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Visualize Bangladesh in event of escalated regional military complications

So you still think Chinese supply caravan is in same shape as it was in 1962?Ridiculous to think that way isn't it?
I still think that the region is just as mountainous as it was in 1962.
Yes Nuisance,and in times of war if they are supplied well by the Chinese,they can become a "very irritating nuisance".
And how will China supply NE rebels with enough quantity of arms when concentration of IA would increase manyfold and will be particularly training their guns at the Chinese border.
Firstly,your pathetic attempt at humour that China is next to Allah,was in very bad taste.Jeta ke bole bikrito ruchi.
I hope you reconsider that.
If I had said, ‘next to God’ it would have been hunky-dory I guess. sheta tokhon shuruchikor hoto, tai na?
Regarding use of adjectives,I termed both countries as Giants,why didn't you ridicule that too?Ah yes,because it makes India sound very important,how can you ridicule it,right?
Wasn’t responding to that post, was I?
Between Bangladesh and Nepal or between Bangladesh and Bhutan.That's not more than 40km,as far as I know.And that is mostly plain land,not mountainous.I said capturing that within hours.I did not say the entire operation would take hours.You can go back and check instead of distorting.

And are you into the belief that Chinese or any other opposition will only attack only in one straight formation?

Does the idea of Flanking ring any bells?

Do they need to sweep entire NE first to choke those points,as you are claiming?
You are distorting my words over and over again.I said the attack would be first targetted on the Chicken neck to block off reinforcement from rest of India.And other wings will perhaps simultaneously attack the defence establishments in rest of NE.

This has completely different meaning than what you wrote there.
Don't distort my words to your advantage.
How would the Chinese reach that area in the first place? Either through Bhutan or Nepal or, through Arunachal Pradesh. If it is through Nepal or Bhutan, the Chinese would loose the element of surprise and valuable time. Forget the international repercussion for attacking such nations. If it is through AP, then they will have to sweep AP before they can cut off your favorite chicken neck. I hope you are not suggesting paradrop.

Also calculate, how much distance that translates into from the nearest Chinese border. Here is an image to make things clear.

Red is probable Chinese movement to your proposed chicken neck, marked in Black.
How many assets can India afford to remove from the Western frontier?It is important to know because a Sino-Indo war will see Pakistani troops massing on the indo-Pak border.
Now you have brought in another variable. IA/IAF follow the strategy of offensive in the West, defensive in North East. Our entire military apparatus is tuned in that way.
Also keep in mind Chinese defence expenditure in 3 times that of India's.
China is larger than India and needs to defend from even better enemies, qualitatively speaking.
Bad infrastructure slows down speed of advance,but it also slows down speed of reinforcement,In case your first line of defence is broken.

Now exactly how do you plan to Choke the Chinese?How do you know they have not planned any countermeasure for that bad infrastructure.May be another route or whatever.Please elaborate,since I am having to plan the entire Indian invasion for the Chinese.That too in a Hypothetical discussion.
The idea was to fall back below AP and regroup while the Chinese negotiated their advance. It was purely a defensive strategy and is on its way out.
Achieving air superiority can also be done through destroying Air fields and aircrafts on the ground using cruise missiles.Now you got to give that to the Chinese,they got better and more missiles in their arsenal.

Since my Hypothesis is based on China attacking first,then simultaneous cruise missile attacks on NE air bases,followed by air strikes can very well do the job of reducing IAF capability.It has the surprise element too.
Likely scenario. Only one loophole. The cruise missiles would have to pop up above the Mountains to reach IAF bases, increasing their probability of detection and hence interception. With AWACS in the region, it is hardly a full proof plan.
When Blitzkrieg happened,Germany did it for the first time when no other country has ever done before.Were they ineffective?

You Know the Maginot line,it was supposed to be impenetrable or that sort.

You know the answer.

BTW German army at that time still used horse carts for supply,I just hope Chinese have a better mode of transport.
Why do you think the Germans lost to the Russians.
Did I say Bangladesh will cut off Indian chicken neck and NE India?Now that is ridiculous.
When some Indian general say they can take care of China and Pakistan simultaneously within days,that is ridiculous.Or are you an ardent believer of that theory?
No Indian general said such. What was said had a different connotation. You are welcome to interpret it in any way.
China can cut off India's Chicken neck,and that's not absurd.Its a possibility and we are talking about possibility.You don't even want to believe that because your Ultra nationalistic mind is not allowing you to.
Yes it is absurd. Unless Sikkim is taken, there is no threat to the chicken neck. And no my ‘ultra nationalistic’ mind has nothing to do with it.
Hmm….a fascist mindset—isn’t it ?

