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Want 50 Pakistani heads for my father's sacrifice: Martyr's daughter

The last time we fought, we evicted you from Kargil and killed 4000 of your men.
The time before that we captured Siachen.
The time before that your Army surrendered 90,000 men and broke your country in half.

It is a righteous obligation to fight evil and remove it from earth. Pakistan army using decapitation shows that it does not deserve the respect a regular human does.

We are fighting barbarians. This is not sadism. This is a fight of good against evil. The girl is right.
You are not fighting anyone. All you do is complain and complain :rofl:
We are fighting barbarians. This is not sadism. This is a fight of good against evil. The girl is right.

I see who is using human as shield..yes..terrorists do it...Indian army do it...evil do it.

I can see Pakistanis are fighting those evil thugs who have not only occupied valley but also use them as human shield...I m proud being a Pakistani. We have been fighting against Evil, now reported by media as well...Indian army is not professional army...they are barbarians who use human as shield as they are born cowards and also ran away when get allegedly ambush by Pakistanis.

In that sense if 50 heads is the standard set by India. Okay agreed to give fifty heads starting with my own but please also give 50 heads for every Kashmiri killed by Indians and according to that ratio there will be no one left to receive my head in India.
I think your math is wrong :)
Look at the mentality and the mindset of a little girl from india and now imagine the psyche of a grown indian.
You see this is why I call them sadists.

It is a trickle down effect bro. When you have a leader like Modi in charge others are going to follow naturally. Of course, not all Indians are like Modi and his followers. We do have sane voices that seek peace instead of war.

I see who is using human as shield..yes..terrorists do it...Indian army do it...evil do it.

I can see Pakistanis are fighting those evil thugs who have not only occupied valley but also use them as human shield...I m proud being a Pakistani. We have been fighting against Evil, now reported by media as well...Indian army is not professional army...they are barbarians who use human as shield as they are born cowards and also ran away when get allegedly ambush by Pakistanis.

LOL at the Indians shedding crocodile tears. These people have been oppressing Kashmiris for decades. They humiliate, rape and kill them with impunity. The whole world knows it. You reap what you sow. Don't blame Pakistan for your oppressive actions.
She is right. The Nation owes her this. And God willing, she will get it.
Cowards can only fire bullets on civilians.try it and you would get a response, looks like a ill planned operation to improve the bsf morale. Stfu

The last time we fought, we evicted you from Kargil and killed 4000 of your men.
The time before that we captured Siachen.
The time before that your Army surrendered 90,000 men and broke your country in half.

It is a righteous obligation to fight evil and remove it from earth. Pakistan army using decapitation shows that it does not deserve the respect a regular human does.

We are fighting barbarians. This is not sadism. This is a fight of good against evil. The girl is right.
Another indiot on the go.
Soldiers sacrifice in the war, that's their destination. That's why we shall always value peace.

If Modi so competent, he shall wage a war against UK not Pakistan. It was UK who create the Kirshimir problem, not Pakistan. RIP to soldiers form both side, girl like this age shall not be full of hatred.
She should know that her father was involoved in killing innocent Kashmiri people .. Why didnt she question that ??? Stupid girl ..

50 Pakistani army head ?? my foot, you will get 100 Indian army heads if you dare to fight Pak army...

Indians accepting surgikal strikes by Pak Army lol
Soldiers sacrifice in the war, that's their destination. That's why we shall always value peace.

If Modi so competent, he shall wage a war against UK not Pakistan. It was UK who create the Kirshimir problem, not Pakistan. RIP to soldiers form both side, girl like this age shall not be full of hatred.

LOL Nice post bro. One that really hits the nail on its head. India doesn't have the guts to look the UK in the eye. Let alone wage a war. The master slave relationship is in full force up to this day. As for the girl. Well, she is indoctrinated with hate like much of the Indian population. It is not easy to rid 60+ years of indoctrination.
LOL Nice post bro. One that really hits the nail on its head. India doesn't have the guts to look the UK in the eye. Let alone wage a war. The master slave relationship is in full force up to this day. As for the girl. Well, she is indoctrinated with hate like much of the Indian population. It is not easy to rid 60+ years of indoctrination.
India government only inherit the avaricious ambitious of UK, but not its ability. They are the victim of Imperialism, but they impose the violence of Imperialisn to its neighbours like China and Pakistan. They only learn the dross of UK and take it as an precious Inheritage to exert its expansion desire and cause pain to its neighbours. as for example: The Mcmahone line.
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LOL Nice post bro. One that really hits the nail on its head. India doesn't have the guts to look the UK in the eye. Let alone wage a war. The master slave relationship is in full force up to this day. As for the girl. Well, she is indoctrinated with hate like much of the Indian population. It is not easy to rid 60+ years of indoctrination.

What a retarded argument.. If thats the case you ought to demand Kashmir from UK, instead of asking for more loans from WB... After all they partitioned the country.

Lets us see the color of your belly for once ..
She is under biased propaganda... ch ch ch

any story about fate of tej bahadur of Indian solder

Look at the mentality and the mindset of a little girl from india and now imagine the psyche of a grown indian.
You see this is why I call them sadists.
She is under control of Cow cola drinkers these Hindu terrorists are control from Hindu Temples they are making hindu terroriests.
Hindu mob killed two Muslims in India’s Assam
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My Pakistani Freinds dont worry, We in India are Firmly looking towards new ways.... 50 Heads for me would be :

1. GSLV II Launch
2. GSLV III Launch..


50. Indian Manned Mission !
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