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Volkswagen to Setup a $135 Million Plant in Balochistan

Not really mate. More rent seeking. More of the assembly mafia. Think about this. $135 million for a car plant is minnows.
If this keeps up Pakistan will have more car so called manufactuers then any country on earth although each 'plant' will be making one car a week with combined Pakistan auto industry making less cars then Boeing makes aircraft.
Not really mate. More rent seeking. More of the assembly mafia. Think about this. $135 million for a car plant is minnows.
That's how all the east asian nations developed. You need to gain understanding from assembling stuff from western companies then build you own with the know how. The folks that started Huawei probably started out assembling Iphones.
In collaboration with Premier Motor Limited, the German automaker, Volkswagen
Classic rent seeking. Local mafia with connections approaches foreign manufactuer to assemble few vehicles a week and then flog them at exhorbitant prices in a monopoly and restricted market. Meaning a Pakistan who wants to buy a VW can't because of import tax etc. This gives space for Premier to mint money.

That's how all the east asian nations developed.
I guess its the right step in the right direction but it won't be operational until 2021 which is still 2 years away. Nonetheless, a positive development.
One Renault car plant in Morocco produces over 300,000 vehicles a year most which are exported. One model, Sandero alone accounts for 170,000 units. This is what we need in Pakistan. This Renault plant is over mile long.

Not 10 differant car plants each making dozen vehicles.

One Renault car plant in Morocco produces over 300,000 vehicles a year most which are exported. One model, Sandero alone accounts for 170,000 units. This is what we need in Pakistan. This Renault plant is over mile long.

Not 10 differant car plants each making dozen vehicles.


dacia is such a shit car
dacia is such a shit car
Agreed it's shite. But fact is Morocco has one car plant making twice more cars then the entire Pakistan car industry and exporting most of those cars earning billions of dollars. That is what we need. Think. If Bangla can earn $20 billion from selling poxy garments what do you think can be earned from selling 100,000s of shite Dacias???
Why has no one marketed your Khewra Pink Salt? I simply do not understand the logic of exporting salt to India who then label this as ‘Himalayan’ then flog this to world market for huge profits?

There is huge potential there for organic and natural cosmetic like they do with the Dead Sea for $100s of millions.

Agreed it's shite. But fact is Morocco has one car plant making twice more cars then the entire Pakistan car industry and exporting most of those cars earning billions of dollars. That is what we need. Think. If Bangla can earn $20 billion from selling poxy garments what do you think can be earned from selling 100,000s of shite Dacias???
You know how you have in Pakistan a 'darzi' at every street corner sat cross legged, yanking a old style sewing machine, needle in one hand, thread in the other and scissors near his feet working in one room. Making clothes to order and chrning out dress or two per day. That is Pakistan car industry. Darzi [rent seekers like Premier Motors] on every street corner making few cars.

Then have garment plants that produce million units of clothing every month ~ mile of long rows of sewing machines with army of workers working non stop over three 8 hour shifts? These units supply the world market and have turnover of $10s of billions. That is the Moroccon Renault plant. Most of what it makes is exported. So it is not rent seeking as it's products are sold on open markets across the globe. Note it is a Renault plant. There is no local Moroccon rent seeker.

What we need is just one or two plants in Pakistan tied to Chinese car companies. The empasis being few models but mass production ~ in excess of 500,000 with target of 50% exports.

There is huge potential
There is but the tragic reality is this. The interface between 200 million Pakistan and the 7 billion global market is decided by geography. Fact is majority of global trade is moved by ships which use the oceans as highways. The 200 million Pakistan is hostage to geography as the only natural outlet and opening to the ocean of the Indus Valley is one port - Karachi. This means anything 200 million might import or export will go to Karachi as it is the interface with the world. There is much talk about developing Gwadar but that will take decades to get the required rail/road linkages to 200 million Pakistan. As of now Gwadar is almost disconnected from 'mainland' Pakistan.

So for now international trade is going to ge limited to as has been for over 100 years to Karachi. The problem is how is the country supposed tp progress when this is the state of affairs in that city. MQM, a party that continously was elected by people of Karachi for decades, was ruling Karachi, at one point was even part of the federal government under President Musharaf. Well read this.

The Rangers special public prosecutor, Sajid Mehbood Shaikh, had produced two witnesses for recording their statements before the ATC-VI judge in the 2012 Baldia factory fire case today: a former manager of M/s Ali Enterprises and a judicial magistrate.

The first witness testified that he used to work as a manager at the M/s Ali Enterprises in July 2012 when Rehman — who was the then in-charge of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement's Baldia Town sector — and Majid Baig visited the factory and also met with its owners.