1. Why do you like to sacrifice your excellent developments at the altar of fascism—only to turn into a fascist ‘super-power’ ? Do the world has any use for them any further ? Did not the past history give all enough lesson ? Is it the reason why you only support fascist AL in Bangladesh ? Is it the cause why neighboring people of Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal & China are so irritated of India ?

Pakistan Irritated at India cos they invaded Kashmir and we did not let it go..who cares for that irritation..
China irritated cos they want our land. Hypocrisy!!
Sri lanka irritated - last time i checked they werent
Nepal - jus because that nut case prachanda hates India doesnt mean that the Nepalese hate us..get ur facts straight

2. If you forcibly use Bangladesh sky, and—in response and not obliging India a bit—its people willingly let China to use its land (say, only Cox’s Bazar Airport that is being revamped to become a Forward Air Base, and Water (St. Martins area in Bay of Bengal), how healthy that will be to you ?

If we forcibly use ur skies wat can u do..? send ur F-7 against our MKI.? and hw will u let the Chinese use ur land or water withjout crossing Indian air space..? dude we will be enforcing a total blockade of ur air and naval assets. if u chose to collaborate with the chinese

3. Will you be able to draw the large neighboring people closer with this kind of fascist talking--even if India becomes super-power of some sort---while China with much more development trying to remain modest ?

First u must remember that u get wat u want others to get.
If u BD guys show so much hatred for India do u expect us to be better..?.Come to us as friends AND WE WILL BE THE BEST Of friends.
Who said Chines are modest..remeber they too have conflicts with all their neighbours.

Perhaps, any saner Indian member, if any, can throw light on above better.[/QUOTE]
@ Leon Black:

Sir b4 ur favourite Chinese cut off our Chicken neck pls look into these links:

Chola incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1987 Sino-Indian skirmish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If the Chinese couldn accomplish any of these u serioulsy think they can come inside 1000 km into our country and capture our territory..?
nd should i even have to remind u of the international repurcussions of invading(or cutting thru) Bhutan especially with Unkil ji waiting with his carriers in japan and taiwan?

nd If push comes to shove do u beleive we will be still harping on our "No first use" policy..?

and regarding Pakistans concentration on our western borders:

Buddy who cares pakistan concentrates its armies on the western border..In a war b/n India-China if ever a third country participates then it is surely the third world war. and besides Unkil will not allow Pakistan to come into the war.
Do u think Pakistanis will come sin support of China against Unkil's wishes..? -NO-
Your troops only came in when our civilian troops, Mukti Bahini, became quite capable and was making win after win. In fact, we needed arms and not Indian soldiers. Do you think your cowardice troops could have come alone to our land without us giving them support? We just used India for our benefit, that's all.

It could have been a slaughter house more than the 3rd Battle of Panipath if your troops had ventured alone. You must be ignorant about our people's capabilty and mental strength.

Dont bring in History and discuss the battle of panipat.Open ur eyes and look around .The reality is that bangladesh is a very poor country with almost no regional influence.It is best for bangladesh to catch Indias hand and walk.
By the way the Pak army was strong enough to completely crush the Mukti Bahini.It was only due to the Indian help that bangladesh is independent today.No matter what u say the reality doesnot change
Here is the first clause of the China Bangladesh joint comminique released at the time of PM Sheikh Hasina's visit to China.

1. The two sides reviewed the course of bilateral relations since the establishment of diplomatic relations 35 years ago, and extolled active cooperation and partnership that has sustained between the two countries in the political, economic, social, and cultural fields. The two sides recalled that the relations between the peoples of the two countries date back many centuries. They also recalled that the successive leaders of the two countries made important contributions to the development of China-Bangladesh relations.

The two sides agreed that consolidation and enhancement of China-Bangladesh friendship and cooperation serve the fundamental interests of both countries, meet the common aspirations of the two peoples and are conducive to peace and development in the region and the world at large. The two sides decided to establish a "Closer Comprehensive Partnership of Cooperation" between China and Bangladesh from the strategic perspective and on the basis of the principles of longstanding friendship, equality, and mutual benefit.

