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Wakhan Corridor...An opportunity!

Simple method, follow the indian strategy of false flag operations which their Intelligence Agency RAW carries out by paying Kashmiri militants to attack their troops and then use it as a tool to defame Pakistan internationally and pressurize International Community to put pressure on Pakistan to ban Jihadi Organisations and Individuals. The same strategy can be applied in Wakhan with a bit of modification as per own requirement. First own intelligence will pay some money to TTP militants (Or even release some from the jails) and let them gather at wakhan, get four five massive scale attacks from that part in Pakistan (Although own damage and Casualty will be there but it's a Sacrifise for a greater cause). After each attack from the corridor, raise a strong protest with Afghanistan and condemnation as well as demanding Afghanistan to control the militants in that region (Which for sure Afghanistan will never do) as well as raise the problem of cross border attacks from Wakhan with International Community. After four or five attacks from that area International Community will now develop a feeling that Wakhan is a cause of concern for Pakistan. Also with each attack a warning of Military action be initiated to Afghanistan that Pakistan will root out militants from the area if Afghanistan did not act (Which it will not). After 5 or 6 attacks launch an Operation, send in the troops, kill the rag tag TTP people there BUT don't withdraw and take up a stance that Pakistan for it's security will keep the area to maintain law and order till the time Afghanistan doesnot get stable besides openly telling that we have no desire of Annexation. Once the area is gained, establish infrastructure and use it, after 20 30 odd years declare it part of the country. By then nobody will be concerned anymore as the world would in their minds had assumed the territory a gone issue long ago.
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