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Vietnam's president meets delegation of Chinese veterans in Hanoi


one of the major reasons why Vietnam fell to the French was Qing China reluctance of providing necessary supports to Vietnam. thank to your incompetence, the French used Vietnam as a base and launched attacks on China.

thanks God, you learned the lesson.


LOL. So your proof is a map showing supposedly French incursion into Chinese terrorities which may or may not have happened. Last time I recall kiddo, Frenchies never colonize China, but Vietnam.
You can thank me later for teaching you something. LOL.
PLS don´t talk bullshit. what can you teach Vietnam in warfare?
zero or nothing.

Chinese army sucks, because your fighting skills and warfare always lag behind of Vietnam. the 6 victories over China (the Han, Yuan, Song, Ming, Qing, and Deng) prove that. You have the number in men and weapons but not the quality.

Dai Viet helped Ming China to craft improved firearms and modern warfare. Without our help, Ming China would be looted and raped one more time again by the Mongols.

Without the latest encounter with Vietnam in 1979, today the PLA would still be stucked in a disorganised bunch, with soldiers reading Mao books, and officers linked more with CCP than modern warfare.

surely, Vietnam appreciated and thanked China help and assistance during the wars against France and America. But your claim China taught Vietnam in warfare is WRONG. Vietnam thanked for delivery of weapons and foods. There was not much of modern fighting skill coming from China, check yourself your performance against Korea, Russia and India.

Communist China supported Vietnam, just because you know what happened if you failed to do so:

the foreigners would use Vietnam as a base to launch invasion to China. Read what happened to Qing China after Vietnam fell to the French.

actually, Vietnam saved your a$$.

Vietnam has never defeated China ever. EVER!

Vietnamese army is a rag tag joke.

It was the PLA that fought the French and Americans in Vietnam. Vietnamese army was totally destroyed so Viet leaders begged for help from daddy China and so we came to your rescue.

It was the PLA that kicked the Yankees out of North Korea in the Korean War. We liberated North Korea. We liberated Vietnam.

It was the PLA that humiliated India in the 1962 war.

It was the PLA that kicked the Soviets out of the border invasion in 1969.

It was the PLA that crushed the Vietcongs in 1974, 1979 and 1988.

Vietnam barely has a military. Many of China's special forces could easily crush the ill equipped and poorly trained Vietnamese army.

Any war with the PLA will mean a crushing defeat to any Asian country.

Only the US could stand a chance against us and even they got waxed in the Korean War in no uncertain terms.

We have a missile force large enough to bomb any country back to the Stone Age. We don't need to land a single soldier or send a single plane to crush an enemy, especially an Asian enemy.

Our ballistic and cruise missiles can take out the military infrastructure of any Asian country.

China has short range, medium range, intermediate range and intercontinental range ballistic missiles. Hundreds of them!

Then we have subsonic and supersonic cruise missiles that can be delivered from ground, air, ship and submarine.

Then we have our artillery that can easily take out military targets in Vietnam.

It's one thing to talk tough and be brave, it's another thing to have a death wish messing with the PLA!

Chinese generals are cold, brutal and utterly ruthless men. Once the war starts, they won't give a damn about the casualties the PLA incurs, as long as the enemy is completely annihilated beyond repair.

Vietnam has nothing to counter our full range of Missiles, Air Force, surface ships and submarines. Then when you include our electronic and cyber warfare units, whatever minuscule chance you had is gone!

Sorry kid, this ain't some Mickey Mouse game you Vietcongs play in your little computers living in your own little fantasy world.
Vietnam has never defeated China ever. EVER!

Vietnamese army is a rag tag joke.

It was the PLA that fought the French and Americans in Vietnam. Vietnamese army was totally destroyed so Viet leaders begged for help from daddy China and so we came to your rescue.

It was the PLA that kicked the Yankees out of North Korea in the Korean War. We liberated North Korea. We liberated Vietnam.

It was the PLA that humiliated India in the 1962 war.

It was the PLA that kicked the Soviets out of the border invasion in 1969.

It was the PLA that crushed the Vietcongs in 1974, 1979 and 1988.

Vietnam barely has a military. Many of China's special forces could easily crush the ill equipped and poorly trained Vietnamese army.

Any war with the PLA will mean a crushing defeat to any Asian country.

Only the US could stand a chance against us and even they got waxed in the Korean War in no uncertain terms.

We have a missile force large enough to bomb any country back to the Stone Age. We don't need to land a single soldier or send a single plane to crush an enemy, especially an Asian enemy.

Our ballistic and cruise missiles can take out the military infrastructure of any Asian country.

China has short range, medium range, intermediate range and intercontinental range ballistic missiles. Hundreds of them!

Then we have subsonic and supersonic cruise missiles that can be delivered from ground, air, ship and submarine.

Then we have our artillery that can easily take out military targets in Vietnam.