The two sides noted that 4 October 2010 marks the 35th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Bangladesh. They agreed to hold various commemorative activities in Beijing and Dhaka, and take this opportunity to promote and further develop the existing friendly relations between the two countries.
Joint Statement between the People's Republic of China and the People's Republic of Bangladesh

Comprehensive Partnership of Cooperation" between China and Bangladesh from the strategic perspective.. if somebody could really go deep into this sentence then they will understand how important Bangladesh is to China, it really matters less whether Bangladesh is important to India or not. If china wants Bangladesh as a trump card to its own startegic interest then eventually India has to play its own card with Bangladesh.
I still think that the region is just as mountainous as it was in 1962.

And how will China supply NE rebels with enough quantity of arms when concentration of IA would increase manyfold and will be particularly training their guns at the Chinese border.

You think if there is any certain plan of attacking India,The Chinese will deliver arms after the war starts?Isn't that naive to think so?

The delivery process will be initiated when the situation is peaceful and there are holes in the border.It may be for years before the Chinese launch the attack.So that these guys can assist when the war starts.

Why do you think Indian Govt. is so anxious to crush these rebels?Apart from their regular terrorism,they are also a security threat to India when considered that way.

If I had said, ‘next to God’ it would have been hunky-dory I guess. sheta tokhon shuruchikor hoto, tai na?

Wasn’t responding to that post, was I?

No you are wrong.Do not assume about me when you are replying to me.Even if you said,Chinese are next to Ma Durga...it would be as nasty as you did earlier.

Sheta thokhon o bikrito ruchir e porichoy dito.

How would the Chinese reach that area in the first place? Either through Bhutan or Nepal or, through Arunachal Pradesh. If it is through Nepal or Bhutan, the Chinese would loose the element of surprise and valuable time. Forget the international repercussion for attacking such nations. If it is through AP, then they will have to sweep AP before they can cut off your favorite chicken neck. I hope you are not suggesting paradrop.

They don't have to sweep AP.At least not one wing.A wing dedicated to capturing Chicken's neck,while the other one or more wings go on to protect the first wing to achieve the primary objective.

And regarding surprise element,off course the surprise factor will wash away.But initial attack which is likely to be in the form of missiles and air strikes,will aid the wing.

I never said that they will capture Siliguri corridor in a surprise attack.It can't be possible unless Bangladesh collaborates with them and launch a simultaneous attack and hold the line until Chinese troops arrive.But it is absurd to think that Bangladesh will play that role considering our military strength and the serious threat we will be from Indian missiles.

Likely scenario. Only one loophole. The cruise missiles would have to pop up above the Mountains to reach IAF bases, increasing their probability of detection and hence interception. With AWACS in the region, it is hardly a full proof plan.

Here Chinese have the power of numbers.And that will count when attacked simultaneously.So one or two missiles shot down by Indian Prithvi or AAD missiles will probably be calculated by Chinese Generals.

And in the end,no plan is full proof.

Why do you think the Germans lost to the Russians.

I think Hitler was a stubborn,arrogant and stupid General.And that's why Germans lost in Stalingrad.
Not taking anything away from Russians though.They deserve their credit.
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@ Leon Black:

Sir b4 ur favourite Chinese cut off our Chicken neck pls look into these links:

Chola incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1987 Sino-Indian skirmish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If the Chinese couldn accomplish any of these u serioulsy think they can come inside 1000 km into our country and capture our territory..?
nd should i even have to remind u of the international repurcussions of invading(or cutting thru) Bhutan especially with Unkil ji waiting with his carriers in japan and taiwan?

nd If push comes to shove do u beleive we will be still harping on our "No first use" policy..?

and regarding Pakistans concentration on our western borders:

Buddy who cares pakistan concentrates its armies on the western border..In a war b/n India-China if ever a third country participates then it is surely the third world war. and besides Unkil will not allow Pakistan to come into the war.
Do u think Pakistanis will come sin support of China against Unkil's wishes..? -NO-

Firstly sir,

the links leads me to skirmishes between India and China.Are you aware that we are talking hypothetically about a war that can even become nuclear?

And are you aware of the difference between large scale war and skirmish?

Even India Bangladesh had skirmishes in 2001,but was India able to reach Dhaka after that?

And regarding who cares about Pakistan's concentration on border:

I would say Indian Generals will care,as they can not afford to pull troops off that border in case Pakistan attacks.Even if Pakistan doesn't attack,India can't move its forces.

Its simple psychological warfare.

And regarding Uncle Sam and UN,we have seen how effective Uncle was from stopping Russia in recent conflict with Georgia.

