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Wake up Lahore - Q&A Session

Jana, wrong again.. really i think you are taught crap history in your country. asoka was an invincible king until the battle in kalinga where he again defeated his opponenet. then he say the waste and killing that war created and suddenly realised if all this was worth it. he then turned to peace and then followed the teaching of gautama buddha. this is human behavious and this is what hindu india is all about. we are a civilzation of humans. compare this with muslim invaders. all they ever did in those ages was kill , pillage , rape like animals and now their descndents in afghanistan are living like animals hiding in caves from american planes.

Great man...that exactly the point .

while tragedies in the battle of kalinga(i'm from orissa/kalinga,that battle field is only few KMs from my house at Bhubaneswar) made Asoka(he had biggest empire in sub continents history ) turn to the preaching of Buddha ,and many other great indian kings were more in to building temple and put in a great civilisation whose riches attracted none less than Alexander instead of choosing invading others land and killing the natives , the true peaceful indian culture ,we see here we see bunch of ppl like Zaid Hamid and his ilks dreaming about conquering india and taking false pride in invasions they suffered the most as achievements since those invaders were of the same religion they too fellow.
Hey Listen,

After 1971 What your Leader, in her first speech said on 17th December, 1971,

" By defeating Pakistan we have defeated entire Islamic world & taken revenge of our defeats of last 1000 years against Islam. "
It's on record.
Now analyse yourself.
Your are saying :blah: :blah: about Pakistani Youth and speakers
Just watch out your own honeycomb press/electronic media. what about this Indian man saying. Is he spreading love and peace in India about Pakistan
what i can understand is Lahore Sindh...

Friend these kind of hate speeches are not entertained seriously in India nor india has any plans to rule pakistan.
But ZH is doing hate speeches to provoke enmity between two countries at the time where pakistan is struggling, which is silly.
Khajur Ashoka was never a Hindu.

ehhh anyway the facts remains Muslims invaded you and ruled over you.

Jana madam,

Ur knowledge of history is very poor and Ashoka was a born hindu a though he did become a disciple of a Buddhist monk after the battle of kalinga and started spreading the teachings of lord Buddha of peace and harmony in his vast kingdom and beyond.

The moghuls ruling india are long dead for last two hundered yrs and the so do the hindu and muslim citizens they ruled .We are all free men and women of today living independent countries.

Also the muslims invaders had it easy ,because there was no big empire or strong army in current pakistani regions at that time and hence could make the headway with less resistance,but times have changed and india has worldclass army which thwarted pakistani aggressions multipletimes leaving with grave consequences for pakistan.
Are we seriously discussing over ZH? :rofl:

BTW, yes...Muslims ruled over India. Latest I can name APJ who was then supreme commander of the armed forces. At the same time a sikh PM was/is here and yes, a christian lady is one of the most powerful figure of Indian politics. So everybody ruled over us. Happy!! :D

If people like ZH has an iota of knowledge of what India is about, he would refarin from vomitting. :bunny:

Feel happy. You ruled us. You can call whatever you wish but it is pointless to discuss ZH.

P.S. --> Since you guys yourself claim that your leadership is USA stooges, do I need to understand Christians are ruling over you guys. :tongue:

Zaid Hamid has no personal Ideology.. he is only speaking from Iqbal's treasure and what we received from the Life of Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH and Sahaba.

At which point would you disagree with him? If you do, you would be disagreeing with Quraan, Ahadith, Teachings of Sahaba (Followers of Prophet SAWW) and Iqbal before disagreeing with him.

I would love to see you or anybody from India encounter him. Really, I am looking for somebody to challenge Zaid, let it be from India, Pakistan or rest of the world. :pop:
Zaid Hamid has no personal Ideology.. he is only speaking from Iqbal's treasure and what we received from the Life of Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH and Sahaba.

At which point would you disagree with him? If you do, you would be disagreeing with Quraan, Ahadith, Teachings of Sahaba (Followers of Prophet SAWW) and Iqbal before disagreeing with him.

