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Vikramaditya aircraft carrier's handover DELAYED UNTIL FALL 2013

A wopping 2.33 billions for this junk and its not over yet , man the russian must be laughing all the way to the bank:lol:
China aircraft carrier interior, wonderful!


Restaurant on board


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With your Viki delay..probably our aircraft will land & take off before Russians will issue the license for Indian pilots to play alone without Russian trainers...LMAO

Actually India already has a AC , unlike your mall on the sea sold to stupid Chinese public as an AC. And all flight take off and tests are done on this one.

Frustrated much? i would be if i m indian:rofl: seeing how russia make a fool out of india

Says the self confessed idiot from the other thread? :rofl: At least Indians have an AC and are adding this one . YOU have a freaking WOK on water that you call an AC
The only AC about china's AC is the air conditioners it put in its high priced shell of a restaurant ship:yahoo:
Actually India already has a AC , unlike your mall on the sea sold to stupid Chinese public as an AC. And all flight take off and tests are done on this one.

Says the self confessed idiot from the other thread? :rofl: At least Indians have an AC and are adding this one . YOU have a freaking WOK on water that you call an AC

India 66 years old & small AC is useless and wasting money, for India big mouth only
India 66 years old & small AC is useless and wasting money, for India big mouth only

It actually can have aircraft's take off from deck... yours is new but as lethal as a WOK

China today designated a war song to its training ship called an AC and aptly so


I feel pretty
Oh so pretty
I feel pretty and witty and bright
And I pity
Any girl who isn't me today
I feel charming
Oh so charming
It's alarming how charming I feel
And so pretty
That I hardly can believe I'm real
China will find at-least three CBG's if it tries to finger any of its neighbors

Sorry Indian, but your master won't come to save you. :wave:

Look what happened when Russia invaded America's new friend Georgia, America just left without saying a word.

Or look what happened when North Korea repeatedly and lethally attacked America's close ally South Korea, sinking the Cheonan with 104 personnel on board, and artillery shelling their islands. Not only that, but North Korea even developed nuclear weapons too.

What did America do? Exactly nothing. Yet Indians still think they will save them. :azn:
Actually India already has a AC , unlike your mall on the sea sold to stupid Chinese public as an AC. And all flight take off and tests are done on this one.

Dude...no matter your you brag about your Viki, it's still delay and all flight tests are under Russian supervision, you dont take full control yet of this AC...all you indians do is just jump of joy to see Russians to do the testing jobs and self comforting with credibility of other as your own while we chinese test it from A to Z.

You have nothing to sell to Indian public beside one sentence --->Viki got delay...:rofl:

China will find at-least three CBG's if it tries to finger any of its neighbors

bring it on :pop:

What is thought here who great tyrant mao killed 25 million Chinese or criminal dangs total victory in Tienanmen square running over tanks on civilians

A loser is trying to escape conversation and highjack the thread...at lease over 300 millions of Chineses don't need to suffer with one meal per day as the world most populous democrazy country.
What is thought here who great tyrant mao killed 25 million Chinese or criminal dangs total victory in Tienanmen square running over tanks on civilians

And your country India which starves 5.6 million children to death EVERY SINGLE YEAR.

Add up the years since India was created by Britain, and no one else in history comes close. :wave:
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