Yes, 252 people were burned alive in this factory by MQM gangsters. And they wanted Rs250 million from the factory owners. Is this how business thrive? Is it wonder our exports are so stunted? I keep using the term 'rent seeling'. This is ultimate form of rent seeking involving extortion and murder. 250 people burned alive and all I hear people here is 'PTM, PTM, PTM'.
You know how you have in Pakistan a 'darzi' at every street corner sat cross legged, yanking a old style sewing machine, needle in one hand, thread in the other and scissors near his feet working in one room. Making clothes to order and chrning out dress or two per day. That is Pakistan car industry. Darzi [rent seekers like Premier Motors] on every street corner making few cars.

Then have garment plants that produce million units of clothing every month ~ mile of long rows of sewing machines with army of workers working non stop over three 8 hour shifts? These units supply the world market and have turnover of $10s of billions. That is the Moroccon Renault plant. Most of what it makes is exported. So it is not rent seeking as it's products are sold on open markets across the globe. Note it is a Renault plant. There is no local Moroccon rent seeker.

What we need is just one or two plants in Pakistan tied to Chinese car companies. The empasis being few models but mass production ~ in excess of 500,000 with target of 50% exports.

There is but the tragic reality is this. The interface between 200 million Pakistan and the 7 billion global market is decided by geography. Fact is majority of global trade is moved by ships which use the oceans as highways. The 200 million Pakistan is hostage to geography as the only natural outlet and opening to the ocean of the Indus Valley is one port - Karachi. This means anything 200 million might import or export will go to Karachi as it is the interface with the world. There is much talk about developing Gwadar but that will take decades to get the required rail/road linkages to 200 million Pakistan. As of now Gwadar is almost disconnected from 'mainland' Pakistan.

So for now international trade is going to ge limited to as has been for over 100 years to Karachi. The problem is how is the country supposed tp progress when this is the state of affairs in that city. MQM, a party that continously was elected by people of Karachi for decades, was ruling Karachi, at one point was even part of the federal government under President Musharaf. Well read this.

The Rangers special public prosecutor, Sajid Mehbood Shaikh, had produced two witnesses for recording their statements before the ATC-VI judge in the 2012 Baldia factory fire case today: a former manager of M/s Ali Enterprises and a judicial magistrate.

The first witness testified that he used to work as a manager at the M/s Ali Enterprises in July 2012 when Rehman — who was the then in-charge of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement's Baldia Town sector — and Majid Baig visited the factory and also met with its owners.


Yes, 252 people were burned alive in this factory by MQM gangsters. And they wanted Rs250 million from the factory owners. Is this how business thrive? Is it wonder our exports are so stunted? I keep using the term 'rent seeling'. This is ultimate form of rent seeking involving extortion and murder. 250 people burned alive and all I hear people here is 'PTM, PTM, PTM'.

Yes that is just the mafia basically. These MQM people are active in London I believe. The UK keep giving these character a haven there to spread their filth and launder dirty looted money in London property.

I think only solution for this specific issue of Pakistan is imposing direct rule on Karachi and just cleansing it of this mafia type.
Yes that is just the mafia basically. These MQM people are active in London I believe. The UK keep giving these character a haven there to spread their filth and launder dirty looted money in London property.

I think only solution for this specific issue of Pakistan is imposing direct rule on Karachi and just cleansing it of this mafia type.

Should see Altaf's "bhai's" mansion in Central London. More presence of Met around it than the Parliament or No10.
The UK keep giving these character a haven there to spread their filth and launder dirty looted money in London property.
It's not the job of UK to make MQM to account. The primary responsibility lies with Pakistan. To begin with how can you point fingers at UK when -

  • for decades millions from Karachi and other Mohajir enclaves have boted for Altaf bhai.
  • for decades MQM have ruled Karachi and at times even were part of President Musharaf's government
  • for decades the MQM have been the elective voice of the Mohajir community which claims to be the best educated in Pakistan
Given these realities you can't expect foreign governments to clean your mess. It is Pakistan and in particular the MQM voters who have think about what they voted in for so long. It is possible that Altaf has offered his services to UK in which case he is a asset since they knew how much MQM had influence over Karachi. This again raise the question that who voted him and his party given it's acknwledged links with India and to terrorism like the Baldia fire.
MQM voters

Majority of them never even voted or were forced to vote. They were dragged to polling stations by the party workers to vote in their favour. Same thing used to happen in Bhai's telephonic Jalsa's where poor neighbourhood people were forced to sit in and shout slogans. Saw it happening and heard about it from hundreds of people, friends, relatives etc..
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