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Violence erupts in Karachi


May 21, 2006
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KARACHI: At least 23 people were killed and 22 others wounded as violence broke out in different parts of Karachi on Wednesday.

While enraged people torched several vehicles in various parts of the city.

Shops and markers started to close early as the violence spread from one place to other.

The process of unending firing erupted in North Karachi where two activists of Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) were found shot dead. The police and rangers personnel, who reached the scene to calm down the situation, also caught up in the firing in which a Sub-inspector Moinur Rehman, Head Constable Sajjad and six others were injured.

In another incident, unknown persons set 10 vehicles ablaze in Bilal Colony while a 40-year-old Juma Khan was also gunned down.

In Sarjani Town and Shah Faisal Colony, unidentified gunmen shot dead two more persons, yet to be identified.

Security forces arrested 21 persons during a search operation launched in Khawaja Ajmir Nagri. Besides, more violence incidents were reported in Samanabad, Al-Asif Square and Hyderi.
23 killed, 22 hurt as violence erupts in Karachi
Karachi tense after fatal clashes

Thursday, 30 April 2009

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Karachi tense after fatal clashes

Paramilitary troops are out in force in the Pakistani city of Karachi, with tension high a day after ethnic clashes killed at least 24 people.

A security forces spokesman said the situation was under control but there was concern of more violence when funerals of victims are held later.

The clashes were said to be between Urdu-speakers and ethnic Pashtuns.

Separately, President Asif Ali Zardari called for national unity in tackling militants in the restive north-west.

Pakistani troops this week launched operations in the Lower Dir and Buner regions to remove Taleban militants who had spread there from their stronghold in Swat.

Obama's concern

In Karachi, a spokesman from the Pakistan Rangers paramilitary force told Reuters news agency: "We have heavy deployment of troops across the city, and they have been told to go to any extent to control the situation, including shoot at sight orders for miscreants."

He added: "The situation is under control now, but keeping in view the incidents of yesterday, traffic is pretty thin."

About 25 people have been arrested in connection with the shootings.

There is reduced public transport and schools are closed.

Karachi has a history of ethnic violence.

It is dominated by Urdu-speakers, but there is also a growing population of ethnic Pashtuns.

The clashes were said to be between Urdu-speakers and ethnic Pashtuns

Officials said the fighting was between members of the two groups, and started after an unidentified man opened fire, killing three members of the Urdu-speaking Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM).

Most of the dead in the violence were Pashtuns.

Police said 16 cars, 20 shops and eight hotels were set on fire on Wednesday.

In the north-west, the military is continuing its operations in Buner, less than 100km (60 miles) from the capital, Islamabad.

On Wednesday it said it had taken control of the key town of Dagar.

The army said hundreds of Taleban fighters had spread to Buner after a peace deal.

The peace deal sets up Sharia law in parts of the region in return for an end to the Taleban insurgency.

However, the Taleban have not laid down their arms.

The army says fighting in Lower Dir has ended.

On Wednesday, Mr Zardari said Pakistan was facing a "critical hour" in tackling the militants.

"The time has come for the entire nation to give pause to their political differences and rise to the occasion and give full support to our security forces," a presidential statement said.

Also on Wednesday, US President Barack Obama again said he was "gravely concerned about the situation in Pakistan".

"I'm more concerned that the civilian government there right now is very fragile," he said.
کراچی ایک بار پھر لسانی تشدد کے نرغے میں ہے۔۔۔ بدھ کی شام شہرکے مختلف علاقوں میں فائرنگ کے واقعات میں تینتیس افراد جاں بحق ہوگئے ۔۔۔۔ دوسری طرف آج وزیراعلیٰ ہاؤس میں ایک اہم اجلاس ہوا۔۔۔۔۔ اجلا س میں مختلف سیاسی جماعتوں کے راہنماؤں اورعلیٰ حکام نےشرکت کی۔۔ اجلاس میں شہرمیں امن وامان کی صورتحال بہتربنانے کے لئے محتلف تجاویز پر غور کیا گیااوراہم فیصلے کئے گئے۔

کراچی کے ان واقعات کے پیچھے کون ہے۔۔۔۔
کیون حالات کو نسلی رنگ دینے کی کوشش کی جا رہی ہے۔۔۔
حکومت حالات کی بہتری کے لئے کیا کر رہی ہے۔۔۔۔

