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War is Coming | Amidst escalating tensions, Pakistan weighs its options

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Nothing in compare to what is happening in Pakistan. No international cricket team is even willing to tour Pakistan . Karachi Pakistan's commercially most important city is under virtual civil war.
Owing to security situation no body is willing to invest in Pakistan, pakistani business are relocating to BD.
You government is finding hard to even provide 10 hrs of electricity to if citizens imagine what would be situation if you were to go to war.

My dear all this situation is price of world peace which we paid, only because of this situation we will have least to lose in any misadventure......on the other hand all of India's 30 years economical struggle and achievements would be vapourised.....on net to net basis who will be a bigger loser.....you should calculate.....War is not the solution.....but it could be the end of one chapter of history.....both side should reassess their position again before to write the end of this chapter of SA history....
War is coming???

Seems like Pak Army is feeling neglected by Democracy and now needs to wage a false war and push Pakistan back into history.

So as usual Pak Army is gonna use the same boogyman "Evil Hindooooo India" and make a fool of their awaam which just tasted Democracy for few years for the first time.

bwahahah we don't give shyt and don't waste time on evil hindooo india slogans.

seems indian army is feeling leftout hence creating such dramas and hindu hardline groups are supporting Violence against Muslims in Kashmir by attacking them.
Please, please, please, don't go to war until 31 September 2013. My pay increase due at end of September will be suspended if India goes to war. I need to buy a rusty Pakistani gun with that increase from some dealer in Karachi and join the war effort. I'm planning to be a mercenary for hire. Whoever pays the best can borrow my gun. After all , war is supposed to be profitable for the wise and deadly for the dumb :D
War is coming???

Seems like Pak Army is feeling neglected by Democracy and now needs to wage a false war and push Pakistan back into history.

So as usual Pak Army is gonna use the same boogyman "Evil Hindooooo India" and make a fool of their awaam which just tasted Democracy for few years for the first time.

You don't see indian news channel or what? Check the timeline... Pakistan neglected India (over indian claim of killing the soldiers) and their propaganda for a week. But when they didn't shut up, then only they open up mouth. So first see your own side then speak...

I agree to somewhat your PoV, that no war is coming.. India simply don't have balls, they can just bring all of his dogs I mean soldiers to the boarders, but simply can't afford one. So Pakistan shouldn't take India seriously like they did in after math on 26/11 events..
Each side always claims that the other guys broke the ceasefire and fired first. At least the Pakistani media airs the Indian viewpoint, whereas the Indian media blindly parrots whatever the Indian army tells them.

One would think smart Indians would recruit some common sense while reading the Indian media "reports



Pakistan military denies role in LoC killings, say sources

Pakistan military denies role in LoC killings, say sources

We all know you Just DENY it. Nothing new there. Every thing was denied. (OBL ;))
There is a difference in 'getting a say' and dictating. Your army did the latter and minister obliged.

That's what I'm talking about.

Then you misjudged the situation.
The Army is completely ruled over by GoI. They dont have the capacity to dictate. They dont even get a fixed seat at the CCS(Cabinet Committee on Security)- the highest security decision making body of India.

What they have started doing however is circumventing the GoI clampdown on them, is that they release their statement or 'leak' it to the media. The media runs with it.

The common man trusts the Army statements ten times more than the Defence Ministry/Politicians. So the Opposition picks it up and the people start questioning the Govt.

Then the Govt acts partially or gives a little of what the Armed Forces asked.

In this case, the Opposition(BJP) used the Army's statement to bully the Defence Minister into changing his statement.
So do you honestly think that Pakistan doesn't know. Why not thousands India soldiers fly to Afghanistan to deploy there immediately? Are you insane?

I think, Pakistan should focus to turn India another Afghanistan proxy wars, where many Bollywood movies will be cancelled due to fear.

