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Vietnam’s economy grows at fastest pace since a decade

Vietnam is just a very small economy and will probably remains as one as her success depends on China.
High GDP tauntamount to nothing at that benchmark.

TPP is pact designed by developed nation to enslave 3rd World Economies.

Vietnamese may and have proudly proclaimed themselves as a member out of ignorance.
They are so ignorant that they thought developed nations like France, their former SLAVE MASTER will transfer their technologies to them, a 3rd world nation.
It has NEVER happened in history and will probably will like that for the rest of the centuries.

Smart nations such as Thailand, Philippines, etc have thoroughly study the 1,000 pages TPP agreement and its small prints and walk away with a conclusion that it is an act of enslavement by the developed nation. :coffee:

That is why TPP members e.g. Australia, Vietnam, etc also participate in the RCEP as an insurance.

TPP without a major consumer markets like USA or China is already FAILING!

That is why they even invited China but China refused.
Look good, but not as promising as it seems. Nothing of Vietnam today looks like Taiwan or Korea 60 years ago.

Since 1960s, Korea started to design and manufacture their own nuclear reactor. Their first line of subway (Seoul - Incheon) was built in early 1970, with mostly their own tech. North Korea could manufacture in large quantity (and good quality as well) their electric locomotives since 1960 - 1970s, or even turbines for power plant (which India cannot manufacture now for sure. If there is something built by Larsen and Tubro, they are mostly screw-driving works with imported components).

In Vietnam, the tiny heavy industry is slowly dying: Machine tools, tractors, diesel engines, gas engines, and being replaced by assembly line, which assemble cars, tractors etc. with from imported components. Even small items like electronic fans (Dien Co Thong Nhat), padlock (Viet Tiep, Minh Khai), bicycles (Thong Nhat) which Vietnam used to manufacture with good quality are being replaced by products actually made in China or elsewhere (but the brands are still Vietnamese).

I was at Minh Khai street to buy a padlock. One was "manufactured" by Viet Tiep, one was "manufactured" in Italy, as I was told. Both looked almost exactly the same. Very likely that both were manufactured in China (perhaps even same factory), but one was imported by Viet-Tiep and the other by some Italian manufacturers. Both want to retain their brands, but outsource all engineering and manufacturing works to China, because China can make it cheaper and better.

Yes, developing, but more similar to Thailand or Malaysia, not Korea or Taiwan.
Now is the best and also the last opportunity to develop Viet.
Coz China gov is still holding the will to advance win-win cooperation with VN and all other SA countries.
No matter you like it or not, CN is almost the biggest and the most dynamic eco in the world.
If you are reasonable, you should grab the opportunity and focus on developing.
I don't think such offer is always there.
Now is the best and also the last opportunity to develop Viet.
Coz China gov is still holding the will to advance win-win cooperation with VN and all other SA countries.
No matter you like it or not, CN is almost the biggest and the most dynamic eco in the world.
If you are reasonable, you should grab the opportunity and focus on developing.
I don't think such offer is always there.
TPP gonna save Vietnam, no need for China help :lol:
Vietnam is just a very small economy and will probably remains as one as her success depends on China.
High GDP tauntamount to nothing at that benchmark.

TPP is pact designed by developed nation to enslave 3rd World Economies.

Vietnamese may and have proudly proclaimed themselves as a member out of ignorance.
They are so ignorant that they thought developed nations like France, their former SLAVE MASTER will transfer their technologies to them, a 3rd world nation.
It has NEVER happened in history and will probably will like that for the rest of the centuries.

Smart nations such as Thailand, Philippines, etc have thoroughly study the 1,000 pages TPP agreement and its small prints and walk away with a conclusion that it is an act of enslavement by the developed nation. :coffee:

That is why TPP members e.g. Australia, Vietnam, etc also participate in the RCEP as an insurance.

TPP without a major consumer markets like USA or China is already FAILING!

That is why they even invited China but China refused.
How CN economy grew since 1978 ?? Oh, it thanks to Deng's @zz licking policy when begging cheap Yen in JP who rape,kill,burn millions Cnese.

Keep licking Jap's @zz,Dud. Our army is not coward and corrupted like your PLA. If France-Jap wanna get benefit in VN, then they must help VN to localize up to 40% of their high tech products :cool:
How CN economy grew since 1978 ?? Oh, it thanks to Deng's @zz licking policy when begging cheap Yen in JP who rape,kill,burn millions Cnese.

Keep licking Jap's @zz,Dud. Our army is not coward and corrupted like your PLA. If France-Jap wanna get benefit in VN, then they must help VN to localize up to 40% of their high tech products :cool:
You do realize CAPRICORN is not Chinese. Wow, I am shocked at how narrowminded you guys are. Thank god I'm not living in Vietnam.
How CN economy grew since 1978 ?? Oh, it thanks to Deng's @zz licking policy when begging cheap Yen in JP who rape,kill,burn millions Cnese.

