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Wake up Lahore - Q&A Session

Very true very true.. perspective matters , till 2006 we said India had a Muslim president(Dr kalam) and Ppl in Pakistan would have said ..hey we still rule you :) persprective matters. people here would not understand what true democracy and secularism means, they are not brought up in a secular /democratic state.

see irrespective of what they say, they are converted hindus, and of the same stock as us. . so they are smart and will one day realise that it is better to live in a secular democratic country and there will be peace between ind and pak. long live friendship
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Khajur Ashoka was never a Hindu.

ehhh anyway the facts remains Muslims invaded you and ruled over you.

I think I am learning about Pakistan through this forum. Since you happen to be born in Pakistan, your obsession towards religion is also understandable.

For your kind information, Delhi sultanate was destroyed and consolidated long long before British arrived on the scene. Delhi Mughal ruler was allowed to keep their privileges in return for sharing of tax revenues with Marathas. Here is the map that would illustrate you the control of Marathas just before British have arrived on the scene.


If Marathas, or for that matter all the kings and queens that ruled India would have changed the religion to Islam, that would have changed the fate of Pakistan as it stands today, right?

I feel like it is a lost cause to tell you that your religion obsession and glorious past if any has little significance on what is the reality today. If the poor in your country or mine has to survive, day dreaming and wishing does not help.

It seems to be a case like my grandfather had a fancy toy and I live like a beggar, and so if things would have different this way or if my father would have changed this decision, then the beggar's life would have been different thought the beggar - all the time still day dreaming whereas the beggar next door started doing some real work and progressing. Need I say which beggar seems like Pakistan and which beggar seems like India.

In a country where army is out competiting with TTP to prove who is more Muslim and hence has the right to rule Pakistan, your statements does make sense - a case of identity crisis.

When rest of the world including Muslim-dominated countries are concentrated on developing their countries, few that are left behind are obsessed on implementing Sharia law in their country.
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I think I am learning about Pakistan through this forum. Since you happen to be born in Pakistan, your obsession towards religion is also understandable.

For your kind information, Delhi sultanate was destroyed and consolidated long long before British arrived on the scene. Delhi Mughal ruler was allowed to keep their privileges in return for sharing of tax revenues with Marathas. Here is the map that would illustrate you the control of Marathas just before British have arrived on the scene.


If Marathas, or for that matter all the kings and queens that ruled India would have changed the religion to Islam, that would have changed the fate of Pakistan as it stands today, right?

I feel like it is a lost cause to tell you that your religion obsession and glorious past if any has little significance on what is the reality today. If the poor in your country or mine has to survive, day dreaming and wishing does not help.

It seems to be a case like my grandfather had a fancy toy and I live like a beggar, and so if things would have different this way or if my father would have changed this decision, then the beggar's life would have been different thought the beggar - all the time still day dreaming whereas the beggar next door started doing some real work and progressing. Need I say which beggar seems like Pakistan and which beggar seems like India.

In a country where army is out competiting with TTP to prove who is more Muslim and hence has the right to rule Pakistan, your statements does make sense - a case of identity crisis.

When rest of the world including Muslim-dominated countries are concentrated on developing their countries, few that are left behind are obsessed on implementing Sharia law in their country.

So Marhatas despite their controling most of the areas let the outsiders to rule ???? :)

Your other rant about Pakistan not worth replying.
So Marhatas despite their controling most of the areas let the outsiders to rule ???? :)

Your other rant about Pakistan not worth replying.

no, marathas controlled these areas and ruled muslims. ranjit singh also ruled pakistan and muslims in afghanistan
Now muslims ruling India in history has become an offensive thing and taken away from the Indian curriculum. It's quite clear many Indians here are suffering from a short-term memory loss :lol:

Its not You who ruled India.....Some Muslim Warlords and their families rules India.....

You can sit in these remains of your so called great Muslim Empire...and continue to day dream that some day you will rule the world....

The truth today is .....Almost entire worlds is skeptic of Muslim intentions and is willing to join hands to fight this so called jihad.....that has originated form the same Muslim mindset that you and more people like you are infested with.....forget ruling the world today or in the near future....you people are struggling to save your country form a home grown terrorism....and anyone from the world gets up and slaps you on your face ...and all your leadership can do is....go on media and declare that we are doing our best ...and world has to understand that......

Why the hell should world understand ..your point of view and your efforts ...when all you have dome is create trouble for everyone.....

And no, my ancestors were Arabs and persians, they were never hindus. Get your facts straight, dont make stupid ASSumptions.

Listen mate, your post shows that you're still mentally slaved by the West.

Only Western media and news channels spew such crap. Muslims are not ruling the "world", so you can hardly blame them, but your British and American masters, hence blame them.

