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Violence engulfs India - While Kerala remains an oasis of peace.

Bengal is not in NE bro.

I know. however, these people all go well together(assamese and bengalis). we are now totally relying on other people for labour. even rural villages got these workers living though in pathetic conditions.


Not just Perumbavoor, the entire state now runs on migrant labourers who have come from Bengal, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand, Assam and Manipur besides southern neighbours like Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. There are also many others from countries like Bangladesh and Nepal. The labourers work in towns and even obscure villages in all sectors including construction, road-building, farming and flour mills. They also work as domestic help, masons, carpenters and barbers.

Migrant workers say ‘no’ to scaremongers
Special Correspondent

No exodus of labourers from Kerala

: While people from the North-East continued to flee from Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh, the rumour-mongers failed to make any impact on Kerala, which employs around a million migrant workers, mostly from north-eastern States.

Social and trade union activists working for the welfare of the migrant labourers said the huge majority of the migrant population had not even heard of the exodus of north-eastern people from Bangalore and other cities. Even those few who had heard of the scare from friends and relatives rubbished the rumours.

In Ernakulam district, which has the largest migrant worker population —estimated at two lakh — there was no visible exodus on Thursday or Friday.

Railway authorities at Ernakulam South, Ernakulam North, and Aluva reported a marginal rise in the number of passengers on northeast-bound trains, but pointed out that this was because of the upcoming Id festival.

Kochi, Perumbavoor, Muvattupuzha, Aluva, Kalady, and Angamaly are some of the towns in Ernakulam district where there are large pools of migrant workers.

The plywood and furniture industries in the Perumbavoor area almost fully rely on the migrant workers, while construction, quarrying, gardening, and other sectors employ often more than half of their labour force as migrants.

No interaction

Migrant workers from the north and northeast normally do not socialise with the local people but keep to their own small communities.

The only people they interact with are shopkeepers. Activists pointed out that the migrant workers considered Kerala as a safe place to work.

Over the past couple of days, thousands of people from the northeast, especially Assam, have fled Karnataka and other States in the South fearing for their lives, in response to rumours that went viral on the social media. Mischief-mongers had spread the rumour that certain organisations had set August 20 as the deadline for the Assamese to leave.

This is said to be because of the ongoing communal violence in Assam.

*Ernakulam has largest migrant worker population

* Marginal rise in passenger traffic on trains

The Hindu : NATIONAL / KERALA : Migrant workers say
if the glossing over can make the society more harmonious, then why not? our people are not matured enough to handle the truth.

1921 happened 91 years ago. Just saying :lol:

And wtf is the "daily pioneer" anyway ?

Malabar revolts - a milestone in that it laid seed for the pseudosecular practices in India when Gandhi supported it as part of the Khilafat movement. I would not agree to conveniently gloss over as it showcases the hypocrises of some of the esteemed leaders.
I checked today's paper, NE people are going home from Malapurram. The nos are not high but its still there.

Yes,in some areas they do,not because they have problem here because to ensure welfare of their families.or just to visit them.
NE home goers are now attacked by radical hindutva in the trains on their way home. 2 killed while pushed out from train.

If Kerala accommodates all the illegal immigrants from all over India, then whole India will be an oasis of peace....;)
Kerala, is noted for its rich culture, heritage and other distinctive characteristics. Keralites have the rare capability to imbibe and assimilate lofty ideals and principles wherever they find them. Religious tolerance, hospitality, cleanliness, simple life and broad outlook of the people have attracted many a foreigner to the State from time immemorial, besides her scenic beauty, pleasant climate and rich natural resources.

History has helped the Malayali to develop a cosmopolitan outlook. Kerala had contacts with the rest of the world for several centuries in the past. The important trading centres of Kerala had relations with Egypt, Asia Minor, China, Assyria, Babylonia, Greece, Rome, Malaya, Philippines, Java and Sumatra.

The Kerala Kings and chieftains provided them with all possible assistance not only to carry on trade, but also to settle down here and propagate their religions. It is believed that the Apostle St. Thomas landed on Kerala in 51-54 A.D. St. Thomas established seven churches in the State in places like Palayar, Niranam and Thumpoly. Cheraman Juma Masjid at Kodungalloor, the first Juma Masjid in India, was set up under the patronage of the Raja of Kodungalloor. Tradition has it that 10,000 Jews came to Kerala soon after destruction of their second temple in their homeland in 72 A.D.