Pakistan is trying that for years. All the plans have been proved counter productive. You turned the Afghanistan into a hell. How did that benefited you? They are turning your country into worse than Afghanistan. Now you want to do that with India? Best of Luck.
Each side always claims that the other guys broke the ceasefire and fired first. At least the Pakistani media airs the Indian viewpoint, whereas the Indian media blindly parrots whatever the Indian army tells them.

One would think smart Indians would recruit some common sense while reading the Indian media "reports".

I repeat what I posted again.

Pakistani perspectives and viewpoints are never posted because there is never any point in posting them.

A Case in point: If Pakistani perspectives were to be believed even for a second, they would have had us believe that the Kargil operation was conducted by the mujahideen with 'moral and diplomatic' backing of Pakistan.

Now, do you understand why it is futile to even write what the Pakistani side is. There is zero credibility of anything Pakistan says.
whats up with the indians, cannot they be normal and avoid this war hysteria mentality ?
War is coming???

Seems like Pak Army is feeling neglected by Democracy and now needs to wage a false war and push Pakistan back into history.

So as usual Pak Army is gonna use the same boogyman "Evil Hindooooo India" and make a fool of their awaam which just tasted Democracy for few years for the first time.

Actually its the Indian media and Indian army.
You don't see indian news channel or what? Check the timeline... Pakistan neglected India (over indian claim of killing the soldiers) and their propaganda for a week. But when they didn't shut up, then only they open up mouth. So first see your own side then speak...

I agree to somewhat your PoV, that no war is coming.. India simply don't have balls, they can just bring all of his dogs I mean soldiers to the boarders, but simply can't afford one. So Pakistan shouldn't take India seriously like they did in after math on 26/11 events..
You are again starting, why not the Indian media start a propaganda man,this is there right, I am damn sure if IA killed some five soldiers of PA, then you also start this type of propaganda, and what was Hafiz Saeed saying on Gaddafi stadium, so leave that, you are doing the same on your side what India is doing.

And the balls, the nuclear war is not done by who have guts, after the nuclear war the only things left GAME OVER, it is not about the thing that who have balls.
As India continues to seethe with anger over the August 6 ambush on the Line of Control (LoC), Pakistan has started examining several options, including scaling down its diplomatic staff in New Delhi and shifting troops from its border with Afghanistan to the eastern frontier, The Express Tribune has learnt.

This coincides with a message by Indian army chief General Bikram Singh to his troops to be “aggressive when it comes to dealing with the Pakistani forces” and comes five days after protesters tried to storm Pakistan’s diplomatic mission in New Delhi.

“In view of serious threats to its diplomatic missions in India, Pakistan can withdraw some of its diplomatic staff,” a senior foreign ministry official told The Express Tribune.
Coincidently, India’s main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) also demanded on Sunday that Islamabad pull out its high commissioner in New Delhi.


The two nations – which have fought three wars since their inception in 1947 – have been embroiled in a verbal duel since the August 6 cross-Line of Control raid that India blamed on Pakistan Army troops.

“Yes, we are thinking on these lines … a major chunk of the diplomatic staff in India could be withdrawn as the Indian government, despite repeated requisitions, did not arrange a foolproof security for our diplomatic missions there,” another foreign ministry official added. “Our High Commission in Delhi has reported suspicious movement of mobsters in the surrounding of offices and residences of our diplomatic staff in India.”

However, the official added that the final decision would be taken by the Cabinet Committee on Defence, the country’s highest forum on national security issues.

Military officials, meanwhile, reacted strongly to ‘unprovoked firing’ by Indian troops on Pakistani check posts in the Sialkot sector. “Pakistan Army will give a befitting response in case of further ceasefire violations,” a senior military official told The Express Tribune. He added that the army could ask the government to withdraw some troops from the border along Afghanistan and redeploy them to the eastern frontiers.

“The military brass has finalised this recommendation in internal meetings. And it would be presented in the DCC meeting,” the military official said. He requested anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the media.


A spokesperson for the Prime Minister House confirmed to The Express Tribune that Nawaz Sharif will be convening the DCC meeting to discuss the latest internal and external security threats. Though no actual date has been fixed, the meeting is likely to be held within a week, the spokesperson said.