And no, you can't speak on behalf of the "world", you haven't a clue who' is ruling India and whats going on with your own people 500 million + under sheer poverty, yet you're blaming Islam and Muslims for the world's problems? How naive and stupid that line of thought is. As I said earlier, when Muslims ruled India, i.e. whether Mughals or turks or whatnot, they ALL had courts and judges who ruled by Islamic law and OUR judicial system. And trade in India accounted for 30% of the world trade, compare that trade with your British masters or even now it doesn't even come close to it. So we did rule over you and made the country prosperous afterall.

your post is more of a rant than an argument. Clearly bias.
I think I am learning about Pakistan through this forum. Since you happen to be born in Pakistan, your obsession towards religion is also understandable.

For your kind information, Delhi sultanate was destroyed and consolidated long long before British arrived on the scene. Delhi Mughal ruler was allowed to keep their privileges in return for sharing of tax revenues with Marathas. Here is the map that would illustrate you the control of Marathas just before British have arrived on the scene.


If Marathas, or for that matter all the kings and queens that ruled India would have changed the religion to Islam, that would have changed the fate of Pakistan as it stands today, right?

I feel like it is a lost cause to tell you that your religion obsession and glorious past if any has little significance on what is the reality today. If the poor in your country or mine has to survive, day dreaming and wishing does not help.

It seems to be a case like my grandfather had a fancy toy and I live like a beggar, and so if things would have different this way or if my father would have changed this decision, then the beggar's life would have been different thought the beggar - all the time still day dreaming whereas the beggar next door started doing some real work and progressing. Need I say which beggar seems like Pakistan and which beggar seems like India.

In a country where army is out competiting with TTP to prove who is more Muslim and hence has the right to rule Pakistan, your statements does make sense - a case of identity crisis.

When rest of the world including Muslim-dominated countries are concentrated on developing their countries, few that are left behind are obsessed on implementing Sharia law in their country.
Hey Chap! That's a nice little map you got there from your British masters collection.

And you know what that map reveals about you? It shows that you're still mentally chained down in slavery to your Anglo masters. You're seeing history not through your intellect but through the lens of the Imperialists. do slaves have opinions? :lol: Nopes. They're only allowed to say what their masters instill in them

I'm quoting you a great Indian Intellectual that is NOT mentally slaved to the British. I suggest you look into her speeches on democracy and imperialism. I greatly respect her. :thumbup:

"To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never, to forget." - Arundhati Roy
Now muslims ruling India in history has become an offensive thing and taken away from the Indian curriculum. It's quite clear many Indians here are suffering from a short-term memory loss :lol:

And no, my ancestors were Arabs and persians, they were never hindus. Get your facts straight, dont make stupid ASSumptions.

Listen mate, your post shows that you're still mentally slaved by the West.

Only Western media and news channels spew such crap. Muslims are not ruling the "world", so you can hardly blame them, but your British and American masters, hence blame them.

And no, you can't speak on behalf of the "world", you haven't a clue who' is ruling India and whats going on with your own people 500 million + under sheer poverty, yet you're blaming Islam and Muslims for the world's problems? How naive and stupid that line of thought is. As I said earlier, when Muslims ruled India, i.e. whether Mughals or turks or whatnot, they ALL had courts and judges who ruled by Islamic law and OUR judicial system. And trade in India accounted for 30% of the world trade, compare that trade with your British masters or even now it doesn't even come close to it. So we did rule over you and made the country prosperous afterall.

your post is more of a rant than an argument. Clearly bias.

Honestly I dont care who your ancestors are. in indian schools they do teach about the history of muslim invasions and mughal india. if your ancestors are arabs, i think you should take the next dhow boat back to arabia and stay out of indian subcontinent.
only during akbar's time india was in a good shape. the 30% of worl trade you are saying is around 1800. at that time, india was already mostly under maratha , sikhs and british. muslims had declined. But I am still proud that we have a history that includes, ancient hindus, muslims and british influence. we have always tbeen taught to appreciate this diversity. and i am sorry to say that you will never be in a position to apprciate this diversity because of of your indoctrination in your nation.
It is rather stupid of you to talk about 30% trade. the british came to india to plunder and they did it. now india is slowly regaining. i dont care about india's share as long as it speople are progressing towards happiness. please Read more before posting
Hey Chap! That's a nice little map you got there from your British masters collection.

And you know what that map reveals about you? It shows that you're still mentally chained down in slavery to your Anglo masters. You're seeing history not through your intellect but through the lens of the Imperialists. do slaves have opinions? :lol: Nopes. They're only allowed to say what their masters instill in them

I'm quoting you a great Indian Intellectual that is NOT mentally slaved to the British. I suggest you look into her speeches on democracy and imperialism. I greatly respect her. :thumbup:

"To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never, to forget." - Arundhati Roy

Truth has a well-known bias against Zaid Hamid followers!

