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Vietnam's president meets delegation of Chinese veterans in Hanoi

You say we stop the support from 1968 , that's not true.

We kept support Vietcong until the war was over ,it was 1973

We supported Vietcong both in military and project.

Our project team build more than 1200km road and setup communication lines and so on, we finished all the required construction work which Vietcong asked china to do. You should know the difference between stop support and finish the work.

All of our team withdraw at Aug 1973 ,including military guys, after Vietcong and US signed the agreement .

About the sino-viet war , it was another issue .

If you guys did not attackThai Laos Cam,that would not happen.

If we had another choice ,we won't fight Vietcong,after all Viet had so many experienced troops at that time.

Anyway let's focus on whether we betray you during Viet War

China shake hands with USA does not mean we succumb to US.

Soviet shake hands with US many times ,that does not mean they liked each other

China kept communication with US during korea war , I damn sure we did not like each other at that time even now.

Politic between nations are not child game. You can not just fight to dead without negotiation .

Even you Viet establish diplomatic relation with US and accept the support from US today .

Can I say you guys betray your ancestor who died during the Viet War ?

Can I say you guys serve US as master ?

he, he. You calculate like smuggler in policy, idiot chinese.

Your logistic PLA group has been withdravn from Vietnam from 1968.

You dared not do more harm to US. You liked very much to normalization diplomacy with US. China was afraid from US like kid.

Vietnamese people know that, don't lie kid.

OK, it was cold war, china did it for interest of China. Its your dirty policy business. But don't calculate like idiot smuggler, win or lose ? Its policy game.

Thanks for God that in the world existed the country like Russia, he helped us until end of Vietnam war. Russia is true friend of Vietnam.
Chinese PLA road builders were not in front to fighting, they buil the roads,bro.

When USA airjets came, you hided yourselves in cave and bonkers
No. PLA 42 air artillery group is part of hanoi air defense during vietnam war. Many of them died during operation backliner by US. Fancy you twisted the facts.
No. PLA 42 air artillery group is part of hanoi air defense during vietnam war. Many of them died during operation backliner by US. Fancy you twisted the facts.

You lie.

Around Hanoi was only our airdefend VPA army. we don't let chinese involved. You know why ? Vietnamese understand well lying mentality of Chinese. You do less but talk more, big mouth.

You can visite Chinese PLA graves in Yen Bai province, they were dead by hearth.
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Chinese PLA road builders were not in front to fighting, they buil the roads,bro.

When USA airjets came, you hided yourselves in cave and bonkers

Do you mean our ack-ack army shot down Jet from a cave or bonker??

Be honest please! Even Vietcong Gov do not deny our ack-ack army 's contribution
he, he. You calculate like smuggler in policy, idiot chinese.

Your logistic PLA group has been withdravn from Vietnam from 1968.

You dared not do more harm to US. You liked very much to normalization diplomacy with US. China was afraid from US like kid.

Vietnamese people know that, don't lie kid.

OK, it was cold war, china did it for interest of China. Its your dirty policy business. But don't calculate like idiot smuggler, win or lose ? Its policy game.

Thanks for God that in the world existed the country like Russia, he helped us until end of Vietnam war. Russia is true friend of Vietnam.

Read my post carefully!

China project team finished all required or promissory work.

We withdraw our road team because they finish the work, we already set up good enough road network for logistic.

And we still had some teams stay in Viet including ack-ack army until 1973 when the war was done.

You should check the treaty detail which Ho Chi Min signed with us .

You sound like you deserve the free support , who the hell are you ?

In your logic ,we betray you at 1968 ,not 1972. Who is idiot ?

Normalization diplomacy with US is wrong ?

Why you establish diplomatic relation with US ?

Do you afraid to harm US more ?

You talk like your Viet are Saint .

Great RU gave you so much help and protect you well,

And RU hate US so much

But you VIet still establish diplomatic relation with US and accept help both of them

So, what the FK are you doing now ??

Are you the FKing stupid and shameless policy smuggler ?

You lie.

Around Hanoi was only our airdefend VPA army. we don't let chinese involved. You know why ? Vietnamese understand well lying mentality of Chinese. You do less but talk more, big mouth.

You can visite Chinese PLA graves in Yen Bai province, they were dead by hearth.
Oh really ?

So we chinese so bad ,why your leader Hochimin came to us for help ?

Ask help from so bad Chinese ? Idiot ?
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Qing dynasty was already on the verge of collapse. The major battle might have been the straw that broke the camel's back, but my point is this- China was weak as hell, and the French cannot even administer one Chinese city, but they colonize you foos. Heck even Vietnam had a chance to grab a piece of China at that time but you missed the damn boat.

It took 8 countries to slowly tear China apart but only Uk managed to control HK and Portugal Macau which have been transferred back to mainland. Without Chinese help you still would be a French colony which might not have been bad for you guys. Imagine if you were, you guys would have better military weapons and be more civiliize.
It was a game of great powers.
the French wanted Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia to establish Indochina, while the British and Japanese wanted China.

Yes, Qing China was weak. China missed completely the industrial revolution, was poor and backward. Qing army was weak and poor equipped. The French had modern army and weapons, while many Qing soldiers ran barefoot. you had no chance.

Vietnam was backward, too. Why and when should we have had a chance to grab a piece from Qing China?

No, the French wanted to loot Vietnam, not to help us.

French army

Qing army

The last encounter between Vietnam.and China is in 1988 spratly skirmish and PLAN whip you... 7 islet under China command.
it was merely a massacre committed by blood thirsty PLA navy.
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Read my post carefully!

China project team finished all required or promissory work.

We withdraw our road team because they finish the work, we already set up good enough road network for logistic.

And we still had some teams stay in Viet including ack-ack army until 1973 when the war was done.

