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Vivekananda International Foundation calling the shots in Defence Ministry?


Sep 21, 2010
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@LutyensSpice ,an anonymous handle on twitter,which proclaims to bring up the inside news from the Lutyens has tweeted that its VIF which is actually calling the shots with regards to Defence Ministry.

It also proclaims that the general view of Amit Shah being the No. 2 to Modi is incorrect and in reality this position goes to the NSA Ajit Doval.
Wow. So now anonymous handles are the source of news.

Doval himself is of VI. And judging by its name and ideology, I certainly don't mind them taking control. It is any day better than the corrupt socialist trash that we have been following in the name of ideology for past 6 decades.
Yes. Ajit dowal is the de-facto deputy PM of India.. :P :enjoy:
And why this will give jitters to anyone that such sensational revelation has to be made such a way.

Oh may be those who have been deliberately stalling every procurement and screwing Indian defense capabilities.

BTW if Govt. won't listen to NSA then whom it should pay heed to? Mani Shankar Aiyer?
if true, not the ideal way

but still cant complaint about it as all moves they have made till now are good and keep Nation First, India First
This has been known for a while time, in fact many foreign countries had consulting sessions with them as soon as Modi won the elections.


From Vivekananda to PMO stars: Meet Modi's favourite think tank - Firstpost

I like their perspective on things. Do check out their website.
An impressive bunch indeed. So LutyensSpice has a problem with people of such caliber?
No one is 100% good.... but any day any time we will go for VIF over congress.
If VIF is calling the shots,I am pretty sure Defence Ministry is in safe hands.

This may,I must say,spell doomsday for Pakistan though.This bunch of people consists of former RAW chiefs,former Army Chiefs,Ex diplomats,Journalists etc.

These are ultra nationalists,as some of the 'Intellectuals' call them.

Enemies beware!!!
Wow. So now anonymous handles are the source of news.

Doval himself is of VI. And judging by its name and ideology, I certainly don't mind them taking control. It is any day better than the corrupt socialist trash that we have been following in the name of ideology for past 6 decades.

Is it true that VI is supported/sponsored by the RSS???

Not that I have any problem with that, am a proud supporter of RSS myself and feel that both RSS and VI are necessary for tha nation.
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