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Wal-Mart under fire in India, government signals probe

@orangzaib I understand what you are pointing out and why you hate this system. Mal-practices are present in every sector in every country. Of course Indian lobby will try to save Indians in US. That's how they will remain powerful. If your friend is committing crime, I say you inform the authorities. Every Indian who gets job because of him is taking away a job away from the Americans or some other able candidate. If any Indian is doing favor for other one, well its natural. But if he/she is breaking laws, then its the duty of people like you to notify the authorities.

My main point is that we can't just keep blaming others for misfortunes if we are not doing anything to remove the cause. I respect every soldier from any country, They should always be priority to get job after their service.

I think this thread is not suitable for this discussion. ay be we can take it to more appropriate one.
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@orangzaib I understand what you are pointing out and why you hate this system. Mal-practices are present in every sector in every country. Of course Indian lobby will try to save Indians in US. That's how they will remain powerful. If your friend is committing crime, I say you inform the authorities. Every Indian who gets job because of him is taking away a job away from the Americans or some other able candidate. If any Indian is doing favor for other one, well its natural. But if he/she is breaking laws, then its the duty of people like you to notify the authorities.

My main point is that we can't just keep blaming others for misfortunes if we are not doing anything to remove the cause. I respect every soldier from any country, They should always be priority to get job after their service.

I think this thread is not suitable for this discussion. ay be we can take it to more appropriate one.

Thank you. I appreciate a respectable response vs. the typical response I get which is Indian's are superior and Americans are stupid as hell. You are right, we may be able to discuss this in a different thread.
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There is the Illegal, the Immoral and the Unethical.

I am convinced you are an american cuz like most american you seem to feel strongly only about the Illegal. That is pretty ironic coming from a black american. I am sure you are smart enough/Old enough to understand the Irony in it.

About 'Aurangzeb', I am disturbed an Indian Muslim thought it would be funny to have that name. If you really want/wanted Indians to respect you and respond to your rationally you should have done some research into that name before taking it on.
Is that the best you can come up with? I am actually black!!! Just because I said the right thing,...doesn't mean you are not running an illegal labor mafia in the US. Soon there will be a day when the FBI will jump into this and trust me, a few hundred Indian shadow companies and people will go straight to jail. The laws would be tightened then.

Tell you what, when my buds, our service members who got back from Afg and Iraq can't get jobs due to your illegal mafia violating US labor laws....you'll see it in my posts. You can call me Chinese or Crazy if you want to, but counter my statement with something more credible than utter stupidity. This is where you can read a response and you know how smart the Indians are. Bribe and technical skills don't mean you are superior. It just means you are robing a country and it's people who let you in with goodwill!!!

The FBI is going to jump into a labor argument? LOL
too much ado about nothing. they paid fees to lobbyists in US which is legal.
moronic opposition.

That is, unless they are using agent fees to bribe officials. Which by the way is only unethical, but illegal under US Law.

FDI in Retail Exposed...


So, where's this "fire"? Do you guys even understand how international business work?

I am not against FDI, but do you know how many jobs these companies like Wal Mart will provide and how many local businessmen will be put out of work. One has to look at creation of unemployment along with employment to find the benefits.

Also, the local businesses pay higher money to the bottom of the chain, that is the producers, than the chains like Wal Mart. If these local businesses shuts down, the farmers have no alternative but to sell their product at lowest price to only player in the market as they will control the price then.

One has to look at Germany when they allowed FDI with much restriction to save local businesses. Liquidity increases with flow of money but when you remove a major driver of this flow, there won't be more liquidity.

I understand the potential threat that small family-run retailers would face.

If I recall back in Thailand, retail giants like Tesco must locate at a certain considerable distance from areas where small retailers operate.

Three rules in retailing:

#1: Location

#2: Location

#3: Location

It's all about location. It is the job of the GoI to ensure that small retailers remain protected. If they fail on that simple part, then there'd be problems.
@Loki You are right. Location matters. But you have to know about Indians buying habit especially women. They will go 2-3 kms just for getting cheaper item. Most of them are housewife so they have time to visit these Marts whereas working women will use this place because of all items at one place.

Purchasing behavior of customers and target members of family are the important factor every company study before launching a product. Lets talk about milk supplement like Horlicks and Bournvita. Both can have different price and parents may prefer one but they will buy what their kids like. So the target market and advertisement is focused more on Kids and concerned mother.

When you look at Wal Mart, it is targeted to Indian house wives. Nothing else matters. Even if its 5 kms away, their husband has to take them there. No one cares about the producer or farmer. People driving sedan bargains with Sabjiwala for 1 or 2 rps.
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Wal-Mart is s**t. I hope it never comes to Pakistan.
@ajtr keep the discussion about Indian men to yourself, it has nothing to do with the topic.
@WebMaster If ever my religion or my family members or my hubby is dragged into discussion i can guarantee you about more such discussion from me you will get to read here.It may be ok with you but i'm gonna reply if any of my family member or religion is dragged in discussion.it has now become a joke with the forum.
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@WebMaster If ever my religion or my family members or my hubby is dragged into discussion i can guarantee you about more such discussion from me you will get to read here.It may be ok with you but i'm gonna reply if any of my family member or religion is dragged in discussion.it has now become a joke with the forum.

With all due respect, you are a joke in this forum :P
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@WebMaster If ever my religion or my family members or my hubby is dragged into discussion i can guarantee you about more such discussion from me you will get to read here.It may be ok with you but i'm gonna reply if any of my family member or religion is dragged in discussion.it has now become a joke with the forum.

Then you should have kept your mouth shut about your family and religion.And you have posted a lot of threads related to religion here.So quit complaining.
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