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Violence Erupts After Hindu Vet Accused of Blasphemy in Pakistan

It rests on your parliamentarians and the judiciary to figure out where the blasphemy law stands with respect to your Constitution and the founding principles of your nation-state, and if any tweaks to the same are necessary in the purview of the potential of its misuse.

No you don't understand. We are way beyond the stage where we could change the law. Any attempt to try that gets you killed. The nutjobs come out on the streets and hold mass protests. The most recent example was the Faizabad sit in. Another example was the murder of the Punjab governor over this issue. It is now impossible to change this law. Even the army is afraid of the mullahs.
No you don't understand. We are way beyond the stage where we could change the law. Any attempt to try that gets you killed. The nutjobs come out on the streets and hold mass protests. The most recent example was the Faizabad sit in. Another example was the murder of the Punjab governor over this issue. It is now impossible to change this law. Even the army is afraid of the mullahs.
The onus is still on your State to make suitable reforms to the legislation because it was primarily their doing that helped the situation fester in the first place. Btw, these nutjobs that you speak of are dime a dozen this side of the border also.
Yeah seen ur education just on argument u started naming others idiots etc. We indeed opposite. Drinking , dancing and namaz cant go together.

Rules are set by ALLAH(s.w.t) and are final.

Can you tell me exactly where Allah says is someone insults your religion punish them by killing . I want exact reference not mubo jumbo. Not your pir said this or your daddy told you. Allah's only word is the Quran so tell me the exact reference please.
Remember u said.

Rules are set by Allah and are final.

Punishment for blasphemy is death. It is a barbaric law. Besides these cases never get a fair trial. The defendants lawyers will back out, the judges will recuse themselves, the prosecution will refuse to present any evidence on the grounds that doing so would be an act of blasphemy itself and, if he's lucky, the suspect will rot in jail for years. If he's not one of the jail guards will kill him!

An example of what awaits "lucky" blasphemy suspects is given here
Well Islam has been hijacked. This is not Islam.
Even for fornication you need witnesses that actually see the Male penis enter the female. Embracing naked isnt enough. We just dont know our religion. We are subhanallah brigade and follow the pir brigade
non-Muslims should stop complaining. It's Islamic republic of Pakistan.
Can you tell me exactly where Allah says is someone insults your religion punish them by killing . I want exact reference not mubo jumbo. Not your pir said this or your daddy told you. Allah's only word is the Quran so tell me the exact reference please.
Remember u said.

Rules are set by Allah and are final.

Well Islam has been hijacked. This is not Islam.
Even for fornication you need witnesses that actually see the Male penis enter the female. Embracing naked isnt enough. We just dont know our religion. We are subhanallah brigade and follow the pir brigade

wow above just an example of Mufti of PDF another fatwa who whole year listening music and dancing.

Let this job handle those who can handle it better.

Check the meaning of "Surah Lahab".


I can give you links as well as explanation as well but you from inside already made the decision of not accepting it so leave it but don't say on those topic which you don't have any clue neither knowledge.
Jahil mullah and awaam at it again
Now ashiq e rasools will burn down shops, cars and bikes in their ishq.
Molvi called the police - what else you want him to do ? He followed the law
The Sindhi people really dont want to change they are content with ppp sadly
That's the sad reality. They are brainwashed and forced into s self inflicted isolation.

I'm not crying sunny, not even surprised. What a pathetic state of affairs.
Coming from an Indian, how rich. The stench must have stopped your brain from working.
wow above just an example of Mufti of PDF another fatwa who whole year listening music and dancing.

Let this job handle those who can handle it better.

Check the meaning of "Surah Lahab".


I can give you links as well as explanation as well but you from inside already made the decision of not accepting it so leave it but don't say on those topic which you don't have any clue neither knowledge.

Oh dear and this is your reply to my specific question. How sad that you couldnt answer a simple question.
Where does it say when someone insults the prophet Islam or the Quran kill them etc. Your reference is your interpretation and the meaning is there yet you cant see it. You quite a surah. Allah has that right to punish. Not you .

No point talking to you. Good luck with your version of the cruel unjust religion that you have chosen. Allah is Rahman raheem and full of mercy. I do not attribute to what you are peddling and will not discuss anything with you. Take care.

Ps. I am not a mufti a sheikh a mullah or like you. I follow the religion of peace and mercy. May Allah judge you and treat you as cruelly as you judge and treat other. May he have mercy on those that seek mercy for others.
Nice try at deflection.
A country full of rapist they will pick a fight and get bitchslapped and where the majority hindu is murdering minorities and you come here to talk? Dumb Indian will always be dumb.
A country full of rapist they will pick a fight and get bitchslapped and where the majority hindu is murdering minorities and you come here to talk? Dumb Indian will always be dumb.
Is that all? :pop:
From the countless debates I've had on this subject here, I know that it is futile when the audience presents emotions as argument, is illiterate, obtuse of thought, has no understanding of or respect for Islamic jurisprudence, Islamic history or even Quranic commands, and is deliberately and purposefully ignorant.

Still, this law is barbaric, archaic, has no history in Islamic jurisprudence, and is in fact Un-Islamic by virtue of going against everything that Islam teaches and commands its followers to do. Anyone defending this law is an absolute moron, a hypocrite and represents everything that is wrong with the Islamic world today.

ps: If anyone does truly want to learn why and how this law is un-Islamic, please pm me. Although, everything that needs to be said has been said by people a lot more qualified than I. Their work is easily available on the internet.

pps: Everyone presenting Indian atrocities against Indian Muslims as an excuse against the subjugation and murder of fellow Pakistanis should be ashamed of and disgusted with themselves.
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