Once you get over with your Muslim obsession and your Anglo phobia, I "hope" you would see the light! :wave:
Hey Listen,

After 1971 What your Leader, in her first speech said on 17th December, 1971,

" By defeating Pakistan we have defeated entire Islamic world & taken revenge of our defeats of last 1000 years against Islam. "
It's on record.

Now analyse yourself.

Your are saying :blah: :blah: about Pakistani Youth and speakers
Just watch out your own honeycomb press/electronic media. what about this Indian man saying. Is he spreading love and peace in India about Pakistan

what i can understand is Lahore Sindh...

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Honestly I dont care who your ancestors are. in indian schools they do teach about the history of muslim invasions and mughal india. if your ancestors are arabs, i think you should take the next dhow boat back to arabia and stay out of indian subcontinent.
only during akbar's time india was in a good shape. the 30% of worl trade you are saying is around 1800. at that time, india was already mostly under maratha , sikhs and british. muslims had declined. But I am still proud that we have a history that includes, ancient hindus, muslims and british influence. we have always tbeen taught to appreciate this diversity. and i am sorry to say that you will never be in a position to apprciate this diversity because of of your indoctrination in your nation.
It is rather stupid of you to talk about 30% trade. the british came to india to plunder and they did it. now india is slowly regaining. i dont care about india's share as long as its people are progressing towards happiness. please Read more before posting

Listen, you're clearly not even willing to read your own history through sources other than your Anglo masters shows your bias. India was a deep crap hole that the Anglos deemed not worth their salt, they looted and plundered, what they built was only for themselves, and then they left leaving all to their miseries.

Yet you're still hell bent on taking your information from the guides of your British Masters. Don't you see the irony?

Muslims on the other hand not only stayed but established a civilization that we're all proud of despite of our differences. They stayed in India, they built a civilizaiton, they established trade routes for centuries to come that we're all still benefiting from. The 30% trade that I am talking about was was from the 17th century till 18th.

By all accounts India is not ''regaining'' its glorious past. India has embraced Capitalism wholeheartedly. Which means more division between labour and the owners of production, as is the case seen that more people becoming Billionairs which shows more are being exploited and sent under poverty lines. It's even worse because of lack of a sound judicial system gives a green light to the rich that are hell bent on exploiting people. We have the same outdated judicial system as you which needs some major revisioning to be compatible with our times and culture.

Truth has a well-known bias against Zaid Hamid followers!

Once you get over with your Muslim obsession and your Anglo phobia, I "hope" you would see the light! :wave:

What "truth" are you talking about? the one that is patented by the Congress Party and the BJP in your Bharat Maata? the light through which you cannot even see your own history even in broad daylight? :lol:
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we are not fond of hanging on to any history and we dont live in history.....its for weak minds like yours to live inside history books like silverfish....we live in today.....and we believe in making history by making our country better every day.....and we dont need lectures from pakistanis who have fucked their present by crazily looking towards their past .
Wow, such animosity?

History defines your past and allows you to see and analyze your mistakes so you can build a better future.

Without history you'll remain ignorant of your past, eventually lose your culture and traditions, and become slaves of those who controlled you. which is sadly already happening.
Hey Listen,

After 1971 What your Leader, in her first speech said on 17th December, 1971,

" By defeating Pakistan we have defeated entire Islamic world & taken revenge of our defeats of last 1000 years against Islam. "
It's on record.

Now analyse yourself.

Your are saying :blah: :blah: about Pakistani Youth and speakers
Just watch out your own honeycomb press/electronic media. what about this Indian man saying. Is he spreading love and peace in India about Pakistan

HOIrihFC0W8[/media] - What should we do with Pakistan - 2

what i can understand is Lahore Sindh...


hahahhahahah they have taken reveng from entire Muslim world.

That is not even Indian victory as Bangladesh is a Muslim country :) and NO Indians you are not ruling BD hence the 1000 years rule of Muslims over you would remain a wond tickling you.

anyway its a fact you can not deny.
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we are not fond of hanging on to any history and we dont live in history.....its for weak minds like yours to live inside history books like silverfish....we live in today.....and we believe in making history by making our country better every day.....and we dont need lectures from pakistanis who have fucked their present by crazily looking towards their past .

cool down buddy and care to use civilized words :)
Wow, such animosity?

History defines your past and allows you to see and analyze your mistakes so you can build a better future.

Without history you'll remain ignorant of your past, eventually lose your culture and traditions, and become slaves of those who controlled you. which is sadly already happening.

History is nothing else but an inellectual mastrubation ...it serves no practicle purpose other than telling you how not to do things.... things.....stop looking at past..it only helps you turn you back at your future....and thats precisly whay guys like zaid hamid...is making pakistani youth do....

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