You should check the treaty detail which Ho Chi Min signed with us .

You sound like you deserve the free support , who the hell are you ?

In your logic ,we betray you at 1968 ,not 1972. Who is idiot ?

Normalization diplomacy with US is wrong ?

Why you establish diplomatic relation with US ?

Do you afraid to harm US more ?

You talk like your Viet are Saint .

Great RU gave you so much help and protect you well,

And RU hate US so much

But you VIet still establish diplomatic relation with US and accept help both of them

So, what the FK are you doing now ??

Are you the FKing stupid and shameless policy smuggler ?

Oh really ?

So we chinese so bad ,why your leader Hochimin came to us for help ?

Ask help from so bad Chinese ? Idiot ?

what kind of idiot said loudly about " proletariat solidalitate " and " voluntary help " ?,

and who is kneed before " paper tiger " very soon ?
what kind of idiot said loudly about " proletariat solidalitate " and " voluntary help " ?,

and who is kneed before " paper tiger " very soon ?
We are not voluntary help ?

It was HoChiMin who came to china for help , and what the hell you guys pay us if we are not "voluntary help"

We kneed before US ?

For what reason you say that ?

We fight US few times ,even now we do not like each other.

Only in the early of 1980s ,we two had limited cooperation to again Soviet Union , that 's the game of Big powers

And you tiny Viet can never understand.

You guys are not qualified to say we kneed before us , at least we do not have foreign Military base on our land .

You forget your ancestors who killed by US , you guys cooperate with US , accept support from both US and RU

You shameless Viet.
We are not voluntary help ?

It was HoChiMin who came to china for help , and what the hell you guys pay us if we are not "voluntary help"

We kneed before US ?

For what reason you say that ?

We fight US few times ,even now we do not like each other.

Only in the early of 1980s ,we two had limited cooperation to again Soviet Union , that 's the game of Big powers

And you tiny Viet can never understand.

You guys are not qualified to say we kneed before us , at least we do not have foreign Military base on our land .

You forget your ancestors who killed by US , you guys cooperate with US , accept support from both US and RU

You shameless Viet.

Chinese tried to cheat us to play big power game, so you think tiny Viet can never understand. :D
Chinese tried to cheat us to play big power game, so you think tiny Viet can never understand. :D
cheat you what ?

Maybe you can answer my 4 "Do we "

If you can not , get lost please.

Power game ?

You are playing Power game !!
cheat you what ?

Maybe you can answer my 4 "Do we "

If you can not , get lost please.

Power game ?

You are playing Power game !!
China supports to Vietnam were limited and double-faced. Your goal was NOT to help Vietnam to expel the invaders and unite the country, but to keep Vietnam weak and divided, with North Vietnam as a buffer zone for China. You stopped all supports when Vietnam prepared the decisive battles against the French and later the Americans.

If Vietnam followed Chinese miliary advices, Vietnam would have LOST the wars. Or ended up like North Korea today.

Put my words into your head: in the past, present and future, Vietnam NEVER allows foreigners, including Chinese, to make decisions in Central Military Command.

I hope you get it.
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China supports to Vietnam were limited and double-faced. Your goal was NOT to help Vietnam to expel the invaders and unite the country, but to keep Vietnam weak and divided, with North Vietnam as a buffer zone for China. You stopped all supports when Vietnam prepared the decisive battles against the French and later the Americans.

If Vietnam followed Chinese miliary advices, Vietnam would have LOST the wars. Or ended up like North Korea today.

Put my words into your head: in the past, present and future, Vietnam NEVER allows foreigners, including Chinese, to make decisions in Central Military Command.

If so , why you accept our food/armor/guns ?
If so , why you send military guys to our military university ?
If so, why you accept our military advisory group?
If so , why you accept our project team ?

You said we stopped all supports, please tell me the detail time.

Yes you never allow foreigners to make decisions in central military command, this is better than Korea, but both of you allow foreigner to keep a military base in your land ,am I wrong ?
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If so , why you accept our food/armor/guns ?
when you are at war, you will need to mobilise all internal and external resources. why should we deny foreign supports?

the French received supports from America when at war with Vietnam. The US financed nearly 80 per cent of all the costs.
Moreover, the French army employed massively foreign troops including from Germany. Large number of former German Wehrmacht troops served and died on the indochinese battlefields.

The Amercians, despite an economics and military superpower received supports and troops from many countries, including S Korea, Thailand and Australia.

Should Vietnam as a small and poor country fight with empty hands?
If so , why you send military guys to our military university ?
If so, why you accept our military advisory group?
If so , why you accept our project team ?
as I say, Vietnam sought and accepted all supports from friends and allies. China was just one of many countries. the Soviet Union was the major backing for Vietnam during the wars.
You said we stopped all supports, please tell me the detail time.

Yes you never allow foreigners to make decisions in central military command, this is better than Korea, but both of you allow foreigner to keep a military base in your land ,am I wrong ?
lay down your CCP propaganda for a while, and google yourself.

where were your soldiers and military advisers before and during the major battles during the wars? Dien Bien Phu, Spring, Easter and Saigon offensives, the air battles over the sky of Hanoi?

China always plays aggressive and dirty politics against Vietnam in the past and in the presence. I´m afraid, also in the future.

You raged more than 6 major wars against Vietnam.
You silently supported Champa to rage more than 10 wars against Vietnam.
You supported Cambodia to rage a war against Vietnam.

again, your supports were limited and double-faced. the PLA destroyed everything in our northern provinces in 1979, that you had built in Vietnam in decades.

why should we deny foreign military bases in Vietnam if they serve our national defence?
should we reject them just to please China?

Without China, Vietnam would be better off.

to be fair, I´m talking of hostile politics of China, common folks Chinese and Vietnamese are mostly nice toward each other.

Got it?
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