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War memorial built in Ladakh for 20 Indian army men killed during clashes with Chinese army


Sep 26, 2018
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
A memorial has been built for the 20 Indian army men who lost their lives in action against the Chinese Army in the Galwan Valley after evicting them from an observation post near the Y-junction area there under Operation Snow Leopard, according to sources.

The memorial has been built at the unit level near the KM-120 post on the strategic road Durbuk-Shyok-Daulat Beg Oldie, Ladakh.

The memorial has names of 20 troops and the details of the June 15 operation.

As per the operational details put out on the memorial wall, "On June 15, 2020 at Galwan Valley, Col B Santosh Babu Commanding Officer, 16 Bihar led the Quick Reaction Force of 16 Bihar and attached troops tasked to evict the PLA OP from Gen AY Nala and move further to Patrolling Point 14."

"The column successfully evicted the PLA OP from Y Nala and reached PP 14 where a fierce skirmish broke out between the IA and PLA troops. Col B Santosh Babu led from the front and his troops fought gallantly in a hand to hand combat, causing heavy casualties to the PLA. In the ensuing fight twenty "Gallants of Galwan" were killed," it says.

India and China have been engaged in a standoff since April-May over the transgressions by the Chinese Army in multiple areas including the Finger area, Galwan valley, Hot springs, and Kongrung Nala.

The situation worsened after 20 Indian army men were killed in violent clashes with Chinese troops in the Galwan valley in June. (ANI)

If the situation along the LAC starts to escalate, the IA might need much more and bigger war memorials.
You mean 3? 17 were killed by Indian incompetence
Many more will die. Good idea to have a cemetery.
If the situation along the LAC starts to escalate, the IA might need much more and bigger war memorials.
View attachment 675731

Where is this mythical PLA by the way? Those losers have gone hibernating. Stop pinning all your hopes on those PLA cowards. They are good at show boating. Nothing more nothing less.
Where is this mythical PLA by the way? Those losers have gone hibernating. Stop pinning all your hopes on those PLA cowards. They are good at show boating. Nothing more nothing less.
Probably Xi has asked them to keep quiet.
Where is this mythical PLA by the way? Those losers have gone hibernating. Stop pinning all your hopes on those PLA cowards. They are good at show boating. Nothing more nothing less.

I think they're busy fortifying their positions on the newly conquered 1,000 sq km surrendered by India without firing a single bullet.

You should concentrate on the next 1,000 sq km block you want to hand over to China.
Where is this mythical PLA by the way? Those losers have gone hibernating. Stop pinning all your hopes on those PLA cowards.
A good hunter always waits for its prey to make a mistake.

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