I would love to see you or anybody from India encounter him. Really, I am looking for somebody to challenge Zaid, let it be from India, Pakistan or rest of the world. :pop:

I would love to encounter. He is a good talker, but doesnt mean that what he talks is correct. Just because he sounds angry and speaks with conviction, the truth is its just verbal diarrhoea. his strategy isto allege killings and atrocities by india/west, without giving numbers/dates or analysis. So the standard of his debate will be like the ones we used to do in college after boozing. very immature. but nevertheless i would like to engage him if there is a forum. u can also see bharat verma vs hamid in youtube.
Let's not mix his topics. He talks about religion is between you and him, then he talks about current affair also we have our pov on that.
Now let's talk about his discussion on those issue.
He was wrong about Kasab.
He was wrong about 26/11.
He was wrong about 9/11.

All the above is more then enough for credibility. Intially I use to watch his videos for fun but now everything is monotonus nothing new.
Someone told in on one Pakistani channel that he speaks as he was personally present. His famous quote hum apko bata rahe hai, as if he is God and knows everything.
A thread about the Q&A session in lahore turns into communalisation of history and low value posts

I request mods to either close the thread or bring discussion back on track
Listen, you're clearly not even willing to read your own history through sources other than your Anglo masters shows your bias. India was a deep crap hole that the Anglos deemed not worth their salt, they looted and plundered, what they built was only for themselves, and then they left leaving all to their miseries.

Yet you're still hell bent on taking your information from the guides of your British Masters. Don't you see the irony?

Muslims on the other hand not only stayed but established a civilization that we're all proud of despite of our differences. They stayed in India, they built a civilizaiton, they established trade routes for centuries to come that we're all still benefiting from. The 30% trade that I am talking about was was from the 17th century till 18th.

By all accounts India is not ''regaining'' its glorious past. India has embraced Capitalism wholeheartedly. Which means more division between labour and the owners of production, as is the case seen that more people becoming Billionairs which shows more are being exploited and sent under poverty lines. It's even worse because of lack of a sound judicial system gives a green light to the rich that are hell bent on exploiting people. We have the same outdated judicial system as you which needs some major revisioning to be compatible with our times and culture.

What "truth" are you talking about? the one that is patented by the Congress Party and the BJP in your Bharat Maata? the light through which you cannot even see your own history even in broad daylight? :lol:

first, India was rich when the british arrived.
second, we all have to have a source for history. i dont know what your source is. I would like to think that the history taught in indian school is quite good at least in late-eighties. i certinly dont think that mughal was a golden age at least for most hindus. i think where india is headed towards today is the best way , of course we have to consider the corruption
:) sorry buddy when we recite the Kalima we are Muslims and non-other than Muslims. We take pride in Muslim fighters who ruled over You simple as that.

And NO Mr Zaid's forefathers have never been Hindus, neither mine.

Balance whatever you say the fact is that Muslim commanders won and ruled over sub-continent.

That's what I call switching side.

Whatever you do now, that doesn't change the history. No matter what you are now, but it's a truth that your forefathers were Hindus.

Hard to digest it, yeh?
A and B were sitting in a house and C came slapped both and captured the house. Later the house was divided into 2 and now Bclaims that he captured A good logic. So when Iraq lost to US did Pakistan and ZH claimed defeat too or you only share victories.

Havent you heard the saying, " Success has many fathers, failure is an orphan" ?

Well, thats exactly the case every where, how can you expect a Conspiracy theorist to claim the defeat too.
Many members here take proud in being Muslim and think that they share the same History as Muslims all over the world.

Please get over that. Their is nothing like Muslim brotherhood these days. Just look at the people who are suicide bombing in Pakistan every day. Just look at the headlines you take proud in saying, "Pak soldiers killed 10 Taleban today." Are they not Muslim? You wouldn't have been in this war if Muslim Arab nations would have helped you. Try a war against India and see what Indian Muslims do with you. We Indians honored our Muslim missile man and he's the most loved personality in Indian youth. You people made a scapegoat out of AQ Khan. Wasn't he a Muslim? Why did you bend in front of American Christians and left AQK alone?

When you say you are proud of Muslim history, then you imply that you are ashamed of your forefathers, who were Hindus and fought against Muslims.

Please wake up. Neither you, nor your forefathers had any contribution in ruling India. Get over "we ruled you" dream. You never did.

It's just an illusion created to make Pakistanis believe that they are better than Indians. The fact is, Pakistan is currently in no position of laying a finger on India.

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