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Vision: common borders between Turkey-Georgia-Azerbaijan

I remember buying a book some 10-12 years ago "Türklerin öz kültür kökeni", didn't get to finish reading it though, but enough to recognize what you're talking about. Basically the change in religion goes like this:

Shamanistic >> Islam

That's the mayor change, and sure there are other smaller stuff e.g qashqai turks living in northeastern Iran who're christians I think. But my rough summation is the only mayor change.
Georgia cant be trusted they will change their opinion in one second if it wouldnt be their fear of Russia.
Georgia cant be trusted they will change their opinion in one second if it wouldnt be their fear of Russia.

As long as this fear continues, they will keep our relationships close, we should use that time wisely and gain the favor of Georgians so they would consider us a natural ally in the future.
As long as this fear continues, they will keep our relationships close, we should use that time wisely and gain the favor of Georgians so they would consider us a natural ally in the future.
As long as Turks dont live in Georgia they will like/love Turkey (I think you understand what i mean)
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