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Vishwaroopam ban: will leave India for a 'secular' land, says Kamal Haasan

It is true that India is falling victim to the victim playing card of religious groups time and again. Despite what the OP claims, it is not just muslim groups that subvert freedom of speech and expression, but all other religious groups. Some obscure group simply has to raise a "My feelings are hurt" card, and the govt in power shamefacedly capitulates. Instead of protecting the filmmakers' or novelists' right of speaking his mind, they act as the personal gunda of the "hurt" people and persecute the real victim, who's mouths have been sealed.

Here is a novel idea to people who's feelings are hurt. If your feelings or sentiments are hurt, GO TO YOUR ROOM AND CRY. There is no shame in that, there is no shame in tears. That's what humans do if their feelings or sentiments are hurt. Or if you want to be vindictive, try to hurt the feelings of whoever hurt your feelings. But to go about physically attacking people, or burning public property, or threatening violence, just because your feelings are hurt, is NOT kosher.

If a person's feelings are truly hurt, that is what he or she would do - go shed some tears. But when people threaten violence and demand police powers to shut down other people's right to express their thoughts, no matter how odious those thoughts may be to you, that is not because your feelings are hurt - that is because you are expressing "manufactured anger".

Remember this, any time you feel like your sentiments have been hurt. Did it make you go cry? If so, then yes, your sentiments have been hurt. That's ok, its a cruel world, sometimes we do have our feelings or sentiments hurt. But are you feeling like burning theaters or throwing stones at buses or beheading somebody who's film you have not seen, who's novel you have not read? Then it is not because your feelings have been hurt, it is because you have imbibed "manufactured anger" - anger that somebody somewhere decided to create for political purposes, and is now being sold across the world.
Kamal Hassan is right - screw the fact that he is ethically right - he is also legally right. Once the censor board - a Central Government body approves a movie then the State Government has no right to stop the screening - if I were Kamal Hassan, I'd sue the the state government for loss of business - not in an Indian court but in an American one.
Kamal Hassan is right - screw the fact that he is ethically right - he is also legally right. Once the censor board - a Central Government body approves a movie then the State Government has no right to stop the screening - if I were Kamal Hassan, I'd sue the the state government for loss of business - not in an Indian court but in an American one.

American courts have no jurisdiction over Indian states.

But the Supreme court of India does, and that is where he should fight for his rights - the constitutional rights that he as an Indian citizen is entitled to, rights which cannot be taken away by a state government or a religious group playing the "I'm so hurt" card.
Kamal Hasan is the best film maker in india..... But.......
American courts have no jurisdiction over Indian states.

But the Supreme court of India does, and that is where he should fight for his rights - the constitutional rights that he as an Indian citizen is entitled to, rights which cannot be taken away by a state government or a religious group playing the "I'm so hurt" card.

I think most of these actors have a Green Card or have foreign citizenship with PIO status. Nothing stops a private citizen from taking anyone to a court in USA - didn't some Americans try and take ISI to court over 26/11?
Its All the Political Game Played by Stupid Jayalalitha who is ruling tamil nadu .she never gives up her adamant attitude if the censor Board has cleared the Film and Home minister Supported Kamal Yet there is not a single word from the cheif minister
That is the arrogance i am talking hope she loses this Parliment election
The whole mess created by Kamal not others ,why he unnecessarily arranged that film show for muslims thugs before tat movie release at first place?and those scumbags showing their real colors. Now he paying the price for his earlier mistakes , everybody know about Jayalaitha ***** and her cruel intentions so I don't want 2 say much about her.
But where is his statement that he will leave India ?
*it's sad that he had to agree to to edit certain parts of the movie.
On a nearby tea shop overheard people saying we all would be forced to wear a burqa if this goes on like this - i for one would certainly like that to happen even though i myself is a hindu .
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