Keep licking Jap's @zz,Dud. Our army is not coward and corrupted like your PLA. If France-Jap wanna get benefit in VN, then they must help VN to localize up to 40% of their high tech products :cool:

Without our water, Vietnam is hopeless even with high tech, we can make Vietnam GPD growth negatively.:lol:
Without our water, Vietnam is hopeless even with high tech, we can make Vietnam GPD growth negatively.:lol:
Let's not escalate this into a mouth war. The Viets hate us no matter what; no need to talk sense into them. I'm sure our leaders are aware of their unwarranted animosity so no need to care at all. If Vietnam is doing well, then good for them. There is no need to talk crap at them like what they do because it's waste of time. Also, you could make yourself look stupid. You know how stupid they look when they do it; there's no need to look as stupid as they are. 让他们继续意淫。
Let's not escalate this into a mouth war. The Viets hate us no matter what; no need to talk sense into them. I'm sure our leaders are aware of their unwarranted animosity so no need to care at all. If Vietnam is doing well, then good for them. There is no need to talk crap at them like what they do because it's waste of time. Also, you could make yourself look stupid. You know how stupid they look when they do it; there's no need to look as stupid as they are. 让他们继续意淫。

Some time reply to their stupidity with stupidity is the only language they understand :p:
Now is the best and also the last opportunity to develop Viet.
Coz China gov is still holding the will to advance win-win cooperation with VN and all other SA countries.
No matter you like it or not, CN is almost the biggest and the most dynamic eco in the world.
If you are reasonable, you should grab the opportunity and focus on developing.
I don't think such offer is always there.
China still have a score to settle with Vietnam regarding the SCS islands
Excellent news and best wishes to Vietnam to keep this up @Viet and friends.

I hope more Vietnamese companies tie up to export OEM manufactures to India (for assembly) and other countries in the region....while this window we are currently in lasts for some more years. We all can use your supply and you are more open to our supply too.
My friend I see bright prospect for our relationship. You buy from Vietnam, we buy from India. Win win. Here the world’s most heavy terminal crane on the way to Mumbai: weight 1,500 ton each. An order of 12 cranes with 4 having already shipped previously.



Congratulations! I hope Vietnam will grow even faster in the years to come. I can't wait to see the diligent Vietnamese people put their ingenuity to some good work.
A rising Vietnam will provide balance of power in the region. Both economy and military sphere. Good for everybody. Long before the arrival of the colonial powers the British and the French, even the Thai were so fearful of Vietnam, they paid respect and tribute to our Emperor without we asked them. Haha.
Let's not escalate this into a mouth war. The Viets hate us no matter what; no need to talk sense into them. I'm sure our leaders are aware of their unwarranted animosity so no need to care at all. If Vietnam is doing well, then good for them. There is no need to talk crap at them like what they do because it's waste of time. Also, you could make yourself look stupid. You know how stupid they look when they do it; there's no need to look as stupid as they are. 让他们继续意淫。
Good comment.insulting ppl on internet will not make u look stronger while everyone still laughing at your cowardice and corrupted PLA after the lost of oil rig conflict in 2014.

Unlike CN growth that depend too much on Deng's @zz licking policy when begging for Jap money since 1978 and will get in big trouble if daddy US-JP stop support, VN's growth is steady and firmly, backup by strong VN army and full support from Russia plus incoming support from India-France-TPP.

CN economy is so much fragile due to corrupted and cowardice proplem ( economy falling without daddy Trump-Abe's help) while our growth and influence expansion is hard to stop even if CN-US-Jap try to contain VN-Russia again.

From now,Cnese should care abt their own problems ( corrupted Govt and army, lack of fertile lands, food, water and resouces ) instead of keep embarrassing yourselves on internet :cool:
How CN economy grew since 1978 ?? Oh, it thanks to Deng's @zz licking policy when begging cheap Yen in JP who rape,kill,burn millions Cnese.

Keep licking Jap's @zz,Dud. Our army is not coward and corrupted like your PLA. If France-Jap wanna get benefit in VN, then they must help VN to localize up to 40% of their high tech products :cool:
Let's not escalate this into a mouth war. The Viets hate us no matter what; no need to talk sense into them. I'm sure our leaders are aware of their unwarranted animosity so no need to care at all. If Vietnam is doing well, then good for them. There is no need to talk crap at them like what they do because it's waste of time. Also, you could make yourself look stupid. You know how stupid they look when they do it; there's no need to look as stupid as they are. 让他们继续意淫。
Many Vietnamese don't like the Chinese but not to this extent.
This @Viva_Viet is certainly from GANGADESH.
And he drink lots of COW COLA.
Many Vietnamese don't like the Chinese but not to this extent.
This @Viva_Viet is certainly from GANGADESH.
And he drink lots of COW COLA.
I just cant stop laughing when seeing the falling of CN economy despite Deng trying hard in 1978 wt @zz licking policy to receive cheap Yen

U cant win the game just by bowing down and lick @zz of the fascist killer and raper like Jap :laugh:
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