It's one thing to talk tough and be brave, it's another thing to have a death wish messing with the PLA!

Chinese generals are cold, brutal and utterly ruthless men. Once the war starts, they won't give a damn about the casualties the PLA incurs, as long as the enemy is completely annihilated beyond repair.

Vietnam has nothing to counter our full range of Missiles, Air Force, surface ships and submarines. Then when you include our electronic and cyber warfare units, whatever minuscule chance you had is gone!

Sorry kid, this ain't some Mickey Mouse game you Vietcongs play in your little computers living in your own little fantasy world.
don´t wet your pants. Chinese army regardless of imperial or commie was defeated by Vietnam. 6 times. Despite chinese support, your ally Cambodia got crushed in a week, with 10,000 chinese military advisers were captured and sent to prison camps. LOL ...you are a loser.

talking tough does not change anthing, but perhaps encourage us to acquire nuclear deterrence.

I know you suffer depression because everytime when you wake up, you must realise Vietnam is still there, and not a province of China. :rofl:
don´t wet your pants. Chinese army regardless of imperial or commie was defeated by Vietnam. 6 times. Despite chinese support, your ally Cambodia got crushed in a week, with 10,000 chinese military advisers were captured and sent to prison camps. LOL ...you are a loser.

talking tough does not change anthing, but perhaps encourage us to acquire nuclear deterrence.

I know you suffer depression because everytime when you wake up, you must realise Vietnam is still there, and not a province of China. :rofl:
That was the sole reason why they initiated the 1979 war but they can't say that; they had to use the "ethnic cleansing" reason instead. They were so pissed at us for shelling Phnom Penh full of Chinese advisers during our 1979 war with the Rouge. :-)
don´t wet your pants. Chinese army regardless of imperial or commie was defeated by Vietnam. 6 times. Despite chinese support, your ally Cambodia got crushed in a week, with 10,000 chinese military advisers were captured and sent to prison camps. LOL ...you are a loser.

talking tough does not change anthing, but perhaps encourage us to acquire nuclear deterrence.

I know you suffer depression because everytime when you wake up, you must realise Vietnam is still there, and not a province of China. :rofl:

The only place Vietnam defeated China is in computer games. Never in real life. NEVER!

Cambodia was never crushed by weak Vietcongs. That's why they are our ally in ASEAN supporting our position in the South China Sea :lol:

Vietcongs couldn't acquire nuclear weapons if someone gave you the blueprints. Only in Vietcong dreams will defeated nations like Vietnam acquire nukes. Will NEVER happen in real life.

When you wake up in the morning, you see China getting stronger and stronger knowing Vietnam is utterly helpless and powerless to stop the rise of China.

Good luck trying to counter our Missile Forces, Air Force, Navy, Electronic and Cyber units.

Just remember, we create over $1 TRILLION worth of GDP EVERY YEAR. That's nearly 6 times the size of the entire poor Vietcong economy.

We manufacture our own weapons so whatever we lose we can make hundreds more of them. We can just pummel Vietcongs with little to no cost. Your pathetic rag tag military has nothing to counter us and certainly nothing to stop a barrage of attacks that will come wave after wave after wave targeting your military targets, industrial targets, commercial targets, infrastructure and population centers. Good luck surviving that kiddo :coffee:

Vietcongs are our little punching bag. We like beating you up like a red headed step child!

Don't get your hopes up little boy. But it's okay to dream for weakling countries :lol:
LOL. So your proof is a map showing supposedly French incursion into Chinese terrorities which may or may not have happened. Last time I recall kiddo, Frenchies never colonize China, but Vietnam.
You can thank me later for teaching you something. LOL.
you know nothing about France-China war 1883-1885? google is your friend.

no clue why both nations went to war?
answer: the French wanted to expel Chinese influence and control out of Tonkin (North Vietnam).

the naval battle of Fuzhou (1884)?
answer: where the French annihilated the entire Chinese naval Fujian fleet.

the lost of control over North Vietnam and the loss of Fujian fleet triggered the collapse of imperial China.

CCP eduction is likely the worst system in the world :hitwall:

Sino-French War (1883-85) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

That was the sole reason why they initiated the 1979 war but they can't say that; they had to use the "ethnic cleansing" reason instead. They were so pissed at us for shelling Phnom Penh full of Chinese advisers during our 1979 war with the Rouge. :-)
exactly. The Red Khmer gangsters killed Chinese migrants...and what did China do? nothing!
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you know nothing about France-China war 1883-1885? google is your friend.

no clue why both nations went to war?
answer: the French wanted to expel Chinese influence and control out of Tonkin (North Vietnam).

the naval battle of Fuzhou (1884)?
answer: where the French annihilated the entire Chinese naval Fujian fleet.

the lost of control over North Vietnam and the loss of Fujian fleet triggered the collapse of imperial China.

