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Violence between Muslim and Sikh gangs in England - Video from 1988

!. Its a fukin 25 years old video.
2. Its not between Sikhs and Muslims but between Indian Sikhs and Pakistanis.
3. I dont know about Pakistanis, but Sikhs I am sure live very peacefully their today.
Really ??? You gonna bring up a 20 year old video to start a flame war?? Mods please ban this idiot.
Do muslims and indians get along in England now or are these gangs still fighting each other?
What's the connection between Muslims and Indians? One is a religion the other a nation consisting of 150 million Muslims!

Either say, Muslims and Hindus or Pakistanis and Indians. You're confused. Why do you guys always get religion into everything? Are you angling for a flame war with a quarter century old video?? Jeeez! A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then. Or have you just woken up from deep slumber?
What is purpose of this thread, to incite hate between Muslims and Sikhs. Spend some time on peace buddy.
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