کراچی پاکستان کا سب سے بڑا شہراور بندرگاہ ہے۔۔۔ آبادی کے حساب سے کراچی دنیا کا بیسوان بڑا شہر ہے۔۔۔ایک محتاط اندازے کے مطابق اس شہر کی آبادی تقریباً دو کڑوڑ کے قریب ہے ۔۔۔ جہان پاکستان میں رہنے والی تمام نسلون کے لوگ آباد ہیں۔۔۔ اس کے علاوہ کراچی میں غیرملکی جن میں افغان ازبک اور بنگلادیشی ،فلپائنی وغیرا بھی بڑی تعداد میں آباد ہیں۔۔۔ کراچی کے یہ مختلف رنگ جہان کراچی کے حسن کو چار چاند لگاتے ہیں وہان کئے بار مثائیل کا سبب بھی بنتے ہیں۔۔۔
پچھلے چند مہینون سے کراچی ایک بار پھر لسانی سازش کا شکار نظر آ رہا ہے۔۔۔ ایک طرف کچھ سیاسی اور سماجی حلقے یہان بڑھتی ہوئی طالبانئزیشن کے خطرے پر آواز اٹھا رہے ۔۔۔ جس کے نتیجے میں مزہبی اور پختون حلقون میں بے چینی پھیل رہی ہے۔۔۔۔
دوسری طرف صوبہ سرحد ، بلوچستان اور افغانستان سے تعلق رکھنے والا لینڈ اور منعشیات فروش مافیا بھی پختون حقوق کے نام پر پختون عوام میں عدم تحفظ پیدا کر رہا ہے۔۔۔ جس کی وجہ سے ہر ہفتے کوئی نہ کوئی پر تشدد واقعہ پیش آ رہا ہے۔۔۔۔

موجودا حالات کا آغاز اسی لیڈ مافیا کی جانب سے زرینہ کالونی میں زمین پر قبضہ کرنے کے بعد پیش آیا ۔۔۔۔ جسے اس لینڈ مافیا نے لسانی رنگ دینے کی کوشش کی ۔۔۔۔سندھ رینجرز کی کامیاب کاروائی کے بعد جب حالات معمول پر آنے شروع ہوئے تو یہ بات عیان ہوئی کے ایک سوچی سمجھی سازش کے تحت اس جھگڑے کو لسانی رنگ دیا گیا۔۔۔۔
Most of the dead in the violence were Pashtuns.

HMMM and now where are those boys who said that LAND MAFIA WAS ANP BACKED....well then why were pathans dying....useless pathetic lies MQM started the nonsense!!
Karachi tense after Wednesday’s violence

KARACHI: Tense situation prevails in the city on Thursday following yesterday’s violence which claimed 27 lives.

Many shops, hotels and vehicles were attacked and put on fire by armed men in various parts of the city. More than 30 persons including 4 Rangers and policemen were injured.
People preferred to stay at homes and attendance in offices remained thin due to the tense situation.

An important meeting was held to review the law and order situation in Karachi. The Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah chaired the meeting which was also attended by representatives of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), Awami National Party (ANP), Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) and law enforcement agencies.

According to sources, the participants discussed condemned the acts of violence and deliberated on various proposals to improve law and order situation. It was also discussed in the meeting that the MQM, PPP and ANP should take out a peace rally in Karachi to strengthen communal harmony in Karachi.

Karachi tense after Wednesday’s violence - GEO.tv
land and drug mafia is trying to exploit ethnicity to further their intrests . tension started when land mafia tried to give ethnic color to its activities
MQMs anti talibanization stance , thanks to this mafia has created insecure feelings in religous and pashtun residents and they react without realizing who is getting benifits
Yeah land mafia is backed by ANP, when govt start operation against them, ANP start shouting that they are against pashtuns,
Plz dont argue with me, i m lliving in karachi for 19 years, and yesterday two MQM men were found dead from that the mountains of north nazimabad, do u know no MQM man live on that mountains?? All pashtuns live there! And police start operation against them, thats why pashtun were killed!!
Karachi tense after Wednesday’s violence - GEO.tv
Updated at: 1356 PST, Thursday, April 30, 2009
Karachi tense after Wednesday’s violence KARACHI: Tense situation prevails in the city on Thursday following yesterday’s violence which claimed 27 lives.

Many shops, hotels and vehicles were attacked and put on fire by armed men in various parts of the city. More than 30 persons including 4 Rangers and policemen were injured.
People preferred to stay at homes and attendance in offices remained thin due to the tense situation.