CCP eduction is likely the worst system in the world :hitwall:

Sino-French War (1883-85) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

exactly. The Red Khmer gangsters killed Chinese migrants...and what did China do? nothing!

Qing dynasty was already on the verge of collapse. The major battle might have been the straw that broke the camel's back, but my point is this- China was weak as hell, and the French cannot even administer one Chinese city, but they colonize you foos. Heck even Vietnam had a chance to grab a piece of China at that time but you missed the damn boat.

It took 8 countries to slowly tear China apart but only Uk managed to control HK and Portugal Macau which have been transferred back to mainland. Without Chinese help you still would be a French colony which might not have been bad for you guys. Imagine if you were, you guys would have better military weapons and be more civiliize.
You guys are really obsessive with us; from history, economy, industry,military............to even our pollution and cancer problem:o:

lol, we have just opened one or two topics related to Vietnam, and you called us being obsessed with Vietnam?

Then what @Krueger is? He is posting the negative news about China on a daily basis.
Soviet Union help plaid important role in victory of VNA in Vietnam war.

Soviet Jet-fighter MIG 21 and Vietnamese pilots.

Vietnam's President Truong Tan Sang (C, front) poses for group photos with a delegation of Chinese veterans who helped Vietnam to gain independence from foreign colonizers and their families in Vietnam's presidential palace in Hanoi, April 23, 2014. (Xinhua/VNA)

Vietnam's president meets delegation of Chinese veterans in Hanoi - Xinhua | English.news.cn


Even your President does admit that it was the "coward" and "greedy" China who helped you to gain your independence. :coffee:

This logistic truppsof PLA has been built the roads from China in to northern provinces of Vietnam. same such troops PLA attacked on Vietnam 1979, killed thousands of innocent Vietnamese in Sino Vietnam war.

funny comedian. LOL.

Vietnam has never defeated China ever. EVER!

Vietnamese army is a rag tag joke.

It was the PLA that fought the French and Americans in Vietnam. Vietnamese army was totally destroyed so Viet leaders begged for help from daddy China and so we came to your rescue.

It was the PLA that kicked the Yankees out of North Korea in the Korean War. We liberated North Korea. We liberated Vietnam.

It was the PLA that humiliated India in the 1962 war.

It was the PLA that kicked the Soviets out of the border invasion in 1969.

It was the PLA that crushed the Vietcongs in 1974, 1979 and 1988.

Vietnam barely has a military. Many of China's special forces could easily crush the ill equipped and poorly trained Vietnamese army.

Any war with the PLA will mean a crushing defeat to any Asian country.

Only the US could stand a chance against us and even they got waxed in the Korean War in no uncertain terms.

We have a missile force large enough to bomb any country back to the Stone Age. We don't need to land a single soldier or send a single plane to crush an enemy, especially an Asian enemy.

Our ballistic and cruise missiles can take out the military infrastructure of any Asian country.

China has short range, medium range, intermediate range and intercontinental range ballistic missiles. Hundreds of them!

Then we have subsonic and supersonic cruise missiles that can be delivered from ground, air, ship and submarine.

Then we have our artillery that can easily take out military targets in Vietnam.

It's one thing to talk tough and be brave, it's another thing to have a death wish messing with the PLA!

Chinese generals are cold, brutal and utterly ruthless men. Once the war starts, they won't give a damn about the casualties the PLA incurs, as long as the enemy is completely annihilated beyond repair.

Vietnam has nothing to counter our full range of Missiles, Air Force, surface ships and submarines. Then when you include our electronic and cyber warfare units, whatever minuscule chance you had is gone!

Sorry kid, this ain't some Mickey Mouse game you Vietcongs play in your little computers living in your own little fantasy world.

Your comments is show of true face of China, dirty aggressors.

many time we kicked ***, your ancestors ran back to China. we will take back our islands.
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china was honest to our enemy in Vietnam war.


I am curious about your mind !

Do you mean the establishment of the diplomatic relation with US is betraying you Viet?

Please do not be naive, the war or the politics between nations are not child game.

I do not understand why you guys always think we betray you.

US president visited china at 1972 ,and China US established diplomatic relation at 1979.

You say we betray you and kiss *** of US.

I am gonna ask you few questions.

1 Do we help US to attack Viet after 1972 and before Viet war end up ?

2 Do we cut off the supports ?

3 Do we stop the training of Vietcong in China military University ?

4 Do we change our public opinion in international ?

If the answer are "No", please tell me how we betray you .

if the answer are "yes", show your evidence.

Even during the visit of US president at 1972 , Mao told US president " We will support our brother Vietcong until US withdraw from Viet"
PLS don´t talk bullshit. what can you teach Vietnam in warfare?
zero or nothing.