There are thus hundreds of instances of the Hindu rulers of the princely states of Kerala who made land and wealth available for the construction of churches and mosques. In some cases even temple buildings were given to establish institutions of other religions. Thousands of Namboodiris, the then caste-Hindus and even kings like Cheraman Perumal, changed their religions. Another notable feature is that there is no antagonism between one religion and another. Lord Ayyappa, an important deify of the Hindus, had close friendly relations with a Muslim, Vavar. It is further to be noted that many churches and mosques in Kerala are situated adjacent to temples suggesting that communal harmony and religious tolerance are an essential part of Kerala's culture and heritage. Even the responsibility for organising certain ceremonies and rituals of some of these institutions is vested with the local people belonging to other communities. Fairs and festivals of the places of worship are programmed in tune with the cultural background and heritage of Keralites. In short, 'Keralisation' of the festivals of different communities is the unique feature of Kerala life.

Fairs and Festivals

As a Knanya Catholic, my ancestors are further proof of kerala's unique ability to hep those in need. We never forget that. Long live Kerala!!
yar aise topics post na karo it is a Pakistani forum. Nazar lag jayegi.
Probably older than you....otherwise I would have claimed that my state is an 'oasis' supporting illegal immigrants.......;)

too bad you dont understand the implications then :what:

As a Knanya Catholic, my ancestors are further proof of kerala's unique ability to hep those in need. We never forget that. Long live Kerala!!

eesho mishihayku sthuthi ayirikete....:P
Whatever...Hindus forgo their forced conversions and genocide in Malabar Revolts and when we became independent raised no objection to giving entire Muslim population of Kerala (25% of the population) reservation...yet:

Kerala fountainhead of Islamist terror: NIA

The NIA report makes sense bro....you got to understand its not Hindus or kerala's fault, its just the way the game is played. Foreign elements and anti national agents will look at every and any weak point of India (Obviously, for certain elements religions becomes a key factor to exploit). Kerala being relatively peaceful, such elements use that to their benefit. Have you wondered why they don;t dare start **** in Kerala like in other parts of India? At least not with the same amount of incidents. Its quite easy for such nationals to go to and from the Gulf without raising an eyebrow. This is a key area where foreign agencies would be interested and its easy to approach Malu Muslims to try and convince to take up their cause. There is no doubt, planning and funding is taking place in kerala via the Gulf. but ask yourself who has more to gain? What nations? SA may seem like a friend....but I don;t trust them for a sec......their friendship and support for Pakistan spans decades and while they may given up Jundal, it was merely to get India onboard with their stand on Iran. You think the ISI and SA agencies havent been working together for a long time? You think the US doesn;t know about the SA support to terrorism? Pakistan's hand? Makes you wonder the US position all this time for decades, till 9/11. Times have changed but we need to keep our eyes wide open. We all know..but India has to be even more vigilant. The US has changed its tone and ways but as we tread along this new found relationship, we need to watch actions. Actions always speak louder than words. Kerala Muslims for the most part are pretty damn good. I got to give them credit for that. Dont let a few bad apples spoil their good name. There is no comparsion between them and Illegal bangladeshi;s.

You bring up Mappila Rebellion which is a good point. But let the past remain the past. FORGIVE BUT NEVER EVER FORGET! Don;t let one incident in the span of Kerala's 1000's of yrs change your attitude about Malus. There could have been more factors that we are aware of and hearing it from the cunning Brits at the time, leaves some doubts in my mind.

What bothers me most about this incident is the formation of the Khifilat movement which was more interested in protecting Ottoman Empire interests and forming a PAN Islamic Party. Im all for political movements but I have a real problem when the movement is feared towards helping FOREIGNERS............IT SHOULD ALWAYS AND FOREVER BE ABOUT INDIA AND INDIANS REGARDLESS OF CREED....THOSE OTHER NATIONS CAN HANDLE IT THEMSELVES. PLUS GEOGRAPHICALLY MOST OF NEIGHBORS TO THE WEST ARE NOT TOLERANT OF OTHER RELIGIONS>>.

Someone mentioned Tipu. Well, Tipu could have, would have, and should have BUT GUESS WHAT HE DIDN:T. THE might of malabar and our guerilla tactics defeated Tipu numerous times. He had no clue what was waiting for him......and just when tipu started building a more massive force, Hindus and at least 50,000 Indian Syrian Christian marksmen sided with the British to take out that scumbag. An interesting known fact is how secularists completely disregard the fact that Tipu used Islam to get Kerala Muslims to side with him calling for Muslim Brotherhood. Also, the utter destruction and treatment of Hindus of Mangalore which has historically been a part of Kerala. Also, the fact that Indian Christians fighting with Hindus against Tipu serves as a remainder that we did not hate each other.
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