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Wahhabism & its Connections with Terrorism..!!!

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You seem angry

Why would someone who does not even believe in the existence of God be angry at the suggestion that Wahabi should declare that Shi'ah and Sunni are Muslims and Brothers?? It's very curious, either you are being less than truthful about not being a wahabi, or you are in reality a Wahabi and therefore cannot assert that Shi'ah and Sunni are brothers and Muslims?

Or maybe the thought of your very existence in our universe is why I am angry? Haven't you thought of that. Don't think I forgot our conversations from years back.

And to everyone and my fellow Saudis, do not indulge this guy in any conversation or debate, he is not worth it.
Whenever and wherever they create space, they create by destroying Islamic heritage sites.
Why don't they create space by demolishing hundreds of luxury hotels. Why do they always find demolishing Islamic heritage sites suitable , for creating space.
The reason is, hatred of Islamic heritage sites is in their hearts. And they search for a reason to destroy them. Why dont they demolish McDonald Restaurants to create space. ( whose part of profits goes to country of Israel ? )

are you a hindu! if yes please step aside
Looks like I was spot on - it will be a cold day in hell, before any Wahabi is going assert that Shi'ah and Sunni are Muslims and brothers

But the challenge is and will remain open, however, will any Wahabi have thje courage to take the challenge, this remains to seen

You clearly seem to be in a great deal of ordeal!

Its clear enough that you made up this wahabisim and its beliefs in your head.

I recommend you to read OP.
The 28 million saudi love and Respect shiekh Mohammed Ibn Abudu Al-wahab whom you hate so keep your respect to yourself we don't need it.

That 28 million is only a small fraction of world muslim population of 1,250 million ( i.e., 1.25 Billion ). A huge majority of world's muslims hate Ibn Abdul wahhab najdi. Also, they give so-called respect because they don't want to get murdered (literally) by the brutal saudi regime for not following and accepting their beliefs.
Or maybe the thought of your very existence in our universe is why I am angry? Haven't you thought of that.
And to everyone and my fellow Saudis, do not indulge this guy in any conversation or debate, he is not worth it.

Tsk, tsk, You must make peace with yourself, it's up to you, you can choose to free yourself of Wahabi ideology, but you have to make that decision honestly, courageously - Declare now, before the forum that Shi'ah and Sunni are brothers and Muslims, free yourself of the bigotry of the Wahabi ideology, you don't have to go over to the dark side, so to speak.

And please take a hold of yourself, as if with simply conversation, you can behave like some waif -

Don't think I forgot our conversations from years back.

See, what I mean? I didn't mean for you to be traumatized, it was just conversation -- It all depends on you Maso, declare your conscience, declare before all that Shiah and Sunni are brothers and Muslims - this will free you, it will be a declaration of conscience and the rejection of evil - Can you do that?
dear I will agree to some points but must clarify as well. I am one of many people who has family members from both schools of jurisprudence. while devotion for Hazrat Ali is mainly because they chose to follow Ali over Amir Aa'wiya but respect for Sahaba RA was always there and I am the one who has attended shia majalis and put this question about insulting of Khulfa rashideen, they actually distance themselves from insults and blame on a fringe sect called NOseri and actually point at a tradition set by Amir Ma'wiya where insulting Hazrart Ali became part of part of Jumah sermon and was eventually stopped by none other than Hartaz Umer Bin Abdul Aziz ra who revived the heart and soul of Khlufa rashideen ra and is respected and adored by sunnis and shias togther,

I came across a shia scholar Jaan ali Kazmi who explains the conspiracy where a certain group pretending to be shia spreads such poison. that shia guy he explains about kharjis and nosehris

home listen to 1:30 and onwards

he is not being politically correct and says from heart that Shia and sunni are one and brothers and tells shias to dismiss propaganda against Hazrat Umer ibn Khattab r.a (thats another video that i cant locate now but when I do I will link it)

listen to this video very interesting where ICA is trying to instigate a war between shia & sunni

Well I am not a Shia but I married a shia girl after asking her to change a few things.
1) Remove last part of kalma as that was not something told by our prophet or even the people Shias love so much Namely Hazrat ali r.a ,Hazrat imam hussain r.a and all of those who were with him in karbala.
2) Dont pray on that soil of karbala(turbah) as thats not something our prophet did plus I feel if its about the sacredness of the place then no soil is more sacred than makkahs.
3)Accept other khalifas for who they were and especially hazrat ayesha .
These were the main things besides many minor things and she is a university of london graduate with enough wisdom and after discussing things she accepted all the things because she said they made sense to her.

Now at topic well my personal belief is all these divisions were made to just divide us and rule us something which has achieved all its purposes.In reality now we have three things extremists on both sides(shia's who hates wahabi's and wahabi's who hates shias) and sunni's in between .. Though I personally dont remember any bloody war between these two if you know of any do let me know as otherwise I dont understand the reason of so much hatred.

I feel instead of looking at whats difference b/w us we should look at the similarities the biggest one of which are we believe in same Allah,prophet and Quran and then once that much is established and the mistrust that otherone thinks you as a kafir is done with we can proceed ahead and discuss things with logic and reason.

One last thing I dont think anybody who lives in KSA become a wahabi and even in wahabi's not all are extremist the same way as in shia's not all extremists.
Looks like I got him where it hurts made him neglect my Post.
Monitor12345, if you are Hindu; this is a charged debate, and making authoritative comments on matters that one does not fully understand will only add to the fuel. It would be appropriate to listen to the polite request below; ....

are you a hindu! if yes please step aside

If you are Muslim, or a scholar well versed in these matter, my bad- carry on mate.
Mate, he is suffering from no complex. He is challenging you with history/words/logic, not bombs and beheadings as your ilk would resort to. Instead of issuing a fatwa at whim, answer his questions.

WTF... he is challenging me?

Have you gone nuts... who told you i'm wahabi? Come to your senses and drop this habit of calling others kafir in your definitions.

I curse the man who call others kafir or whabi witout evidence and there are enough posts in this forum who fall under my curse.

How dare you lable me with any sect.

Be careful.. i can get very uneven in my reply, for me not even King of mars have any value and i care not for any insulting SOB.

Tell me why how come TTP brought in to existence by Shia of Afghanistan and Iran and USA and Hindus can be any thing else than Shia product.
Any Wahabi is welcome to declare that Shiah and Sunni are brothers and Muslims - are there any wahabi who will have the courage of conviction to do this?
I didn't call you anything dude! :blink::blink::blink:

What's going on here.... :woot:

WTF... he is challenging me?

Have you gone nuts... who told you i'm wahabi? Come to your senses and drop this habit of calling others kafir in your definitions.

I curse the man who call others kafir and there are enough posts in this forum who fall under my curse.

Be careful.. i can get very uneven in my reply, for me not even King of mars have any value and i care not for insulting SOB.

Tell me why how come TTP brought in to existence by Shia of Afghanistan and Iran and USA and Hindus can be any thing else than Shia product.
Any Wahabi is welcome to declare that Shiah and Sunni are brothers and Muslims - are there any wahabi who will have the courage of conviction to do this?

Why Shia love Hindus more than fellow non Shia Muslim brothers?

I didn't call you anything dude! :blink::blink::blink:

What's going on here.... :woot:

Read your comments.. you stated he is challenging YOU?
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