An important meeting was held to review the law and order situation in Karachi. The Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah chaired the meeting which was also attended by representatives of the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM), Awami National Party (ANP), Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) and law enforcement agencies.

According to sources, the participants discussed condemned the acts of violence and deliberated on various proposals to improve law and order situation. It was also discussed in the meeting that the MQM, PPP and ANP should take out a peace rally in Karachi to strengthen communal harmony in Karachi.
I love it how ANP are the all evil party wheras MQM are the poor sensible people who would have no idea how to hold a gun the ANP would be a monster yet the MQM manages to controll all the public everytime something good happens MQM takes the praise and lauds in the media eye the day any trouble starts MQM is the innocent party that can possibly not have caused it. 3 Muhajirs were killed and 21 Pashtuns if your own previous posts on this forum were to be believed then it is clear that the MQM should be blamed.
Pasthun was killed by police, they were land mafia, 1st read the post then reply!!
I love it how ANP are the all evil party wheras MQM are the poor sensible people who would have no idea how to hold a gun the ANP would be a monster yet the MQM manages to controll all the public everytime something good happens MQM takes the praise and lauds in the media eye the day any trouble starts MQM is the innocent party that can possibly not have caused it. 3 Muhajirs were killed and 21 Pashtuns if your own previous posts on this forum were to be believed then it is clear that the MQM should be blamed.

COULDN'T HAVE SAID IT BETTER BANE BLADE...because ANP has no support according to HASNAIN and can't win a single seat from karachi yet they terrorise KARACHI....but forget it i have realised hasnain can go on and on on every thread and all threads have become MQM threads...so let's stop it....
Whether we are from the villages, cities or are based overseas...Pakistan is our home.

Every single village, town and city is a part of our proud history, therefore we must protect and love it no matter what.

Jinnah was right that we are no longer Balochis, Sindhis, Pathans, Punjabis and Kashmiris, but Pakistanis - a big family which must protect and love one another. Yes, we have the right to contribute and uphold the traditions which every single area had for centuries ago, since it is a enriched cultural history which must be hold on to avoid loosing them all, but it doesn't mean the pride (Khudi, as Iqbal also mentioned) should become arrogance and rudeness...

Iqbal was also right in Jawab-e-Shikwa that we have dissolved our unity by dividing us in castes and status, that is what these clashes prove to be very true.

Pathetic and ignorance are the right keyword between the clashes, I hope Pakistanis will learn from these mistakes or else it will be passed onwards to the future generations.

Pakistan Zindabad
Pakistan Paindabad

Most of the dead in the violence were Pashtuns.

HMMM and now where are those boys who said that LAND MAFIA WAS ANP BACKED....well then why were pathans dying....useless pathetic lies MQM started the nonsense!!

these killings will only deepen the resentment between the two its becoming more obvoius whos responsible and i think sterner action must be taken against these MQM thugs to keep our country united. and a question for hasnain why is there only unrest in karachi if it is the fault of the ANP who have no militia and dont kill and loot at will like MQM why dont pashtuns and punjabis fight why do pashtoons and punjabis get along have u ever considered that it mite be MQM where the cancer is have u ever noticed that its always between MQM thugs and pashtoons
these killings will only deepen the resentment between the two its becoming more obvoius whos responsible and i think sterner action must be taken against these MQM thugs to keep our country united.

You dont have details of operation, police killed land mafia, and they were all pashtuns, and currently there is no fight b/w MQM and ANP, and both are holding talks!!

and a question for hasnain why is there only unrest in karachi

What a silly question, i think u dont know what is going swat, NWFP etc??
THey are exporting terrorsim to karachi!! ANP 7 times in a week hold protest in NWFP against MQM!! Which makes extremist elements to come karachi!!

if it is the fault of the ANP who have no militia

Liar Liar





Tell me who are they, you always lie, you are a liar!!
And i dont talk to the liars!! I will not respond to your post again!!

and dont kill and loot at will like MQM why dont pashtuns and punjabis fight why do pashtoons and punjabis get along have u ever considered that it mite be MQM where the cancer is have u ever noticed that its always between MQM thugs and pashtoons

Bcoz they dont go punjab, they always come karachi,
tell me why 63 thousand migrate to karachi every month?? If MQM is so bad and ANP is good then why they dont go peshawar, swat etc??

ans I will not answer u again!! U r brainwashed!!
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