Chinese army sucks, because your fighting skills and warfare always lag behind of Vietnam. the 6 victories over China (the Han, Yuan, Song, Ming, Qing, and Deng) prove that. You have the number in men and weapons but not the quality.

Dai Viet helped Ming China to craft improved firearms and modern warfare. Without our help, Ming China would be looted and raped one more time again by the Mongols.

Without the latest encounter with Vietnam in 1979, today the PLA would still be stucked in a disorganised bunch, with soldiers reading Mao books, and officers linked more with CCP than modern warfare.

surely, Vietnam appreciated and thanked China help and assistance during the wars against France and America. But your claim China taught Vietnam in warfare is WRONG. Vietnam thanked for delivery of weapons and foods. There was not much of modern fighting skill coming from China, check yourself your performance against Korea, Russia and India.
The last encounter between Vietnam.and China is in 1988 spratly skirmish and PLAN whip you... 7 islet under China command.
I am curious about your mind !

Do you mean the establishment of the diplomatic relation with US is betraying you Viet?

Please do not be naive, the war or the politics between nations are not child game.

I do not understand why you guys always think we betray you.

US president visited china at 1972 ,and China US established diplomatic relation at 1979.

You say we betray you and kiss *** of US.

I am gonna ask you few questions.

1 Do we help US to attack Viet after 1972 and before Viet war end up ?

2 Do we cut off the supports ?

3 Do we stop the training of Vietcong in China military University ?

4 Do we change our public opinion in international ?

If the answer are "No", please tell me how we betray you .

if the answer are "yes", show your evidence.

Even during the visit of US president at 1972 , Mao told US president " We will support our brother Vietcong until US withdraw from Viet"

China opened big mouth for " voluntary help" but you would like to take position in Vietnam war to deal politic bargain with USA in back of Vietnam.

China stop help from 1968 with withdraval such logistic gruppes PLA. when Vietnam war was going on brutally in Vietnam.

China 1972 shake hands with USA in Peking. "Paper tiger" USA become new master of China.

1974 attacked on Paracels Islands of us.

1975 China backed Khmer Rouge attacked on border of Vietnam.

1979 China PLA attacked Vietnam on the same roads Chinese built in Vietnam war, this is true intention of "help" from China.

China opened big mouth for " voluntary help" but you would like to take position in Vietnam war to deal politic bargain with USA in back of Vietnam.

China stop help from 1968 with withdraval such logistic gruppes PLA. when Vietnam war was going on brutally in Vietnam.

China 1972 shake hands with USA in Peking. "Paper tiger" USA become new master of China.

1974 attacked on Paracels Islands of us.

1975 China backed Khmer Rouge attacked on border of Vietnam.

1979 China PLA attacked Vietnam on the same roads Chinese built in Vietnam war, this is true intention of "help" from China.

You say we stop the support from 1968 , that's not true.

We kept support Vietcong until the war was over ,it was 1973

We supported Vietcong both in military and project.

Our project team build more than 1200km road and setup communication lines and so on, we finished all the required construction work which Vietcong asked china to do. You should know the difference between stop support and finish the work.

All of our team withdraw at Aug 1973 ,including military guys, after Vietcong and US signed the agreement .

About the sino-viet war , it was another issue .

If you guys did not attackThai Laos Cam,that would not happen.

If we had another choice ,we won't fight Vietcong,after all Viet had so many experienced troops at that time.

Anyway let's focus on whether we betray you during Viet War

China shake hands with USA does not mean we succumb to US.

Soviet shake hands with US many times ,that does not mean they liked each other

China kept communication with US during korea war , I damn sure we did not like each other at that time even now.

Politic between nations are not child game. You can not just fight to dead without negotiation .

Even you Viet establish diplomatic relation with US and accept the support from US today .

Can I say you guys betray your ancestor who died during the Viet War ?

Can I say you guys serve US as master ?
don´t wet your pants. Chinese army regardless of imperial or commie was defeated by Vietnam. 6 times. Despite chinese support, your ally Cambodia got crushed in a week, with 10,000 chinese military advisers were captured and sent to prison camps. LOL ...you are a loser.

talking tough does not change anthing, but perhaps encourage us to acquire nuclear deterrence.

I know you suffer depression because everytime when you wake up, you must realise Vietnam is still there, and not a province of China. :rofl:


The Jungle protected Viet in ancient time. Not the troop.

Please do not sound so proud and enraptured when you talk about Great Viet crush Cam in a week.

Remember how indignant you are when you guys talked to Fra and US ?

We do not suffer depression about Viet, instead , we enjoy the feeling.

Our ancestor are so great , they fight VIet until your king claim you are one of our vassals.

Yes , some time we failed , but how many times we beat you up?

We may fail one time but we will try again.

You can proud in front of everyone except CHINA, remember that.

Oh ,sorry. You can say proudly in front of Chinese: We are not vassal of China or someone else now.
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