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Oh bhai, it has nothing to do with "tribal mentality", like i said poverty and education are factors among many in growth rate. I know you since long so i am very well aware what do you mean by tribals and tribal mentality . Let me advise you again,"stop generalizing" and Stop hating Pashtun because of Kararchi politics.

Large number of children are often equalized with prosperity and growth according to tribalism and the tribal mindset present in large parts of this country, education and poverty are other factors, the base idea's the same. Big family is equal to More income according to it, unfortunately it isn't true in this era anymore. No, you do not know what I mean since tribal people aren't limited to KPK or F.A.T.A, give me arguments that make sense.
But then doesn't that defeat the purpose of having as many kids as possible? Poor people bank on kids to bring their own Rizq with them and with it barkah for the family. But if kids are to be born with such limited Rizq that they don't live past infancy, the parents's efforts appear to have been ill-served.

Well, when we speak about belief system. And linking it to logic we have to give & see examples around us (& I have a lot) rather then number games based on research, which says since water isn't good that hurt nutrients require to grow or something similar. or vise versa can be linked back, since water of the location is bad, and kid died due to stomach problems that's make it death due to low quality water not many can afford filtered water?

Let me clear two more belief when we say every kid is born with his rizq. Allah don't help those who don't help themselves, and second point, it is farz on every father to get hallal rizq. It's not like you just follow one belief and leave other. Allah has made everything with logic, and commands and rulers revolve around it.

If you ask me, someone has no kid, and he is having problem with his two person family daily needs, should he go for the kid? I would say no, since He isn't following his first completion in a better manner. But if daily needs are fine, and even someone has 10 kids but quality life is an issue then more kids will bring more rizq to the family.

BTW: Eid Mubarak to all. May Allah bless us all. Ameen.

Khair Mubarak to you too.
but quality life is an issue then more kids will bring more rizq to the family.

Please, understand that this belief isn't exactly backed by statistics/data. Since the quality of life in such families, is well documented and presents a different picture than what you are portraying.

Impact of large family size on the quality of life among women in Benin
metropolis, Edo State, Nigeria.
The conclusion of this study is that having and nurturing large
numbers of children is strong determinant for low quality of life among
Therefore, structured education should be chandelled to educate
women to practice fertility control in order to improve their quality of life.

Small Families Have a High Quality of Life
Sociological studies confirm that small families live better and have vastly more material resources at their disposal than large families who often live from hand to mouth.

Family Size and Quality of Life Nexus; Case of The Sunyani Municipality, Ghana
Households with smaller family sizes enjoy better social and economic life compared to their
counterparts with relatively large family sizes. This has become the scenario since families in
Sunyani with less than five children have been able to educate their children well, provided them
with better medical care as well as offered their families better housing and welfare services.

Akheilos I presume your argument earlier was that Rizq is written for every person but since the correct system and equal distribution isn't there to channel it, that is Islamic law, it isn't getting to him/her and hence causing the deaths/misery/poverty/decrease in quality of life. If thats so and ideal system isn't there, isn't it logical to limit the number of children since the systems ungodly and unfair?
Actually your post is very contradictory to the fact. On one hand you are saying these progression plans don't work. On the other end, you are saying in the same sentence that look at Korea and where they went with these plans......??? Mind you Koreans and Saudi's got their progress-plans from Pakistani economists in the 60's.
So the plans work, but there isn't consistency in the system to allow the people to serve the term that then ensures their plans and policies work. That way, if the results don't show, you can hold them accountable and vote their sorry ****es out.

You start school for 4 years and you have a plan to get a Bachelor's degree or a Master's Degree. If you don't know what degree you want, but you started the school....chances are you will either get a degree that you didn't need or if you quit early, all that time and effort you put in, is wasted as you quit before your 4 years which allowed you a degree (granted you studied for it).

These plans are an extremely essential part of economic growth. If you don't set goals, you can't meet them. These plans are allowing you to see your long term needs followed by focused and priority growth areas, resulting in economic and financial growth within the country.

My point is that the plans work everywhere else but not in Pakistan.
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