLY reprsents indians.
The State of Bangladesh officially came into existance in 1971 but Bangladeshis fought durring both the first and second world wars, against germany and japan Just as many pakistanis have. British India that fought in the great wars was divided into 2 countries, the indian republic and pakistan (that latter was divided into pakistan and Bangladesh).

The republic of india does not represent my grandfathers contribution to the wars, and as such we have as much right to participate in commemerations as does india. In short indian republic does not represent south asia, it ONLY reprsents indians.

Too bad
India at the Olympics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bangladesh at the Olympics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That British India is actualy India. All medals won by British India before 1947 are with India.

Too bad what? What the heck has the olympics got to do with world war 2 commemerations?

They were all Indians. However, person who migrated to Bangladesh alive should be considered Bangladeshi.
That British India is actualy India. All medals won by British India before 1947 are with India.

They were all Indians. However, person who migrated to Bangladesh alive should be considered Bangladeshi.

Yes WERE, but we ARE Bangladeshis. My grandfather and his brothers fought, like many Bangladeshis too and we commemerate their contributions as Bangladeshis not as indians. My mothers father lived tell 1976 (always considered himself as a Bangali and not indian or pakistani) and fought in Burma....

When Bangladesh takes part in commemerations, we represent the Bangali veterans like my grandfather and his brothers who fought...india does NOT represent us.
Yes WERE, but we ARE Bangladeshis. My grandfather and his brothers fought, like many Bangladeshis too and we commemerate their contributions as Bangladeshis not as indians. My mothers father lived tell 1976 (always considered himself as a Bangali and not indian or pakistani) and fought in Burma....

When Bangladesh takes part in commemerations, we represent the Bangali veterans like my grandfather and his brothers who fought...india does NOT represent us.

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