“The meeting will discuss the country’s internal and external security situation, particularly tension on eastern borders and regional security scenario,” said the spokesperson when asked about the agenda of the meeting. It will be the first meeting of the DCC since the PML-N government took charge after the May 11 elections.

A senior official said the prime minister has already received a foreign ministry recommendation that it scale down diplomatic staff in India following Wednesday’s abortive attempt by mobsters to storm Pakistan’s High Commission.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his Indian counterpart are scheduled to meet on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York next month. However, calls for postponing the meeting are growing shriller in New Delhi.

Indian opposition leader Rajnath Singh said on Sunday that his country’s patience was running out and demanded that not only India stop all dialogue with Pakistan but also send back Pakistan’s envoy in New Delhi, and recall Indian high commissioner from Islamabad.

Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid evaded a direct reply to a question on whether the New York rendezvous would materialise. The Pakistan government should own up the responsibility for the attacks on Indian soldiers and the firing on LoC in violation of the 2003 ceasefire.

He ruled out India’s directly approaching Pakistani army chief to ease tensions. “The responsibility must rest with the (their) government. Our meeting point is the civilian elected government of Pakistan, not the Pakistan Army or any other agency,” he told India’s CNN-IBN television in an interview.

Referring to Nawaz’s statement where he tried to deescalate the situation, Khurshid said there was no indication of acceptance of responsibility for the attack. “One element is that the regret about what has happened, which has certainly been mentioned. But, there is no indication of acceptance of responsibility,” he added.

“We have said that we expect responsibility. That hasn’t happened, one. Two, the other concern of what we have been expecting: culpability for what happened in Mumbai. There is no indication of that. And, finally, the statement doesn’t take into account, the outreach and the extra mile that India has periodically gone to overcome great difficulties posed,” Khurshid said.

Earlier this week, a bevy of strategic experts, including former military chiefs and top bureaucrats, asked the Indian government to stop talks with Pakistan till the country demonstrated some meaningful steps on combating terrorism.

In an unusual step, these experts, who are purportedly not affiliated to any political organisation, issued a press release which said: “The government would be well advised not to rush into a dialogue with Pakistan on the assumption that the new prime minister of Pakistan, Nawaz Sharif, is ostensibly committed to improving ties with India.”

Published in The Express Tribune, August 12th, 2013.

1st violation by indian jets
2nd violation by drone
3rd cease fire violation at the same place of cease fire violation and attacked on PA army check post.

I think we should be ready for any misadventure by india.

@Xeric @Leader @Aeronaut @Imran Khan @Secur @Slav Defence @Rescue Ranger @mafiya @Talon @Oscar @
@Hyperion @Pak-one @Zarvan @Glitcher @Devil Soul @Fracker
@Alpha1 @RazPaK @orangzab

Same old same old nothing is going to happen :lol: bloody internal politics is played to beg some votes
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Same old same old nothing is going to happen :lol: bloody internal politics is played to beg some votes

It is not a funny thing man, it is escalating at higher level with every event. This cant be sustained, the Indian COAS already give the order to return massive artillery fire, if this happens again.

We need to think again.
In such case , dont we have an inherent advantage ? :D

yeah we do and relax chill there is not going to be a war and if things get worse UN will inter fair no country would want to see the 2 nuclear power going to war
War will come at a time of India's choosing. I do not think India is in a position to strike decisively at Pakistan yet in an effort to neutralize the threat permanently. There is nothing to be gained by striking prematurely even if to avenge the death of our soldiers. For that a raid (or raids) at a time and place of our choosing is more than sufficient as has been experienced many times in the past. But a full fledged war will be triggered offensively by India only when there is a strategic end goal in sight. Not before. Not for any amount of goading by the other side. They talk of a thousand cuts. But the truth is that these are not cuts. They are not even pinpricks. It may well boil down to how the two sides prefer to cut their meat before consuming it .....
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