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Volkswagen to Setup a $135 Million Plant in Balochistan

Majority of them never even voted or were forced to vote. They were dragged to polling stations by the party workers to vote in their favour. Same thing used to happen in Bhai's telephonic Jalsa's where poor neighbourhood people were forced to sit in and shout slogans. Saw it happening and heard about it from hundreds of people, friends, relatives etc..
Thanks for that insight but to leverage millions of voters by force would require massive manpower, prganization and financing. Clearly that did not come from America, Israel etc but was from the city. If this can happen to supposedly most educated demography in Pakistan god help the rest ...
It's not the job of UK to make MQM to account. The primary responsibility lies with Pakistan. To begin with how can you point fingers at UK when -

  • for decades millions from Karachi and other Mohajir enclaves have boted for Altaf bhai.
  • for decades MQM have ruled Karachi and at times even were part of President Musharaf's government
  • for decades the MQM have been the elective voice of the Mohajir community which claims to be the best educated in Pakistan
Given these realities you can't expect foreign governments to clean your mess. It is Pakistan and in particular the MQM voters who have think about what they voted in for so long. It is possible that Altaf has offered his services to UK in which case he is a asset since they knew how much MQM had influence over Karachi. This again raise the question that who voted him and his party given it's acknwledged links with India and to terrorism like the Baldia fire.

UK is notorious not just for these MQM people but also dirty Russian money and African dictators for decade have bought prime property with the very aid money that the UK sent them!

Benazir also had their $5m mansion outside London I believe. Actually the Sharif family are also there as in Panama Paper they were heavily involved in London.
Why has no one marketed your Khewra Pink Salt? I simply do not understand the logic of exporting salt to India who then label this as ‘Himalayan’ then flog this to world market for huge profits?

There is huge potential there for organic and natural cosmetic like they do with the Dead Sea for $100s of millions.
i never knew the himalayan pink salt was from pakistan
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