And BTW since we are also discussing possibility of Nukes here,so the Chinese ICBMs may well force Uncle to re think.
Not to mention the cost of going to another war(This time with a country which has an air force and SAMs like HQ-19),when Uncle is just recovering from the economic heart attack.
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I never said that they will capture Siliguri corridor in a surprise attack.It can't be possible unless Bangladesh collaborates with them and launch a simultaneous attack and hold the line until Chinese troops arrive.But it is absurd to think that Bangladesh will play that role considering our military strength and the serious threat we will be from Indian missiles.


Chinese does not need to be physically present or capture chicken but to disrupt supply line to NE. Heard of howitzer ? Constant artilery fire from howitzer is enough to achieve the objective.
Chinese does not need to be physically present or capture chicken but to disrupt supply line to NE. Heard of howitzer ? Constant artilery fire from howitzer is enough to achieve the objective.

Not possible.
The distance exceeds the range of all available howitzers.Besides puts those howitzers in risk of blown away by IAF air strike or cruise missiles.
Most importantly,PLA troops needs to be present in order to cut off that corridor.Otherwise it is ineffective.
Not possible.
The distance exceeds the range of all available howitzers.Besides puts those howitzers in risk of blown away by IAF air strike or cruise missiles.
Most importantly,PLA troops needs to be present in order to cut off that corridor.Otherwise it is ineffective.

The objective is only to disrupt the transportation and artilery, air attack and cruise from chinese misslie is enough to blow away train lines and trains in just a matter of hours.. In a full scale war, china will be constantly pounding those territory without any interval. take my bet.;)
It seems your history teacher has taught you that our Mukti Bahini was a kind of collaborator who just sprang up when your Indian Army very kindly entered into our country in December 1971. Live in your gossip paradise forever.

You do have a problem reading up, dont you?

You made a remark that:

"Moreover, we will follow the 1971 way of waging war. It will be aguerrilla war against any invading force."

And I corrected you by saying that Mukti Bahini wasnt waging a guerilla warfare along with the invading force; but rather they were being assisted by the "Invading force" (Indian army) against the Pakistani army that was already present in East Pakistan!

I would be the last one to disregard/disrespect the role of Mukti Bahinis... and looking at the kind of remarks I here about them from many Bangladeshis here, I presume I have more respect to Bangladeshis than most Bangladeshis! :-)

However, the point to be noted is, that it seems Bangladeshis here in this forum love to misintrepret! :-D
In such a scenerio, India will have to fight against BD army first to get a passage. Now, what is your idea about that scenerio. Fire will engulf you from all sides in such a scenerio. This will be the final chapter for the Union of India.

You are so easy to get offended when you assume that an innocous statement could have meant harm to Bangladesh. Seeing at your above remark, if you were in my place, how would you react to comments steeped in childish innocence!? :azn:
Nepal - jus because that nut case prachanda hates India doesnt mean that the Nepalese hate us..get ur facts straight

In the same way, any particular BD-party obeys India does not mean the whole BD obey or will obey India. And we have seen that every BDans (AL+ BNP supporters) were united against Tipaimukhi Dam in everywhere i.g. news paper, media, facebook, forums and in abroad.

If we forcibly use ur skies wat can u do..? send ur F-7 against our MKI.?

So Bangladeshis should take this point seriously, cos India could use our airspace forcefully in case of IN-CN war. We need, at least, some systems to disturb India's jets in case they will cross our border.

Buddy who cares pakistan concentrates its armies on the western border.


Unkil will not allow Pakistan to come into the war.
Do u think Pakistanis will come sin support of China against Unkil's wishes..? -NO-

Also Pakistan will not wait for any USA if God will give them any chance like that.
Hmm….a fascist mindset—isn’t it ?

1. Why do you like to sacrifice your excellent developments at the altar of fascism—only to turn into a fascist ‘super-power’ ? Do the world has any use for them any further ? Did not the past history give all enough lesson ? Is it the reason why you only support fascist AL in Bangladesh ? Is it the cause why neighboring people of Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal & China are so irritated of India ?

Wow! :rofl:

Nice speech delivery .... But you have made this speech after ignoring that this comment has been made AFTER a few gems from you and your countrymen that included:

"Only a direct involvement by BD may save its NE"
"Suppose if some how India will disintegrate then BD will must get benefits"
"BD will be confirmed by China that they will continue war until India is cracked"
"we will be cracking India into many pieces"
"NE people do not think they are Indians"

After all these statements, I dont think you folks have a moral right to call anyone in this world as fascist!

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